Moderator/Admin Appreciation Post

GDI = Goddamn individual

I hear you Ska. Thanks for the input. And you SHOULD ban any Laker haters
Originally Posted by Buddha JAPE

being a mod automatically qualifies you to be unliked like this is high school and the mods are principals. it comes with the job.
and only the hall monitors and snitches are really cool with principals in high school so thats why we silence this guys appreciation thread.
you have to look at it from our point of view.

False...most people on here get along with people like jrose that give admins and mods a bad name
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Free the Chief- I'm not going to go through your replies on the previous page and post the parts that suggest what I'm about to say, but here goes:

First of all, t sounds to me like your beef is MORE with the way people treat the mods and LESS with the mods. Why do I say that? Like I said, I'm not going to go through and pull quotes out of your replies, but you mentioned things like "People say things to you guys like "With all due respect", when I think the only respect you guys are due is for me to follow the rules." And you said something else like, "I demand equal respect." Those two together suggest to me that you have more of a problem with the way we're treated by a select few, not with us.

And the reason I say 'select few' is because... and you're just going to have to trust me on this, because you've never been a moderator on this board... there are VERY few people that would approach me like, "Ummm... excuse me ska, but with all due respect, I really don't think the Lakers are that good. Sir."
Yeah right. Or, "Ska, with all due respect, I don't think you should be a moderator. Your highness."
The sentiment of some of your words lead me to believe that you think that's how people come at us, and that people like you (people that don't want to approach us like that) are in the minority.


Times a million.

People like yourself, people that don't give a hot crap how they talk to us... people like that are LARGELY the majority. And people that respond with 'With all due respect' are very few. And very far between.

NOW... NOBODY better quote me and suggest that I'm saying MORE people need to be like, "With all due respect." I wasn't implying that, inferring that, implicitly suggesting that, or providing subtle hints for people to be like that. Matter of fact, I hate when people come at me like that. "Sir, ska, sir... with all due respect, sir..." Man, bump that. I'm no damn figurehead. Talk to me the same as you would whywesteppin or ultrasur, man.

Now, onto my second observation: you said that you don't want to told what to do by some teenyboppers with a Nike closet. Like kdwallace, you've got the wrong message board in mind. Trust me, there are no teenagers moderating THIS board. There's no one even close to teenage. I might be saying a little too much here, but when we discuss potential staff members, age is definitely something we consider. If nikehead23 (just made that name up) is brought up in staff discussion as a potential moderator by me, then dirty brings up the fact that he's 16, the discussion is over. Like I said, that's not really any of your business (no disrespect to you, but you know what I mean), but I want you to understand that moderating this board is not some after school program we do for ______ and giggles. All of us mods/admins enjoy this board and want it to run smoothly, so we've all accepted the offer to go ahead and be part of the staff that helps the board run smoothly. We're doing this in between recess breaks, bro. We're all adults, with jobs or college schedules or kids... or all of the above.

P.S. The heck is a G.D.I.?!

With all due respect SKA! I didnt even know you were a mod.
Look, with all this said I really don't have any hard feelings. It's just the net. And I really like this place, and I appreciate it's checks andbalances more than I let on. It's cool that ya'll know where I stand and I know where ya'll stand. As adults (even though Dirty tried to play mefor a kid
), we should be able to disagree respectlly. So for the sake of taking the first step, I'd like to reprase my OG statement to "Ido not appreciate the pompous attitude with which certain moderators carry themselves. But Ant, Cam, and Ska are pretty cool in my book
I'll leave out my general theory on how power corrupts and yada yada and leave it at that.
Another observation: rent-a-cop?! Honestly, YOU guys think we have more power than we think we do. Y'all act like we think we're next in line for theHouse of Representatives or something. Trust me, we know that we moderate a message board, not the Supreme Court. You guys hold the perception that we'rerent-a-cops more than we do. I'm no hall monitor, proctor, security guard, or or other rent-a-cop figure. It's just that the 'rent-a-cop' badgeis usually used to show lack of respect for someone, so you guys jump to use it.

I swear, sometimes it seems like some of you feel the need to disrespect us because you think no one else is.

