Most Memorable Moment in a Movie Theater

some guy threw up hard in a bag while watching cloverfield (was getting nausea myself) i look at my girl next to me and shes totally cool eating chickennuggets while this guy is dying in a bag
I was watching Twilight and this hood boy w/ dreads was there by himself & all of a sudden his cell phone went off"YOU'VE GOT MOTHAF**** MAIL!"
i work at one so i got stories lol
One was a couple, BOTH guy and girl came out crying at the end of Paranormal Activity talking about it was a horrible idea watching the movie
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

I was watching Twilight and this hood boy w/ dreads was there by himself & all of a sudden his cell phone went off "YOU'VE GOT MOTHAF**** MAIL!"
my roommate has that sound file on his computer whenever he gets an email.

For me, it was in Hong Kong, watching Wanted. A short while after the movie started a fistfight broke out a few rows behind my seat and I had no idea why.Security escorted them out with quickness.
Most memorable for me by far is during the opening night of American Gangster, its boy is blazed out of his mind...he has nacho's (with extraeverything x 1000), large popcorn, large drink and 2 different candies....we are walking up the stairs to find seats (the previews had just started so itsdark), he was wearing flip flops and missed the next step and somehow slipped, throwing everything in the was like a scene form a movie the wayeverything landed right on him....the entire theater, including me, pointed and laughed....

sidenote: he said for the entire movie with nacho cheese/salsa/jalapenos all over his shirt.....
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

i work at one so i got stories lol
One was a couple, BOTH guy and girl came out crying at the end of Paranormal Activity talking about it was a horrible idea watching the movie

some fat guy was sitting by himself in the front row, taking up 3 seats, during IRON MAN.
then during the previews some dude in the back of the theatre yelled DOWN IN FRONT!!!!

theater full of

then when the green screen before the next preview went on...and everyone was quiet...
he said "F YOU B!"
theater full of
I hate watching movies in theaters because something stupid happens every single time. I can count in one hand the movies I saw since 2000. (Gladiator, Passionof the Christ, Transformers, There Will Be Blood, Juno).

Gladiator - Group of white trash herbs kept singing that stupid "bawitdaba" Kid Rock song during fight scenes
Passion of the Christ - People kneeling and praying in tongue in the aisles
Transformers - Fat people and lots of 'em. Theater I was at has a "travel" concession stand (aka an employee carting around food and selling itin the aisle...there was so much...eating.
There Will Be Blood - Group of four New School students analyzing every other minute of the movie
Juno - Couple in front of us was going at it, girl was about to go down, I leaned forward and said "you know the movie we're watching is about anaccidental pregnancy, right?"
nothing really ever happen at the movies when I go
only thing i recalled is watching Vanilla Sky and this girl yells out in the thickest Chola voice ever "this is F**** Bull *%+*"
I went to opening night of 2 Fast 2 Furious it was sold out and packed, about 30 mins in some teen thugs on the far right top corner
start throwing icecubes at random people every min or so.

so this asian dude about 20 years old gets hit in the head and jumps up and stands in his seat and goes nuts screaming as loud as he can calling out who everthrew the ice he says the following

group of teen thugs reply
"FAST HUH.... you gonna use NOS?"

most people were
some didn't get it...
Went to see Freddy v. Jason the summer it came out. NY blackout hit, ending the movie early. I get a free voucher to see it. I go back. At the part where KellyRowland get her schnoz chopped off, some fat Italian dude a few rows in front of me goes, 'Heh, stupid n_r'. Then, an enormous black dude wearing aflannel vest, no shirt, jean shorts and Timbs, stands up and puts the fear of God into this guy. Three security guards had to escort him out. As he and hisgirl are leaving, his girl throws a jumbo soda, drenching the initial racist. He, no soaked, gets up and leaves with his boy, to the jeers and taunts ofliterally the entire theater.

This was at Cross County (never short on ignorance) in Yonkers.

Capricorn1229 wrote:
Another memorable moment...the sex scene during Brokeback Mountain and the uncomfortable silence that hit the audience. Wouldn't trade some of those looks on some the guys faces that were there with there girls.
Mixture of

One guy said under his breathe but loud enough for me to hear like "LEAVE EM ALONE. HE is sleep!!

Why would you see that in the first place?
I have uncountable instances but I'll start with the most vivid.

