Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

Dude, you're really taking this to a level it doesn't need to be.

Let us keep it #1HUNNA, you have not been a saint in all your time of NT. You have been antagonizing, said things that could be interpreted as bigotry towards white and Asian people, and have gone off on people with some serious disrespect. Tons of people have complained about you in other threads. So you have probably received breaks from the mods you don't even realize it, I know I have, many other members have as well.

Meth is just telling you that he is not your personal bodyguard, he is asking everyone to do better you especially. Instead of swallowing your pride, you want to throw a tantrum.

BTW, Like you are not required to post on NT, or get your way in discussions. If you hate how NT is moderated so badly, you have options.

Just let it go
This is funny but SC being asian I wonder how fast this thread is deleted had H2H been the one trolling the titles?

you already know

look how they acting already

blame me for the thread getting derailed when obviously i did it all by myself right?

after my first post about oprah i came all up in here looking for attention and posting it over and over and over again until finally someone commented on it right?

i aint see not one mod in here while im personally and individually doing all this derailing though

but now its like to see the thread back on topic right?

look how fast they locked the topic i just made
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Dude, you're really taking this to a level it doesn't need to be.

Let us keep it #1HUNNA, you have not been a saint in all your time of NT. You have been antagonizing, said things that could be interpreted as bigotry towards white and Asian people, and have gone off on people with some serious disrespect. So you have probably received breaks from the mods you don't even realize it.

I know I have, a lot of members have. Meth is just telling you that he is not your personal bodyguard, he is asking everyone to do better you especially. Instead of swallow your pride, you want to throw a tantrum.

Like you are not required to post on NT, or get your way in discussions. If you hate how NT is moderated so badly, you have options.

wait so now all what i post in the past is on trial now?

what the hell you talkin about swallow my pride? i didnt change the damn title to put myself on blast did i?

im throwin a tantrum because this has gone beyond just a disagreement its outright character assassination and bodyguard or not there isnt a reason why based on what ive posted in this thread i shouldnt be angry

i didnt namecall anyone, i didnt say anything personal about anyone

who did i personally attack, you say i post things about whites and asians?

who did i tag to these posts?

nevermind that people can accuse me of lying or call me stupid im supposed to just accept that quietly i know already

so now its about being required to post or getting my own way?

getting my own way is getting to express my opinion

if people disagree or not i shouldnt be subject to such public scrutiny based on an outright lie

i want the best for nt and for members despite disagreements to be civil

if youre basically saying i can take it or leave it then this sounds like a community that is not welcoming at all
I'm telling you if you can't handle getting your way in a discussion, and the NT mods not being your personal bodyguards, then no one is requiring you to put up with such "abuse"

You are not some victim, you're just an entitlement dude not getting his way.
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I'm telling you if you can't handle getting your way in discussion and the NT mods being your personal bodyguards, then NT might not be the place for you.

You are not some victim, you're just an entitlement dude not getting his way.

congrats you got ur meth like

again its not about getting my way its about being civil

i can handle disagreeing, apparently nt cant due to this being 20 pages of me derailing all by myself

and also its not about them being "personal" bodyguards it about doing whats right for ALL its members, not just the ones you always agree with

i am a victim because the thread title is still there

i never said boycott oprah therefore that a TRUE misrepresentation being broadcast to NT

but since its me and im always never a victim im just always entitled to want decency and civility then **** me right

hopefully ill get so mad over this ill just leave nt right?
congrats you got ur meth like

again its not about getting my its about being civil

and also its not about them being "personal" bodyguards it about doing whats right for ALL its members, not just the ones you always agree with

i am a victim because the thread title is still there

i never said boycott oprah therefore that a TRUE misrepresentation being broadcast to NT

but since its me and im always never a victim im just always entitled to want decency and civility then **** me right

hopefully ill get so mad over this ill just leave nt right?
Nope, I don't wish for you to leave NT. I hope you stay

However, if this situation has been so unpleasant for you, maybe should keep that in mind for future discussions.

It really is not that serious. Take it from someone that has taken one too many arguments on NT too seriously.
You guys are still arguing with this weirdo in 2018?

Do yourselves all a favor and block him, NT is somewhat tolerable once you do.

case in point - weirdo

now if i call names im wrong

i must have said something 4 years ago that he's still mad about right?

but im not a victim cuz if i said something that long its ok for him to call me a weirdo today right?

i tagged this guy and told him come here and say that right?

but im not a victim when everybody wants to take shots at me

but lest i say something or post something you dont like you dont see me going around nt antagonizing users like yall do me

but im just entitled right?
Nope, I don't wish for you to leave NT. I hope you stay

However, if this situation has been so unpleasant for you, maybe should keep that in mind for future discussions.

