*Moderate POT SMOKING not harmful to the lungs; actually increases lung capacity!* vol. Rejoice!

Feb 20, 2004
(01-10) 12:55 PST SAN FRANCISCO --

Smoking a joint or a bowl from time to time appears to cause no long-term damage to the lungs, according to a UCSF study that disproves one of the major concerns about marijuana use - that inhaling anything other than air on a regular basis must be harmful.
The study, results of which were published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the lung capacity of people who smoked marijuana was not diminished by lighting up, even among those who smoked once or twice a week.

Smoking 20 or more joints a month did have a negative impact on the pulmonary system, but that level of marijuana use is unusual. For occasional users, smoking marijuana was actually associated with a small but statistically significant increase in lung capacity - perhaps caused by the deep-breathing pot smokers use to draw the drug into their lungs.

Researchers were reluctant to give the all clear to anyone who wants to smoke pot, but the results - and the fact that they were published in a major medical journal - should reassure doctors and patients who are tempted to use marijuana for treatment, primarily to ease pain and nausea, said Dr. Mark Pletcher, a UCSF epidemiologist and lead author of the study.

"Moderate levels of exposure to marijuana don't seem to have any adverse effects in terms of pulmonary function," Pletcher said. "That was a little surprising to me, honestly. I thought we were going to find a small decline in pulmonary function, similar to what we'd find with tobacco."

Smoking cigarettes has such dramatic, long-term health consequences - including emphysema and lung cancer - that doctors have long assumed that marijuana smoking, too, must be detrimental.

The study, which looked at 5,115 men and women over a 20-year period, found that people were just about as likely to smoke marijuana as cigarettes, and many participants smoked both. People who smoked cigarettes, however, were more likely to be heavy users - on average about eight cigarettes a day - than marijuana smokers, who lit up on average two or three times a month.

It's likely that the main reason that marijuana smoke doesn't seem to affect lung function the way tobacco does is because people simply don't use the drug as much as they use tobacco. But it's also possible, scientists said, that marijuana smoke just isn't as damaging as tobacco smoke.

"No one would ever claim that drinking water has the same effect as drinking vodka, even though they're both liquids and you're ingesting them the same way. But for some reason we have assumed that because we know the negative outcomes with cigarettes, inhaling any plant material is going to have the same outcomes," said Amanda Reiman, a UC Berkeley lecturer and director of research at the Berkeley Patients Group, a medical marijuana dispensary.

"This study is challenging the preconceived notions we've had for some time about the dangers of smoking cannabis and the similarities to smoking tobacco," she said.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/01/10/BA6G1MNA0G.DTL#ixzz1j5sNdMCH

Originally Posted by wcghost

(01-10) 12:55 PST SAN FRANCISCO --

Smoking a joint or a bowl from time to time appears to cause no long-term damage to the lungs, according to a UCSF study that disproves one of the major concerns about marijuana use - that inhaling anything other than air on a regular basis must be harmful.
The study, results of which were published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the lung capacity of people who smoked marijuana was not diminished by lighting up, even among those who smoked once or twice a week.

Smoking 20 or more joints a month did have a negative impact on the pulmonary system, but that level of marijuana use is unusual. For occasional users, smoking marijuana was actually associated with a small but statistically significant increase in lung capacity - perhaps caused by the deep-breathing pot smokers use to draw the drug into their lungs.

Researchers were reluctant to give the all clear to anyone who wants to smoke pot, but the results - and the fact that they were published in a major medical journal - should reassure doctors and patients who are tempted to use marijuana for treatment, primarily to ease pain and nausea, said Dr. Mark Pletcher, a UCSF epidemiologist and lead author of the study.

"Moderate levels of exposure to marijuana don't seem to have any adverse effects in terms of pulmonary function," Pletcher said. "That was a little surprising to me, honestly. I thought we were going to find a small decline in pulmonary function, similar to what we'd find with tobacco."

Smoking cigarettes has such dramatic, long-term health consequences - including emphysema and lung cancer - that doctors have long assumed that marijuana smoking, too, must be detrimental.