2 of my boys and I do our monthly thing during the summer where we see every release that comes out that month in 1 day.
I'm talkin from when the first movie starts til' when the last 1

ends, consecutively w/ only 30 minutes in between movies tops. (we planned ahead of time which movies to hop in) There was a new theater just recently built atOakridge Mall so nobody went

to Capitol Movie theaters anymore. We watched League of Exraordinary Gentlemen, Terminator 3 and Tomb Raider 2. As we're walking to Tomb Raider to hop in,we see 2 girls sitting on a

bench lookin pretty koo. So me being the outgoing one, (at the time both of my boys still had their V-cards, they're NTers too
) So I start to spit some game at lil mama but the one that was bad

wasn't really F'in wit me. So I was like whatever
and wewalked into the movie. A couple minutes later those 2 girls walk in with a 3rd one that looks better than both of them and all of 3 of

them immediately sat next to us. (There was barely anybody in there) we're sitting in the corner where nobody can really seen (kinda like the skybox lookinsection) and me and oh girl

immediately got a connection. We both tellin each other sweet BS in each other's ear and me being the bold kid I was I was like "What's up withthe presidential?" word to Billy Clint lol. I'm

thinkin oh girl wasn't gonna know what I was talkin bout or get offended. She ties her hair back, unzips my pants and I swear to God as soon as her lipstouched my tip! Some $%%+-blockin

security dude runs in asks for everybody's tickets and tells the girls they gotta go cuz they didn't pay. I was like
I was harder than Viagra can ever get a ninja. Then we'relike

whatever we'll just watch the movie, then the girls say their with us and we're shaking our heads like "nope, nah uh we don't know theseskeezers" dude asks for our tickets too and asks us to leave. Talk about an

The reason I was really mad was that would have been my first time gettin head, I honestly thought an opportunity that easy would never come again....and ITDIDN'T! I had to work hard for the first time I got blowed.
A group of us were watching the Midnight release of Transformers 2. The entire theater was wildin' out before the movie was beginning. At one point therewere 6 different beach balls being tossed around all at once. Security got pissed and threatened to kick us all out. My friend hit a beach ball hard and it hitsome girl, he almost gets kicked out. The whole theater starts chanting "keep him here! keep him here!" it took some serious convincing to keep himin the theater. And finally we proceeded to watch the film

The movie was alright.
Me and my cuz were in Mexico bored so we caught a flick,War of the Worlds....we started talking english and these 2 abercrombie and $%!%$%$ in front of usstart mocking us and call us stupid cuz kicks the dude on the right in the back of the head and slaps the hell out the back of the other dudeshead and told him "Are you gonna shut the !*%* up and let us watch the movie?"

Another occasion was me and my homey were cutting school so we went to the movies his bro works at and watched movies all day,and some white trash chick sitsbehind us and WONT SHUT THE HELL UP so a random dude calls an usher and they ask to quiet down or she'll be kicked out. She quiets down,then calls the dudewho called the usher the N word and throws her drink which landed on my homeys back....mind you he has a short temper,he took the top off his soda and grabbedhis nachos and threw it all over the lady and her other loud friend and they started screaming and calling him a Spi...and Wetba... and get up and leave...hewent and got free nachos and another free drink and sat back down to enjoy the movie
while i was watching Master and Commader i fell asleep lol, funny thing is i wasn't the only one sleeping
I dont remember the movie but some girl next to me during the previews was telling her friend how she thinks her bf is cheating well half way into the moviegirl
sees her bf sitting two rows in front of her making out with some other girl. Girl next to me jumps up and starts to go off on her bf hitting him and the othergirl security
was called... so funny
I used to work in theatre. And I saw some fool straight get his skull cracked open for talking $**% to some armenian. $**% was crazy.
Oh yea, i was on register in the concessions area and some dude said he'd give me a baggy of weed for some sour patch kids

i busted out laughing in his face
he was serious too
I was 12 and my brother was 10 and the dude next to us farted a couple times real loud and my and my brother could stop laughing... theater was empty so everyone heard us...
Back in 7th grade I had a smoke with a friend before the movie and we were talkin and somethin made me laugh and I swallowed the smoke, finished up and wentinto the movie with these girls I was meeting there and a few minutes into the movie I started throwing up right into my jacket I was holdin in my lap. Thegirl I was kinda seeing went and got me a garbage bag from the owners and called to see if I was ok later when she got home from the movie.
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