Most devoted fans in the NBA

Knicks by far....also, New Yorkers take over in other home arenas across the NBA as well....they always have a good crowd no matter how bad the situationis....
The Knicks by far. Im a Bulls fan, but i think all of us no matter who we cheer for have the upmost respect for Knick fans for their passion and dedicationalone
I live in the bay and i think its the warriors that why i saked to see if it was just me or if its true
You know its the Knicks, this team sucks, fans still come, and always look to go crazy whenever they could. no matter how bad the team is whenever weven alittle rally starts the fans will go crazy.

The Knicks will love you more than anyone else if you are great, but part of being devoted i feel is trying to send signs when you're unhappy. and i thinkwe are the best at that in NY as well. If anyone says the Cs than....STONEFACE

EDIT: and on a side note i know i and most other Knicks fans on NT and most of ma bois that are Knicks fans still watch this team almost every single game
Golden State, Detroit, and I would say the Knicks but they boo their team too much. GS and Detroit stick by their teams through thick and thin.
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Besides making noise, nobody talks about the Mets (before 2000), Jets, Islanders as being devoted fans.
I disagree about the Jets, I've listened to enough NY radio for my entire life to know that Jets fans feel like their situation is unique and that only fans as devoted as them could understand the pain of living through so much misery. I'm not surprised you listed the Mets because they, shockingly I might add, happen to have a very average fanbase compared to other MLB teams, and that's solely attributed to the Yankees dominance. Who are the Knicks competing with to achieve that NYC fanbase? Not the Nets. I don't know enough about the NHL to have an opinion on the Islanders' fanbase, but I do know they compete with another franchise in the NYC area and because of it probably have an average fanbse compared to other NHL teams.

I'm a Jets fan as well but the Giants have always had New York's attention. That's what I meant by it though, although we're as loyal asthey come, we get no recognition because the Giants always dominate the headlines. I started watching football late, so I declared my fandom around 1995/96.And it's been super tough going through all the hard times but there is nothing like making it to the playoffs with this team, and winning like when webeat Indianapolis 41-0, but then lost to the Raiders 30-10.
Also, the Rangers have to compete with the Devils for the back page headlines. And if you count the Buffalo Sabres, the Rangers still blow everyoneelse out of the water.
I vote Knicks.

On a side note, are least dedicated Miami? I swear, only been 2 years since they got a ring, and that place is EMPTY (yes they are playing like hot garbage,but still.... come on). Even when they won, all the cheering seemed forced, that crowd never seemed like it was real basketball fans.
W T F?

Of course as Knick fans (New Yorkers) we'll boo when the team plays bad. That's apart of being a fan. You want to see them play well and when theydon't you'll let them know they aren't so that they WILL play well. Now obviously the boos haven't changed much this season, but thathasn't stopped the fans from going to the games, watching on tv, attending away games, etc... And lets not even mention Spike Lee.
The Warriors and Blazers have serious followings although I don't know if there are any bigger homers than Bay Area fans.
BULLS....we sold out the UC, and had top 3 attendance during the Tim Floyd/ Bill Cartwright era....nuf said. and even though i hate the team right now, i stilllove 'em.
knicks and lakers games are always sold out, theres so many people in each city and they're going to get a big draw every home game. on nt, i think i wouldgive it to warriors fans.
the least devoted fans are heat fans ftl. any time a south florida team is doing bad people dont even give them any attention, its a damn shame

I went to the Jazz/Warriors playoff game which they won and the atmosphere was
Well not trying to be a homer so it isn't all 7 or 8 of us nets fans so I will go with the......


Those fans stick with their team through everything and they are truthful when they know their team is bad and they know when the team is good. They can evenplay bad and their fans comeback. There aren't many teams that can have a consistant fan base when the team is playing horrible or when they are winning.(I know there are more Nets fans but a few are heading into hiding again with this recent stretch)
Me. i loved the jail blazer days

Before the jail blazer days portland was crazy with the blazers. now starting to.
Originally Posted by Prime Suspects 36

Golden State, Detroit, and I would say the Knicks but they boo their team too much. GS and Detroit stick by their teams through thick and thin.

of course we Boo are team!!! What kind of fans would we be if we went outthere every single night and cheered not even mediocrity so much and more but plain terrible and unenthusiastic basketball. Thats all what being a devoted fanis. in my opinion if you can sit there and wath your team suck up the most famous arena in the world than you are not devoted at all. Fact is that we still goto the games and we care about our teams so !$+%++@ much that we go there just to try and change things which is why we chant and boo, and im all for that. NYhas the most devoted fans because they do these things not in spite of it. NY loves there bball and no city will love their star more than NY. No city willever be more devoted to their players that work hard and play good for these teams. Which is why myself and these other Knicks fans will sit here backing upour hard working bois like Ewing and Starks all day long. no city will love their team more than the Knicks do. But on the other hand if you go out and notjust suck, but not even try, that is like a slap in the face and you are going to hear it (EDDY CURRY). But that is why we have had such optimism like lastyear cause we started to suck but these dudes were playing hard night in and out and were finally starting to do so again.
Man if we werent devoted, wewouldnt go out of our way to try and change things. Bad fans would just sit back and not do anything about it, a good fan wants their team to be good. If theKnicks were located in any outher city the fans would pretty much just gve up, and instead of booing the team we just wouldnt show. Kinda look like this...



but for real
at you dissing NY fans for booing a%$%*#!$ team who doesnt play hard whenwe spend money to still show up to the games and still be 100% devoted to the team. (At last the remainder of us and not all the !$+%++@ Nets fans who crossedthe bridge when the Knicks started going downhill and the Nets went to the finals...
the Warriors i'd say. Jazz fans are pretty devoted too. pretty classless at times too though.
^I think Jazz fans are aight...but some of the stuff they did was overboard. the S-Jax sign with the prison uniform on was

at people who say Bay Area fans are the most homerish. Maybe you're basing your perception on NT and a certain 49er fan's mancrush on PatrickWillis is making you think that, but that's far from the case.

But it's easily Knicks/W's, both have supported their teams through the crappy years. Even at the Warrior game yesterday, I saw a good # of Knick fansin the stands watching on TV
Blazer fans trying to be accepted.
The thread starter said mostDEVOTED fans, not most delusional. There was NO ONE, NO ONE claiming Blazers the last 3 years until the night of the lottery. All of a sudden, a lot of theold fans came back. That's devotion to you? Chester is probably the most level headed Blazer fan I've ever heard and he correctly points out thateveryone abandoned ship a few years ago. And rightly so. Now they're back and expect to be patted on the back and told what great fans they are becauseof some team Bill freaking Walton played on in the 70's!!!

I'd say either Knicks or possibly the Spurs. But I don't know much about them pre David Robinson era.
It's gotta be the Knicks and the Warriors. No other teams are garbage annually and yet still have die hard fans that attend the games.
The Warriorshave been good the past couple of years though.
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