Moderator/Admin Appreciation Post

Yeah, you really are sorry if that's how your elders taught you to apologize to people. Here WE are agruing w/ EACHOTHER, and you are pulling the same cardyou accussed me of pulling, that whole "i ain't sorry and i'll keep insulting you but i don't wanna talk about it anymore" thing. I guessthe "thug" label wasn't effective enough to beat me in an arguement so you're gonna try the "NT addict" label..but Meth..., thereyou go insulting me again duke. I don't get it man. You are an ADMIN on this bored, i just post. It's a SERIOUS committment to you, and a hobby tome....and I don't got nothing to do???? I'm postng while my floor dries, you're ADMINing on a national holiday....

Look man... Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for doing your job to make NT a pretty cool place. I mean that. I'm pretty thankful for NT. I'd really like tolet this go now. I have nothing further to say, honestly. Enjoy the holidays.
Yeah, you really are sorry if that's how your elders taught you to apologize to people.
Right back at'cha, slick. The difference is: I wasn't apologizing. You may have taken offense to certain comments, which isregrettable, but your insults were completely overt and intentional. Want to pretend we're cops? Go shove a cop in the back, call him names, and tell methe worst he's gonna do is call you by the name on your driver's license instead of your nickname. Under the circumstances, the staff has been morethan civil to you.

there you go insulting me again duke.
How is "I'm sorry you don't have something better to do on thanksgiving" an insult? It's the truth. I'm honestly sorrythat this is that serious for you. I think it's ridiculous to think we've scarred you that deeply, but I'm nonetheless sorry that it'saffected you this much.

I'm postng while my floor dries, you're ADMINing on a national holiday....
Someone has to. This is the first time I've checked today, but someone has to check in periodically.

No reason to be salty because I have an attachment to the community I co-founded. We're doing something with NT. We gave well over $30,000 to charitythis year. It's important to those causes and it's important to thousands of viewers and members from around the world. If you don't post on aholiday, it's whatever. If no staff members are around, potentially thousands of kids could be exposed to porn etc. on a website their parents trust. So,yes, I will take 10 minutes here and there throughout the day to check in.

It's not playing a "no life card," it's a matter of priorities. There's a reason that NT is important to me today. Of all the things inyour life, I'm genuinely sorry this has any meaning to you right now. Again, I'll get to the rest later because I don't have time for it now, butI do wish you and every one of our members celebrating today a happy holiday.
Someone has to. This is the first time I've checked today, but someone has to check in periodically.

Not a holiday here so I've been hanging around all day.

Like usual.
Damn people just don't appreciate all the hard work that the staff put in to make NT an enjoyable place.... howsad....

Thanks for making NT what it efforts are very much appreciated.
For the record:

I changed and made my comment as politically correct as it's gonna get. Any further changes and it would no longer be my true opinion.
You're entitled to your negative opinions of someone - but you're not entitled to express those opinions publicly on NikeTalk. If youvisit the rules page, before you even get to rule one you see this: Every member on this board DESERVES RESPECT and has the right to voice their opinions. You can disagree with someone without disrespecting them. Disagree with ideas, not with people.

You don't have the "right" to insult other NikeTalk members, including staff members, simply because it's your "trueopinion." That's never been the case. Someone in a PYP thread may sincerely think that Person X looks like (insert unflattering pop culturereference here). How many people have we banned for that now? Over/under is probably 100, at least.

1. "Genius" is no more of an insult than calling me "Chief" when I clearly said that wasn't my name or a name I prefer to be called, though in reality I'd be offended by neither. It's a matter of principle. And as a matter of principle, as long as Dirty has a point to prove by saying "sure thing Chief" in a snide way, I'll call whomever I please "Genius", Genius...
Chief is the name you created when you signed up for this board. Simply because you prefer to have the staff address you by your banned screenname doesn't mean we have to. If Bastitch decides that he'd prefer you to address him as "Master of the Universe," you're under noobligation to do so. I didn't call you names, I called you by the name you used to create the site.

