Most Overrated "Legend" In Music.


I'm out.
I think dudes are throwing out names for shock value...straight blasphemy in here.
Sorry broski I'm 34..I remember when pac first came out..I remember him dancing around in videos with Humpty and doing weak verses on the soundtrack to A CHEVY CHASE MOVIE!..I've never thought he was that great, I've always thought his rhymes were on the average side, and I've always felt like the only reason he's as hyped up as he is is because he got murdered at a young age..Sorry if I've offended your rap hero but thats my opinion and Im stickin' to it..I'm audi 5000..

You can't be 34 and if you are, I feel bad for you.

The fact that he actually had white america scared of him says a lot. Lyrically, he wasn't Nas or Rakim but he was NaS' favorite rapper for a reason. Before he died, he had **** in motion that people were scared of. He had a voice and people were listening before he went to jail and came out on that Death Row ****.
I understand these are all opinions, I listen to Biggie all the time and Jay pretty often.

I feel like Biggie lyrically is great but two albums isn't enough and since he died, rappers and fans look at him differently and will always want more. Ready to Die is great, Life After Death is real nice but has filler. He'll never be in my top 5 with only two albums. I'll always enjoy those two albums and say that he's great.

Jay is nice, when he wants to be and he hasn't really had the urge to be nice since Vol. 2 went 4x or 5x platinum. He made money and switched up his music. His albums always have 3-4 deep lyrical songs that are great but almost every album has commercial songs, basic songs and generic songs. I'm a fan but I don't think he's what people say he is.
You can't be 34 and if you are, I feel bad for you.
The fact that he actually had white america scared of him says a lot. Lyrically, he wasn't Nas or Rakim but he was NaS' favorite rapper for a reason. Before he died, he had **** in motion that people were scared of. He had a voice and people were listening before he went to jail and came out on that Death Row ****.

You feel bad for me that I'm 34?:rofl: :rofl: ..Well thank you for your concern..Like I said earlier I'm done with this cause this is starting to just become a troll thread..I respect your opinion sir, but I am still going to disagree with you..Good day..
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I honestly gotta say the Beetles.... I mean, maybe because I don't know what Rock sounded like BEFORE them.... but WHY are they so cool again?? I listen to their music and it doesn't move me. They don't sound very much different from other white rock and roll bands from that time period.
You can listen to rock and roll from the late 50s to see what it sounded like before the Beatles.. then listen to their early stuff. They were able to usher in the wave of British rock to America and Beatlemania of the early 60s. Then they were able to move from the more radio friendly popular rock to use new styles, genres, instruments, and influences throughout the decade. The sheer variety of their sound is amazing for one single band.  Their early stuff is some of the best example of classic American pop/rock, then as they grew as a band their music reflected the changing times of the 1960s. The lyrics and themes of their work evolved to reflect the social and political landscape in addition to changing and experimenting with their sound. 

You can listen to the album "1" for a good example of how much their sound evolved over the decade.

One of the reasons the Beatles are still one of the most popular bands of all-time over 40 years after they broke up is not only their contribution to music and their legacy.. but the variety of their music. Ask anyone who is a Beatles fan and they can each have a favorite album and a list of top ten favorite songs that wouldn't have a repeated song from the next fans you ask.

My favorites off the top of my head... and if I thought of it again tomorrow it would probably be a completely different list.

Come Together

Let It Be

A Day In the Life

I Want to Hold Your Hand

Hey Jude

While My Guitar Gently Weeps 

Penny Lane


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

I Saw Her Standing There
Are you really trying to make dude out to be some kind of martyr?..I'm done..
martyr |ˈmärtər|
a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs: saints, martyrs, and witnesses to the faith.
• a person who displays or exaggerates their discomfort or distress in order to obtain sympathy or admiration

no. that's not at all what i called him. i simply said for a RAPPER the qualities i named made him stand out more than any other rapper and brought him a large cult like following and he also had 3 heralded albums with music whose subject matter had a phenomenal range. that's what i said.
I'd agree with dude who said Jay-Z but then again I can't really say he's a legend in music period, just hip hop. Snoop is only a legend in hip hop not all of music and at this point he's more of a legend for the way he pimped out his style of rap and persona where he managed to parlay that in to more mainstream success. With Snoop it became more about him than his music. In a way he's done what Ozzy Osbourne's done on a higher level.

I can't think of any others cuz when I think of a legend it's everybody I consider to be one. Nobody comes to mind as far as other ppl considering them legends. Maybe Elvis, but I don't think he's that overrated.
Like who?

Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, Led Zeppelin to name a few.
They're all legends though. Jimi unfortunately died too early but honestly you'd have to blame fans of Rock for why you think he isn't on the same pedestal as Bob. I'd say the same goes for Led Zep and James but I don't think anyone could deny without James Brown music today would not be what it is, specifically pop (influence on MJ) and hip hop (his influence on all black ppl).

The thing with Marley though is his music kinda really transcends w/e genre he was originally placed in. He's like Paul/John/The Beatles in that he has so many great songs that were also major hits and the majority if not all had a message within the music
Jay-Z is not a legend.


For all his millions of albums sold, can someone please tell me what great cultural impact he has had? I'll wait. His greatest role has been in promoting the image of hiphop as a culture of excess and hubris. I'm not saying he's not nice on the mic, but come on people. The artists who are mentioned as legends, are considered legends because they poured everything they had into their music. There was always that authentic quality to their music, you never felt like they were trying to sell you something that wasn't real or that wasn't them. Jay-Z has admitted himself that he dumbed down his records to make money. That automatically takes him out of the "legend" discussion. For all his talent, you never truly got the sense that he was rapping completely from his heart and not from his head/wallet.. you always kinda felt like he was just rapping about what he knew people would want to hear, what would make people say "Man, Hov is that dude :pimp: " "Jay-Z is sooo cool" blah blah. Jay isn't a legend. He's just a smart dude and an opportunist who figured out a great lane to become successful. Can't hate on him for that, but he's not a legend.

