Most Overrated "Legend" In Music.

first off--- PROPS FOR ACTUALLY POSTING MUSIC!!! I swear I'll peep later.... I also never said he was a racist, nor did I say he had a disdain for black people or that black people of his time didn't like him.
Cover? Eh... real "to-may-to" "to-mah-to" to me, but it is what it is.
Man, it would be some s*** if I turn into an Elvis fan after this :lol: :lol: :lol:

I posted that last part because I know some people think that of Elvis, so I just threw the facts out there.

And yeah man check out the music when you get a chance. Hey you may like it. The man had a one of a kind voice.

-Nastradamus. Yes, it's that bad.
-His fans.

I am a fan but not a die hard one. Illmatic is an amazing album, as are nearly all of the others outside of Nastradamus, but the quality on Nastradamus is absolutely horrendous. Nastradamus is the second worse album I've ever heard in my life next to Lasers. His fans will fight for him to death, and in my experiences, it's ONLY because he's more conscious than Jay (I don't want a Jay > Nas debate).


-His fans.
-Every album after The Eminem Show.
-Relapse and Recovery being considered "classic." ( :x )

Em was one of my favorite rappers growing up. I knew MMLP verbatim. As he got older, his music became extremely emotional and personal. I know that's always been a factor, and maybe it's just my mindstate and lifestyle being mature/different than it was, but the man is absolutely trash now. I couldn't even listen to Recovery or Relapse all the through/more than once. Em fans will swear up and down that he's the greatest ever. I'm a firm believer in the argument that he's only considered as good as he is because he's white (I don't want to start a racial argument). Because he has as much skill as he does and he's not a black dude, he's considered the greatest, because if he was black, he'd be just another really good rapper. He is skilled, but his content and album quality have been SO bad recently, and his fans ride for him SO hard, it makes me not like him.


-Spokesperson for National Herbs of America.
-His life.
-His entire existence.

My hate for KRS started during the Beef DVD series. When he was talking about "Every year I make a diss song to the artist in the Top 10 charts." Even as a youth I realized much of a herb this ***** was. He thought that was just so cool to do. Like, starting **** for absolutely NO reason whatsoever, how old are you dawggy? Thousand year old man starting beef with rappers because he's no longer relevant.


-His fans.
-His lifestyle.

As someone said above, Drake is staying true to himself, which is fine, I can respect that. But I won't respect is a man falling in love with strippers, dating Hollywood **** and fighting over them (Kanye is a victim too), then making songs about it all. It just rubs me the wrong way. He does speak about real life situations.........for a simp *** ***** to relate to. I am not a simp *** *****, so what he speaks about isn't as appealing to me. He has great music, but he's definitely overrated.

Last but certainly not least,


-Rapping ability.
-He's more of an icon that just a rapper.

He's the most overrated rapper in history. Why? IMO, it's because of everything else he did. His content and his ability to relate to the listener SO much, it made everyone like him. He was way more of an icon than a rapper, whereas Biggie was the opposite, he was more of a rapper than an icon. Take Hitler for example, he was a better public speaker than he was war tactician, he was an amazing public speaker, but his war tactics were decent at best.

Tupac is to national icon as Hitler is to public speaker.
Hitler is to war tactician as Tupac is to rapper.
Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, Led Zeppelin to name a few.

they didnt come from where bob came from. I think you need to do alot of reading before saying something like that. Bob Marley is one of the most influential musicians of all time. What he stood for, and what he represented. Even if you dont like the music, history alone should show that.
Not to mention zepplin might be the most celebrated rock and roll band of all time, hendrix may be the most recognizable guitar player of all time and james brown is an american music icon, below elvis and a select few. I dont really get what your saying at all, but to each his own
Bob Marley made great music, no doubt.  My argument was never about his talent.  His message meant something coming from the upbringing he had.  But all the things with his face plastered on it like pins, posters, shirts, mugs, joint paper, grinders, bongs, hats, rubber bracelets...should I keep going? That was my problem with it.  The man was getting embraced for the wrong reasons.  His music was overshadowed by the weed, straight up.

Whoever said Nas was overrated is buggin though.
Thank u th3kid, I knew I wasnt the only one who thought KRS is extremely corny but lmao at Nas being overrated simply cause of Nastradumus, a rushed album lol. Drake shouldnt even be mentioned in this thread tho cause dude is NOT a legend and never will be
I honestly don't think JB gets the credit he deserves when it really comes to be iconic.... people always passively list him under Elvis and the Beatles, even MJ. But is it really fair to?