It really is not that serious. Take it from someone that has taken one too many arguments on NT too seriously.

i never took it seriously in that sense

but its the principle of being called out for an offhand comment and being held to the fire over it

like im supposed to supplicate myself cuz dudes take what i said to every extreme they could think of
i aint see not one mod in here while im personally and individually doing all this derailing though
You're the one who called me in here and I responded quickly. Now you're upset because I didn't intuitively sense the derailment and ask you to stop immediately?

You're asking me to call a touch foul. The original title was something like "Mo'Nique wants you to boycott Netflix." At some point, you posted a hot take about Oprah, and, because you refuse to let it drop, only one of two things will now get this back on track:

1) Remove you from the thread.
2) Ensure that no other user expresses disagreement with you.

Now that this thread is all about your disdain for Oprah Winfrey's acting career, the topic starter inserted your name into the original thread title. "Person wants you to boycott _______. "

In addition to referencing the original thread title, it doesn't strike me as a malicious distortion of your views - at least, no more than you've done in the process of arguing.

If I oppose the casting decisions in "Exodus," and I'm at all sincere in my opposition to whitewashing, it seems linear that I'd boycott the film, and other films produced by those responsible.

Nobody likes to have words put in their mouths, but if you believe you've done no harm by manipulating quotes while maintaining what was, in your mind, the general spirit of the original statement, why should that suddenly become character assassination and abuse when done to you?

If you want me to come in here and start calling touch fouls, don't ask me to be selective about it. That means handling the derailment and any other minor issues.

I thought everyone would rather handle this like adults, with civility, and not pretend this is world war 3.

If not, I can always proceed with the thread bans and forced topic change. It's up to you guys.
Son is mad salty making up threads bawling about this :lol:

first of all that quote wasnt misrepresenting anything

i changed it to show the irony of how he could be in here trolling me over my opinion about oprah and then say the same things ive been about her about bautista

it wasnt to say thats what he said in here and yet and still where did i put this in a title for all of NT to see and make opinions without knowing the whole story?

people do it all the time as a joke but now its im misrepresenting people deliberately

and how did i derail the thread when i made my comment a month ago?

its not trolling for people to continuously quote me and make jokes right?

im not supposed to respond to none of that im supposed to "let it go" when its other people doing the derailing right?

i thought we were adults here and could disagree about opinions without all the shenanigans but meth you proved i was wrong and you tacitly approve of it

sad day for nt truly

You got my SN quoted to a post I did not make but you didn't misrepresent anything?
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how is it any different then when ppl quote ppl and post fixed after?

u said what u said about batista and i same the exact thing in here about oprah

thats all that was

not misrepresenting you or trying to make anyone think you said that

and the difference between opposing exodus and whitewashing in general to boycott is that my opinion on oprah is not so extreme as to say boycott cuz i dont like the fact that she acts

i said multiple times in here how i have no problem with oprah outside of acting

but that means boycott everything else she does and even to suggest boycotting her movies at all

again how am i responsible for "keeping it going" when its multiple ppl quoting me and taking pot shots over a month old hot take?

but the onus is on me to just leave it alone right?

i posted nothing to deserve the level of animus i received at any individual poster by @ing them or else

expressing disagreement is fine with me but to express disagreement with my opinion is it necessary that im stupid, an idiot, lying, etc etc

i never asked anyone in this thread for their opinion of my comment if others disagree thats fine but im not going to sit by and let jokes fly or not respond if someone truly wants to debate

and the reason its character abuse when done to me is because its the title of the thread so all nt sees me now misrepresented unduly
again whos hating?

u really cant say nothing on here without someone taking it to an extreme

in real life, if someone said to you damn i think oprah could retire from acting now, are you really gonna go off on how theyre absolutely hating on oprah, calling for boycotts on her etc

or is it just one little simple comment, one little opinion or suggestion that really doesnt need to be analyzed and dissected to the 10th degree
The thread title has been changed. If you’re not interested in discussing the original topic, Mo’Nique and her Netflix offer, post someplace else.

The tangent ends here.

not misrepresenting you or trying to make anyone think you said that
You modified his quote to put words in his mouth. You felt you didn’t change the meaning, yet the person you misquoted did. That’s exactly what you took issue with the topic starter doing.

Learn from it and move on. You wanted your name out of the topic, so this thread is no longer about you.
speaking of monique she lost her core fanbase when she came out saying she lets her man cheat

I think she lost her core fanbase when she lost weight. Her whole shtick was being a big woman ****ting on slim/skinny women, then she became one :lol:
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Yeah she's still big. If the thing about letting her husband cheat is true than I might be a fan now. She's a soldier.
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