Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Lost 90lbs on Keto. Feeling great about my appearance.
Noticed I have a bald spot on the top of my head ...

Carb cutting brings a deficiency in Biotin which helps produce hair.

Up.. cancelling that ****!
If I start going bald I’m cutting it all off

I’m 33 right now tho and my hair is past my shoulders

*knock on wood*
Lost 90lbs on Keto. Feeling great about my appearance.
Noticed I have a bald spot on the top of my head ...

Carb cutting brings a deficiency in Biotin which helps produce hair.
You better start start taking some biotin pills or something or are you cycling the Keto diet?
Did some HIIT cardio last week, a couple days later my back was hurting. I didn't think much of it, happens every now and then, figured it would pass. A couple days go by I start getting symptoms of postnatal drip, so I get my normal remedies. Then my body starts aching all over, and I would sometimes wake up dizzy if I moved to fast. I recently started intermittent fasting so thought it was just my body adjusting and kept it moving. Eventually after all the things added up, my wife was like you might need to go to the doctor.

I go in to urgent care, telling the doc what I have and just let him know give me X medicine. He says lets do a strep test, negative, lets do a flu test. I was like flu test meh, whatever. He comes back yeah man you have the flu with both strains. I asked him am I contagious now, he was like nope your fever is gone you are good.

I don't know if I am washed or possibly double washed. I haven't gotten the flu shot in maybe 10 years might be time for me to start doing it.
Lost 90lbs on Keto. Feeling great about my appearance.
Noticed I have a bald spot on the top of my head ...

Carb cutting brings a deficiency in Biotin which helps produce hair.

Feeling extra wash.

Recently my corners on my hairline are not as dark as before.

I first noticed one corner now I see the other one too.

NT, anything that can be done? My hair still grows extra fast.

Fellas, Nettle capsules root or the leaf. Also biotin capsules, Drink nettle tea too.
Anyone ever visit a chiropractor ?

I went for the first time a couple weeks ago, after thinking they were BS for years.... but the pain I had in my sciatic nerve area is gone
Yeah they are good was nervous the first time because I didn't think my body was supposed to move in that position. Whenever they do my neck, I always think to myself watch this MOFO about to mess up kill me. Yup he about to... OH DAMN that felt good.
Speaking of chiropractor. There's a local spot that's offering an assessment and alignment for $29.

May consider doing that.
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