And this is tangential, but one could make a very, VERY strong argument that Kanye West possesses more of the qualities that make a musical "legend" than Jay-Z does.. :nerd: (but this isn't the thread for that)
You ethnocentric dudes need to come up with a better argument against Elvis and The Beatles not being great artists and making good music than they "stole" "YOUR" music.

It's the lamest argument in musical discussion and holds no merit.

You don't like white people -I understand that and that's your prerogative.

...but your prejudices and ignorance doesn't detract from the fact that they were talented artists who had a huge impact on popular culture.
You ethnocentric dudes need to come up with a better argument against Elvis and The Beatles not being great artists and making good music than they "stole" "YOUR" music.
It's the lamest argument in musical discussion and holds no merit.

You don't like white people -I understand that and that's your prerogative.

...but your prejudices and ignorance doesn't detract from the fact that they were talented artists who had a huge impact on popular culture.

I didn't say.... nor do many people say 'The Beatles'..... but Elvis!?

Seriously, what was SOOOOOOOO great about Elvis that you couldn't get from Muddy Waters?? Chuck Berry?? Little Richard even??? You can't say it doesn't hold merit either.... it holds a LOT of merit. That's like somebody walking around wit' Cement Spizikes and saying "WHAT? No, Spizikes are the best Jordan ever.... EVER!" Sounds silly, doesn't it?? Given that the Spizikes are just a bunch of other shoes thrown together..... you see the connection I'm making ? Except at least with the Spizikes they had consent.

AND DUDE.... I LOOOOOOOOOVE WHITE PEOPLE!!! :lol: :lol: :tongue:

Those are all great points made, Big J 33. The songs on your list are similar to the ones I like of the Beatles.
:lol: Without African American blues and gospel artists there is NO Elvis Presely. Music execs threatened his life because he was on Billboard Country
singing "Black music". Kill all that noise.
:lol: @ Jay Z aint no legend.

Man y'all funny. I honestly think y'all just saying that b/c he's still making music...thats gotta be it.

Or idk y'all just trippin
You ethnocentric dudes need to come up with a better argument against Elvis and The Beatles not being great artists and making good music than they "stole" "YOUR" music.
It's the lamest argument in musical discussion and holds no merit.

You don't like white people -I understand that and that's your prerogative.

...but your prejudices and ignorance doesn't detract from the fact that they were talented artists who had a huge impact on popular culture.
:stoneface: stop lying..
what was SOOOOOOOO great about Elvis that you couldn't get from Muddy Waters?? Chuck Berry?? Little Richard even???
So you are saying that because those artists made music, there is no need for any other artist to make similar music?

If that's the case, then why don't we just stop the whole music industry right now -every single album/song that is released today can draw comparisons to previous styles, so what's the point of making anything new?

Why does anyone "need" to listen to Eminem when you already had Onyx, DMX and Esham?

The Spizikes were made up of copyrighted and patented previous Nike/Jordan models -if they had stolen Torsion bar and a pump system from Adidas and Reebok, you might have had a point -but they don't, so again, your argument has no merit

-whom exactly was Elvis supposed to have had consent from to sing the Blues?

Who owns the patents and copyrights to Blues and Gospel?

As far as I'm aware, every song that Elvis covered, he had legal rights to do so ...however, you guys obviously know more than I do, so please post documented citation for the songs that Elvis/Colonel Parker illegally stole ...I'll wait.

...As Elvis himself pointed out when questioned upon this very subject, "Rhythm and Blues existed way before I did, I just explored it, I just tried a new interpretation."
stop lying..
What am I lying about?

Elvis and The Beatles didn't make good music? ....subjective.

Elvis and The Beatles din't have a huge impact on popular culture?'ll have to provide an argument against that please. 

....again ....I'll wait.
What am I lying about?

Elvis and The Beatles didn't make good music? ....subjective.
Elvis and The Beatles din't have a huge impact on popular culture?'ll have to provide an argument against that please. 

....again ....I'll wait.

again... STOP mentioning the Beatles! Dude....

And in terms of Elvis my thing is ...... was dude cool? Yea, sure. I love Viva Las Vegas. But c'mon fam, he was mediocre AT BEST. He is gassed WAAAAAAAAAAAAY UP!!! He changed pop culture cuz you can put a young pretty faced white boy on American Bandstand. Point blank. You can't put old black dudes on American Bandstand that can't shake and make little white girls swoon. It gave people the music they wanted to hear in a package they could accept. You are in denial if you think it's for any other reason. Interpreted and explored in his own way? Yea, but his way was trash.

Again... point me to some MUSIC that proves why Elvis should be a legend. And I'LL wait.
If the playing field were equal in the 50s.... Elvis would not be heralded as some savior or genesis or whatever of "rock n roll"... Yea, YEA. I SAID IT.

in interviews he even ADMITTED he was doing something that had already been done, but people were paying attention now that he was doing it. I could see if he was doing it better. But he wasn't. You could argue that Eminem was doing it BETTER. He still IS one of the best on the mike, and stood side by side on some tracks with people and held his own. No sweat.
Kill that noise fam. African American artists run circles around White artists and ALWAYS have. The playing field has always been rigged in favor of
one direction therefore the other side wins by default.
^I understand Bono's humanitarian work. There are a ton of artists that go unnoticed for their contributions.. I just can't see what the big deal is about them. Nothing special at all :smh:.
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