Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I moved this weekend and got drunk. Took me three days to feel normal. I turn 37 July 4th. I got carded today for alcohol though. You win some, you lose some.
Damn man what was you drinking?
Alrite guys I’m stepping out of this thread.

I retired from hoops 6 months ago at age 33 after playing consistently every year since age 7 (intramurals almost every year since college). I got tired of being tired.

Been a vegetable for 6 months. Started doing yoga, flexibility, and at home HIIT since June 1st. I’ve never done any of this before (cuz it was whack compared to playing hoops). I feel it clicking though and am starting to feel whatever the opposite of washed is (dryed?). Didn’t even realize how tight my hamstrings were or how loose my body can feel. The combo of not being destroyed from b-ball and this has got me feeling younger and more energetic than when i was 23.
Make sure you throw in some random massages to go with all the flexibility and HIIT training.

Went to the movies tonight.

On my way to the ticket booth, I pass by some kid chilling in the cut.

Go inside, chill, there’s a bunch of time left so I go check on my car because I left it in a questionable parking spot and there was some dude chilling in a handicap spot right by it looking suspicious like he might have been security or something. Don’t want to risk a ticket or get it towed.

Omw to the car, I see what looks like the mom drop off her daughter in the parking lot.

After I check on my car and everything is cool, I pass by that cut again. Little homie hugged up and excited to see ol’ girl who got dropped off.

Instant flashbacks hit me of when I was 13/14 meeting up with my little girlfriends at the movies to make out, stick my finger in and suck on some adolescent tittays. Sometimes it feels like those days never happened. We’ll never be those kids again.
Went to the movies tonight.

On my way to the ticket booth, I pass by some kid chilling in the cut.

Go inside, chill, there’s a bunch of time left so I go check on my car because I left it in a questionable parking spot and there was some dude chilling in a handicap spot right by it looking suspicious like he might have been security or something. Don’t want to risk a ticket or get it towed.

Omw to the car, I see what looks like the mom drop off her daughter in the parking lot.

After I check on my car and everything is cool, I pass by that cut again. Little homie hugged up and excited to see ol’ girl who got dropped off.

Instant flashbacks hit me of when I was 13/14 meeting up with my little girlfriends at the movies to make out, stick my finger in and suck on some adolescent tittays. Sometimes it feels like those days never happened. We’ll never be those kids again.
Don't need to be those kids no more, you can invite the grown woman over to the crib and stick more than just a finger in. I do remember those days, being excited off something so minor. Like we was really about to get it going in a crowded theater back then. Hell I worked in a theater and was always looking for a spot to get it in.
I was at a park and I went down on a slide with my 1.5 year old kid.

some 4 year old said: "heyyy, slides are for young people"
I said: "i am young!"
She she said: "no you're not! You're a dad!"
I had nothing to say and walked away. :smh:
Don't need to be those kids no more, you can invite the grown woman over to the crib and stick more than just a finger in. I do remember those days, being excited off something so minor. Like we was really about to get it going in a crowded theater back then. Hell I worked in a theater and was always looking for a spot to get it in.

I was a movie theater savage :lol: :smh:
Went to the movies tonight.

On my way to the ticket booth, I pass by some kid chilling in the cut.

Go inside, chill, there’s a bunch of time left so I go check on my car because I left it in a questionable parking spot and there was some dude chilling in a handicap spot right by it looking suspicious like he might have been security or something. Don’t want to risk a ticket or get it towed.

Omw to the car, I see what looks like the mom drop off her daughter in the parking lot.

After I check on my car and everything is cool, I pass by that cut again. Little homie hugged up and excited to see ol’ girl who got dropped off.

Instant flashbacks hit me of when I was 13/14 meeting up with my little girlfriends at the movies to make out, stick my finger in and suck on some adolescent tittays. Sometimes it feels like those days never happened. We’ll never be those kids again.
Maaaaaan I took my wife to see toy story 4 today
It’s her bday
It was just me and her
No kids
We sat in the back
And I got that finger action going
And was suckin on them nipples towards the end
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