I've had people tell me they don't think I should be a mod. You think they were nice about? Heck, NobleKane, speak up, dude; were you nice about it last month? I doubt he even knows of this thread, so I'll answer for him;hell no he wasn't nice about it.
You pretty much know me as an NTer Ska... I return respect.

I really don't know how you feel about being a mod, and you don't know how I feel about being an NTer. I can only take it from what you write, and youseem pretty cool Ska. And others seem pretty arrogant. That's just how I see it.
^ So if I were more arrogant in my discussions with you, you'd be more disrespectful?

That's kind of disappointing.

And the reason it's disappointing is because if I were just a regular NTer and I were arrogant in discussions with you, you'd pay me no mind. You'dapproach me more like, "O.K., whatever dude. You ain't worth my time." But if I were more arrogant towards you AND a mod, then you feel the rightto be disrespectful to me.

That's a conflict of values, don't you think?

You deaal with arrogance every day of your life. I know you do, because you live on the same planet I do. But I doubt you handle every arrogant vibe tossedyour way the same. You choose to let some of it slide, and you choose to confront some of it. That shows that you have a choice either way.

Including NikeTalk.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ So if I were more arrogant in my discussions with you, you'd be more disrespectful?

That's kind of disappointing.

And the reason it's disappointing is because if I were just a regular NTer and I were arrogant in discussions with you, you'd pay me no mind. You'd approach me more like, "O.K., whatever dude. You ain't worth my time." But if I were more arrogant towards you AND a mod, then you feel the right to be disrespectful to me.

That's a conflict of values, don't you think?

You deaal with arrogance every day of your life. I know you do, because you live on the same planet I do. But I doubt you handle every arrogant vibe tossed your way the same. You choose to let some of it slide, and you choose to confront some of it. That shows that you have a choice either way.

Including NikeTalk.
The wink makes it all worthwhile my man

Typically, I tongue lash NTers that are dumb enough to come at me sideways, but sometimes I don't. The difference, I guess can kinda be analogous toracism. if another NTer says some stuff, like if another brother says "What's poppin my __?", you're right, it may fly in one ear and outthe other w/o any real red flags. But if a mod says something, myself being a regular NTer, I "hear" the same words differently and it may just setme off. Can you blame me? If a person in a relative position of power gets rude with you, it's a lot more noticeable than the average Joe. I just happen tobe the type to say something about it.
Waitaminit, have yall ever been to an UNMODERATED message board? I don't know about you but I don't like being called out of my name, or my SN becauseof the rampant racism on the net. And how many times does the word gay get tossed around? I mean we're lucky to just deal with the whole (pause, no karamo,no$#%*$) thing. Plus you can check the joint at work or at school.

They paid their dues, they have the juice and we don't. I mean of all of us who REALLY wants to read and consider EVERY SINGLE post on NT? I thinkyou'll find that there arent that many.

Oh and Rilla? Ahem... Young Rilla, you must be out of that greenery. Ease up Rilla, don't hit 'em with the shotguns son!!

Mods and Admin's


N word rule?


Flame Wars Rule?
Not as much (cuz them joints be FUNNY!!), but still:
I don't really like some of the mods/admins..but I'm not gonna attack them or anything because of it. They just doin their job. You don't have tolike it, but imagine how much worse this place would be without 'em.
Hi Niketalk Moderators and Administrators,

Thank you for donating your time and and energy into making this place as good as it can be.


Bruce Uppercut
Thank you to the mods and admins for setting up this board and maintaining it. I appreciate what you guys do.
I dont personally have a problem with the mods and admins on here but to be honest ya'll really do take things WAY to seriously. I mean, in all realitythis is an INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD....have some fun with it. You ban people left and right over little things, its really not that serious guys.

At times you do act like your inferior to us, when in reality your not. Many of you have the whole "Respect me i'm an internet moderator"attitude, which is really
. You guys should be on here cracking jokeswith us and getting good laughs with us....or just act like one of us and not some monotone attitude of "I'm a moderator on the internet, heheheheheBAN BAN BAN".

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