The study, which looked at 5,115 men and women over a 20-year period, found that people were just about as likely to smoke marijuana as cigarettes, and many participants smoked both. People who smoked cigarettes, however, were more likely to be heavy users - on average about eight cigarettes a day - than marijuana smokers, who lit up on average two or three times a month.

It's likely that the main reason that marijuana smoke doesn't seem to affect lung function the way tobacco does is because people simply don't use the drug as much as they use tobacco. But it's also possible, scientists said, that marijuana smoke just isn't as damaging as tobacco smoke.

"No one would ever claim that drinking water has the same effect as drinking vodka, even though they're both liquids and you're ingesting them the same way. But for some reason we have assumed that because we know the negative outcomes with cigarettes, inhaling any plant material is going to have the same outcomes," said Amanda Reiman, a UC Berkeley lecturer and director of research at the Berkeley Patients Group, a medical marijuana dispensary.

"This study is challenging the preconceived notions we've had for some time about the dangers of smoking cannabis and the similarities to smoking tobacco," she said.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/01/10/BA6G1MNA0G.DTL#ixzz1j5sNdMCH
I'm sorry but this is akin to deciding between smoking/inhaling glass shards or pollen grains.

One is clearly more dangerous than the other, but to assert that inhaling particulate matter of any sort is inherently GOOD for you seems to be innately contradictory and unsubstantiated. 

There was no conclusion reached here.

Additionally, anyone who has actually studied a lung in person or had the opportunity to dissect one and learn how it works on a molecular level will tell you that inhaling ANYTHING other than AIR over a long period of time isn't good for that organ.

On top of that, the periods of measured use of the drug were not the same. They compared people who smoked 8 cigs a day to those who smoked a few times a week or that many times per month. CLEARLY there will be a difference. 

Saying something "isn't as bad" doesn't mean that its "good" for you either. 

What's worse, being beat up or being raped? Both kinda suck, but one might have more lasting effects. 
Smoke in the lungs is never a good thing. Other alternatives are; Vaporize. Use Hemp Wicks to reduce the irritants in butane fuel. Edibles.
Originally Posted by mases apprentice

i only smoke blunts...so am i gunna die?

...you should probably switch to unbleached king size hemp papers like RAW's or rice papers like Elements. Yeah blunts work better outside but joints dont smell as strong when burned and a theyre bit smoother. a fresh rolled J w/ crutch and grinded bud =

@ the UCSF study tho. Ive always known moderate weed was harmless and increases lung capacity ...hell...look at UFC fighter Nick Diaz, dudes a major pot head with the best cardio/stamina in the game and does a ton of triathlons and !@$@.
Originally Posted by mases apprentice

i only smoke blunts...so am i gunna die?

i was smoking like crazy from October 15 to January 2 and i feel a lot better with no smoke in my lungs let alone my body
i give myself a 10 month break from 2005 to 2008 each year

in 2009 and 2010 all i did was go reffer crazy and smoke all day everyday 

aint smoke no joint bong or pipe 

just blunts more then 10 a day in the past 2 in and half months

its b.s smoke in the body is no good   

i dont believe it for one second 
been on my daily for almost 7 years now......

Healthiest I have ever been, granted I eat right and workout, but I haven't had any type of sinus infection or common cold in 4 years.

In my experiences and observance, herb acts as a enhancer......if you were a lazy bum before you started smoking....your going to end up like a ULTRA-lazy bum and visa versa

my personal .2 cents from experience
I don't do it so much anymore but I used to do it 3 or 4 times a month and I honestly don't think it negatively affects you at all, if anything my grades got better then and I could still run just fine
Originally Posted by Kramer

I don't do it so much anymore but I used to do it 3 or 4 times a month and I honestly don't think it negatively affects you at all, if anything my grades got better then and I could still run just fine

QFT, my grades were better when I was smoking on the regular. I felt I could concentrate more while studies since I had to use more brain power to concentrate on things while high if that makes any sense. It also gave me motivation to get my work done so I could smoke at the end of the night and relax
dat ganja affects everyone differently but working out or hoopin after 

For me, I concentrate better and actually get an energy boost, which has helped me increase the amount of miles that I can run. I am a moderate smoker and for the last 2 months have ran 6-8 miles daily.

