Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

My homeboy called me last Friday night at 1 am, I text him the next morning. SON ARE YOU INSANE?!?!

what are we 25? lol, im tucked in bed by 12 am the latest even on weekends.
Do Not Disturb is activated at 10 every night and I’m usually knocked out by 11. Only people getting through are wife, parents, and one friend. Everyone else can wait til the morning.
a few weeks ago, woman im seeing wanted to go to this thing in oakland called “first friday,” it’s like a 10 block strip of outdoor music, art, food, alcohol and way too much testerone/chest puffin. without fail it ends with a sideshow and a shootout by 12am

immediately told her no. 10 years ago, i wouldve thrown caution to the wind and been swimmin thru the crowds with her. but now, forget first friday.. im trynna live to see another friday
Man. Y’all really washed :lol: at what age this start happening.
I’m 31 but still feeling solid.
i don’t need this kind of negativity in my life

I’m always out here at night. I wish I lived in a 24 hour city. Places used to stay open late until covid now everything closes early af.

My boy is the same way. I’ll get off work at 1 am and hit him up and he’s always down to kick it.

Wife is the opposite. I don’t even see her all week. :lol:

I’m 34.
I used to live at night. I remember the golden years when I worked overnight. I would get off Friday morning and travel in to London and spend the whole day shooting at girls, eating, drinking, and picking up sneakers, then going out that night. No sleep till Saturday morning and didn't even drink coffee back then.

Now it's rare to not be asleep by 11. And if there is any type of late night activity outside of my house I'm gonna need a lot of caffeine to even be somewhat present mentally.
Two solidifying moments that cemented my washedness, both gym related.
1.) At the gym, I usually work out with shirts with no sleeve, kind of a vanity thing, but also I like to see my form in the event that I need to make adjustments. This lady, she had a nice head of gray hair stopped me mid set and said she liked my beard, which is more gray than it is black, in fact I can’t even think back far enough to when my beard wasn’t gray(think Michael K. Williams) and says I have a nice body. For my age.
2.) a pretty fit guy walks up to me and says “I hope I am built like that when I’m your age” I asked him how old he was, he said 51. I am 44.
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