The "genius" stuff is obviously disrespectful. You're talking about members being too sensitive, you're upset because you're beingaddressed by the screenname you signed up with instead of your preference and, again, who do you think you are to say "No, you all shall hereafter addressme by _______." Please.

2. "Get off my tip" is perfectly fine under the ROC, just as long as "tip" means "case" and not "penis", which in this case it does.
What do you think, that the staff members are corn-fed 50 year old republicans who grew up in Iowa? This ain't ISS. We all know what itmeans. It's disrespectful. If you wanted to say "get off my case" you would have. You said "tip." We all know the implication ofthat, so don't make yourself look silly by feigning ignorance. If a staff member told you "get off my tip," you'd be justifiably upset - andyou know that's true.
With that said, you're insulting my character and being a pretty solid hypocrite in the process. It's "cute" That you don't see how parallel this all is.
Your posts do a fine job of portraying your "character" (persona?) in a negative light as it is. I've been far more respectful overthe course of this thread than you have. That much is obvious.
I didn't even see the thread this guy's complaining about, but obviously there WAS notification about the rule.
The PM Dirty send you WAS in response to a thread. You've said as much. I didn't see that thread, I didn't know the circumstancessurrounding it. You're grasping at straws.
6b. Nope, Dirty sent the original message in response to a thread I made in which I put my SN as a search tag... I had not communicated with him prior to that message in regards to this situation. Actually, I let it go. I responded sarcastically, because that's what us NTers do, but besides that I didn't sweat it. you made a bigger deal out of it then I did. Actually, you're whining right now. You won't even let me say "nvm...eff it". I also believe, I only called him an intentionally childish name after he childishly refused to call me by my name. He chose to call me another man's name, and I responded similarly by calling him out of his.
You put your sn as a search tag, we have a featured post that specifically advises against this. He sent you a PM to indicate he wouldn'targue about it, that the lock is what it is and isn't open for debate. I fail to see the problem. It sounds to me like you sent something disrespectfulback, which he let slide, and obviously you're minimizing how disrespectful you were to him. If we pasted your response and his original PM back to back,I think we'd get a good sense of who's really crossing the line in all of this.

To say "nevermind" would be to go back, edit out the entire post, and pretend nothing happened. We see that all the time. Someone makes a frivolousthread in poor taste, thinks better of it, edits it out and asks us to delete it. You wanted to insult us, let it stand, and then walk away. When challenged,clearly you keep coming back over and over again - even after you said, and you can go find it, that you would give me the last word. Obviously, you don'twant to let it go. You keep coming back and responding. I've made it clear that I'm not going to see people disrespect my fellow staff members likethat, and you're not going to win any standoff on that front. Keep banging your head against the wall if you like, I'm not going anywhere.
I only spoke on the mods because I was indirectly asked to.
Someone makes a mod APPRECIATION thread and you take that as being ASKED to insult the staff? That's nonsense. When someone posted a threadabout a friend who was recently raped, people felt an urge to make light of the situation (e.g. "pics?") They weren't asked to do so and theywere banned. The same holds true of PYP threads.

No one asked you to insult other NikeTalk members. That's against our rules. Next time, keep it to yourself.

When you made a serious post on NikeTalk about a loss in your family, we banned people and deleted a number of rude, disrespectful comments. Do you think thatby creating that post you were "asking for it?" If so, our opinions differ. There are boards where you're encouraged to make fun of everyoneconstantly to boost your e-rep. This isn't one of them.

BUT, that being said, I changed my OG statement already.
If I said "some people on (insert NikeTalk team/clique name here) are (insert insult here)" that would be against the rules. That'spretty obvious. It's pretty silly to think that edit changed anything. You didn't remove the insult at all, you just made it slightly more nebulous in its application. If I go from "Dirtylicious is an idiot" to "Someone in this threadwhose name starts with D is an idiot," let's not pretend that's not an insult. You really think a tactic that childish would be tolerated? Thenext time a PYP thread comes up, you really think everything will be ok if someone says "Wow, someone in here looks like ______"?