C'MON! Even 14x Olympic Gold Medalist, Michael Phelps hits the ROOЯ.
LOL WEED FACTS. always some research and some new article daily... still not fooling no one.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by wcghost

(01-10) 12:55 PST SAN FRANCISCO --

Smoking a joint or a bowl from time to time appears to cause no long-term damage to the lungs, according to a UCSF study that disproves one of the major concerns about marijuana use - that inhaling anything other than air on a regular basis must be harmful.
The study, results of which were published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the lung capacity of people who smoked marijuana was not diminished by lighting up, even among those who smoked once or twice a week.

Smoking 20 or more joints a month did have a negative impact on the pulmonary system, but that level of marijuana use is unusual. For occasional users, smoking marijuana was actually associated with a small but statistically significant increase in lung capacity - perhaps caused by the deep-breathing pot smokers use to draw the drug into their lungs.

Researchers were reluctant to give the all clear to anyone who wants to smoke pot, but the results - and the fact that they were published in a major medical journal - should reassure doctors and patients who are tempted to use marijuana for treatment, primarily to ease pain and nausea, said Dr. Mark Pletcher, a UCSF epidemiologist and lead author of the study.

"Moderate levels of exposure to marijuana don't seem to have any adverse effects in terms of pulmonary function," Pletcher said. "That was a little surprising to me, honestly. I thought we were going to find a small decline in pulmonary function, similar to what we'd find with tobacco."

Smoking cigarettes has such dramatic, long-term health consequences - including emphysema and lung cancer - that doctors have long assumed that marijuana smoking, too, must be detrimental.

The study, which looked at 5,115 men and women over a 20-year period, found that people were just about as likely to smoke marijuana as cigarettes, and many participants smoked both. People who smoked cigarettes, however, were more likely to be heavy users - on average about eight cigarettes a day - than marijuana smokers, who lit up on average two or three times a month.

It's likely that the main reason that marijuana smoke doesn't seem to affect lung function the way tobacco does is because people simply don't use the drug as much as they use tobacco. But it's also possible, scientists said, that marijuana smoke just isn't as damaging as tobacco smoke.

"No one would ever claim that drinking water has the same effect as drinking vodka, even though they're both liquids and you're ingesting them the same way. But for some reason we have assumed that because we know the negative outcomes with cigarettes, inhaling any plant material is going to have the same outcomes," said Amanda Reiman, a UC Berkeley lecturer and director of research at the Berkeley Patients Group, a medical marijuana dispensary.

"This study is challenging the preconceived notions we've had for some time about the dangers of smoking cannabis and the similarities to smoking tobacco," she said.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/01/10/BA6G1MNA0G.DTL#ixzz1j5sNdMCH
I'm sorry but this is akin to deciding between smoking/inhaling glass shards or pollen grains.

One is clearly more dangerous than the other, but to assert that inhaling particulate matter of any sort is inherently GOOD for you seems to be innately contradictory and unsubstantiated. 

There was no conclusion reached here.

Additionally, anyone who has actually studied a lung in person or had the opportunity to dissect one and learn how it works on a molecular level will tell you that inhaling ANYTHING other than AIR over a long period of time isn't good for that organ.

On top of that, the periods of measured use of the drug were not the same. They compared people who smoked 8 cigs a day to those who smoked a few times a week or that many times per month. CLEARLY there will be a difference. 

Saying something "isn't as bad" doesn't mean that its "good" for you either. 

What's worse, being beat up or being raped? Both kinda suck, but one might have more lasting effects. 

there's plenty of studies that show that marijuana promotes neurogenesis and kills cancer cells. and i agree that inhaling burning plant matter is bad for you...that's what vaporizers are for though
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