Money doesn't buy happiness ... Vol Jeff Bezos Divorce


Divorce always impacts the finances of both halves of a couple, but when the world’s richest man gets divorced, that impact goes to a whole other level.

The announcement that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, whose net worth is pegged at $137 billion, and his wife MacKenzie are ending their 25-year marriage could remove the “world’s richest man” title from Bezos’ resume, though that’s certainly the last thing on his mind these days. Washington state has communal property laws, meaning any assets that were gathered during the course of the marriage will be split.

In this case, that includes Amazon, which Bezos founded soon after marrying MacKenzie. That could see her exiting the union with nearly $75 billion.

There are also substantial real estate holdings that the couple will have to split. The Bezos’ reportedly own at least five houses around the country in Medina, Wash., Beverly Hills, Van Horn, Texas, Washington D.C., and Manhattan. Jeff is the 25th largest landowner in the U.S., according to Business Insider.

One thing that could impact the division of assets, of course, is a prenuptial agreement. It’s unknown if the couple had one or if some other arrangements were made during the course of the marriage. The couple also has four children, so it’s possible some of the Bezos fortune will be diverted into funds for them before Jeff and MacKenzie take their share.

Even if Bezos’ net worth is cut in half following the divorce, he’ll still be one of the world’s richest people. At $68 billion, he would rank fourth on Bloomberg’s list (and would be very close to the third place spot). If Amazon’s stock continues on the trajectory it has been on for the past several years, he could quickly begin climbing his way up the list again.

#'s point at 75 Billy and he would become 4th richest man on the earth.
I would hate to have that much money and be single. It would be hard to trust any woman that came on to me.
I don't think you get married again at that point. Hope to find a down one who doesn't need the legality of marriage to stick with you.
What if she doesn't want to be kept? Then what?

Then....u know what to do.....

How is 10 bil not enough?

Why go half? What kind of lifestyle you can’t support for you and your kids with 10 bil?

Curious to see what will happen with this.

***** amazon and jeff bezos,
He is known to be a difficult person deal with, so this doesn't come as a surprise.

Can't rock with Amazon no more. They are way, way too big for their own good and their distribution centers and IT operations are known for 'sweatshop' culture - make StockX look like saints. :smh:

Bezos literally looks like Dr. Evil.

da notion that a broad entitled to half my empire because she swallows me & signed a certificate stating we're in a relationship is preposterous to me.
da notion that someone aspires to be someone that is a known imbecile and incompetent leader just because they grew up in the same city is absurd to me
Was watching the Golden Globes on Sunday & the camera panned to Bezos in the crowd. I thought to myself "he is single handily the richest man in that damn room all by himself".

What a ****ing feeling that must be.
I believe most people in here know he'll be fine. We're just marveling at how someone can lose half their net worth by going through a divorce. Of course this all depends on if a prenup is involved
I can only speak for myself. The"he'll be fine" sentiment also has to do with me not really worrying about how two rich people have to share their wealth. Bezos is a adult who willingly entered into a legal contract. Why should I now clutch my pearls at the thought of the state upholding that contract


Bezos is the same dude that sabotage a small tax to help homeless after a housing crisis he help create. Amazon is getting tax breaks in NYC that were proposed to help poor people. His warehouses are known for their ****ty treatment of workers. He routinely undercutting small business to gain more market powrr. And that took a case to the Supreme Court so he would not have to pay workers he demanded go through security screenings.

A man that used his wealth and power to finesse the system and rig it in his favor, now at has to face something not going his way.

He is still gonna be insanely rich, and I would hardly call what is happening him to an injustice. The same energy he has put out into the world, is being returned to him.

He'll be fine doe.
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