You don't have to tell somebody they look like a million bucks if you don't believe it. You don't have to tell the staff that you love everythingabout the way we run NikeTalk. If you have insulting opinion of someone, though, you keep that to yourself. Nobody asked you to share it and, what'smore, personal attacks have never been allowed under NikeTalk rules.
As for the only rules that currently apply to this arguement (based on the ROC that I just read):
You forgot one:

3. No name calling, attacks or flames wars. ANYTHING specifically directed at another member in a disrespectful way will NOT betolerated. Flames are unacceptable in any form and will result in immediate banishment. Any post calling out a specific member or group of members will belocked without discussion. This includes "Newbie" bashing.

I guess that's a matter of opinion...
And the truth of the matter is, if the staff is of the opinion that you violate the rules, then that's really what counts. I've given youevery opportunity to discuss this rationally and respectfully, but at the end of the day if you choose to continue to insult NikeTalk members and staff memberseven after I've gone through the time to point out WHY that's against our rules, you'll just have to accept the consequences. On most otherboards, you wouldn't even get this far. You'd have been banned after the insult, point blank, with no explanation or "snide PM." You'djust be gone and your post would be deleted. Message boards generally aren't run like police departments, in part because there are few, if any, real lifeconsequences. If you're a nuisance, you get kicked off, end of story. No drama. We have more respect for our fellow members than that and we do try towork with our members wherever possible, but if you violate an obvious rule, you can't COUNT on someone to take the time to walk you through it. Everyone's responsible for learning and following the rules. Your post the other day was locked, you had easy access to an explanation. That made youangry, but I don't know what you realistically expect from a message board staff. Try running a site of this scale for free in your spare time, we'llsee how patient you are with people. Dozens of people are trying to make trouble for the board and get a rep off you, you've spent time to make peopleaware of the rules and you've created resources that are clearly visible and easy to access - yet people break the rules anyway and then, afterwards, theywant to waste even more of your time arguing about it. Put yourself in Dirty's position and I think you can see where he's coming from. If you had tospend one week as a moderator, your perspective on this would be completely different.
I don't see why you'd feel particularly disrespected. As I'm sure you have favorite and least favorite NTers, I too have mine.
I really could not care any less about your opinion of me, to be blunt. The initial statement clearly said, in effect, "everyone but ant andska are pompous," and I'm part of that group. I don't care. My self esteem has absolutely nothing to do with NikeTalkers' opinion of me. However, you did insult - and your statement continues to insult - my fellow staff members, and that I won't stand for. I know what our staff memberssacrifice and I have a better sense of who they are than most NikeTalk members. Whether you do or not, I appreciate their efforts and their sacrifices and Iwon't tolerate any outright disrespect toward them. They give far too much of themselves to this community to put up with that type of nonsense.

If I have a list of "least favorite NTers," you don't see me popping up in their "appreciation posts" to disrespect them. You keepthat to yourself.
That said, I don't have a problem with anyone here. There are some people who like to create problems for us, and we're patient to a fault with them. If we really disliked them, we'd just ban them. It's so much easier. If you were to have a party, why would you let people you honesty dislike intoyour home? If you did, and they continued to disrespect you, damage your home, or attack/offend your other guests, you'd kick them out without hesitation- and I doubt you'd be polite about it. If someone went around telling all of your guests how much he hates you and what a jerk you are, you probablywouldn't put up with it and I doubt you'd actually take that person aside and try to talk to him about it rather than just kick him to the curb.

So, clearly, we're being very patient with other members regardless of what they may think of us. It's easy to say you'd be even MORE forgiving,but if you actually had to go through it 365 days a year for 8 years, I doubt that would be the case without exception.
I think i feel like %%% riding right about now.

ect...... You guys are the best. Straight up. I'm insanely in love with NT.
When I first came to NT I had to create a new name every month (HighwayAllstar, The SB Guy, Mr 703, Internet Gangsta, ItsPliesBaby), but being in banned campso many times matured me so I guess they're appreciated but I wasn't innocent.
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