Elvis influenced rock n roll... ok, I'll give you that. Even though he heavily "interpreted/borrowed/whatevertheheckuwannacallit". JB influenced R&B... which spawned a new sound known as 'funk'. Which you could even say he really started/spawned "soul". WHICH IN TURN dang near gave Rap a breath of fresh air. You know how many rap classics of the 90s got JB samples??
JB was so iconic he spawned movements in OTHER continents. Afrobeat? Doubt we'd have it without JB.

I'm not gon' mention dancing (would MJ be MJ had he not grown up watching JB???)

Also not going to mention stage presence/antics.

RIP man :smh:
Just a little fun trivia bit...James Brown said that Kool & The Gang was the most funky band in the world after his own.
Thank u th3kid, I knew I wasnt the only one who thought KRS is extremely corny but lmao at Nas being overrated simply cause of Nastradumus, a rushed album lol. Drake shouldnt even be mentioned in this thread tho cause dude is NOT a legend and never will be

Drake is only on the list because he no doubt will be considered legendary when he gets older. He brought singing and rapping more to the masses than Pimp could. And, although Pimp deserves the props for it, he won't get them because young people simply don't know about Pimp outside of International Players Anthem.
Bob Marley made great music, no doubt.  My argument was never about his talent.  His message meant something coming from the upbringing he had.  But all the things with his face plastered on it like pins, posters, shirts, mugs, joint paper, grinders, bongs, hats, rubber bracelets...should I keep going? That was my problem with it.  The man was getting embraced for the wrong reasons.  His music was overshadowed by the weed, straight up.

Whoever said Nas was overrated is buggin though.

no it wasnt. years later kid link 420 and jamiacan flags to being a pot head. He cant control that. Sorry but that has nothing to do with him or his legacy. If your impression of bob has something to do with weed than thats your fault. Listen to the music. Thats what its about
next person who mentions drake, im comin to ur crib w/ the baby powder.
this thread needs rules.

1. if you own more than 1 g-unit album, your not allowed in.
2. if you like drake, your not allowed in and u have to drown urself
3. dont knock someones musical talent based off the songs u know from the radio, unless its drake or g-unit

btw if i read lil wayne on here i might lose it
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I always have this conversation with friends of mine and I always have to offer up Jay-Z in this situation. Jay-z has never truly been an original artist. His entire career, he's stolen more styles than I care to count. Be it from the numerous times he's regurgitated BIG's lines into full songs, stealing Nas' flow, or rippin' ideas from his protege Kanye West.

I told Jay I had a song with Coldplay
Next thing I know HE got a song with Coldplay​

Furthermore, Jay's albums have been severely lacking in quality for a LONG WHILE now. He's extremely luck to have had Kanye West and Just Blaze around when he did, if they weren't around, Jay goes the same route of Snoop Dogg. Hell, look at Jay-Z today, he wants SO bad to be Yeezy its disgusting. Dressing like Ye, doin' an album with Ye to ensure he remains somewhat relevant. In fact, a lot of old cats engage in this practice. (Dre is another one that comes to mind with Eminem and Kendrick Lamar) Nas' Ether makes the strongest case for why Jay-Z shouldn't be considered a legend.

People will try to defend Jay by quoting his album sales, but we really need to separate sales from the quality of an artists' work.

Look at what sells today. Can we really say that all that music is innovative, imaginative, insightful, or original?

Hell no.

To share an opinion on Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, Beatles slant...

I can't rightfully elevate someone to legend status if they rose to prominence performing an art appropriated from an oppressed people.

Led Zeppelin knowingly stole from Willie Dixon and the great minds at Chess Records. Dixon had to take them to court to be compensated.

The Beatles knowingly stole from Chuck Berry. Be it guitar licks or amended lyrics. Chuck had to sue to get compensated.

In Elvis' case, he was a great performer, who listened to his manager and decided to appropriate a style/ac from black musicians.

And as history shows us time and time again, nothing born from a minority group in America/Western Civilization ascends to screaming popularity until its repackaged in a way that those of Caucasian/European relate to.

This is a bitter truth that people of color know full and well, yet others refuse to swallow.

Julius F. Wrek
Just a little fun trivia bit...James Brown said that Kool & The Gang was the most funky band in the world after his own.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

that's nice of him, I don't agree though; Hands down that crown belongs to Fela. Depending on what day you ask me I might take Fela over James :nerd:

I always have this conversation with friends of mine and I always have to offer up Jay-Z in this situation. Jay-z has never truly been an original artist. His entire career, he's stolen more styles than I care to count. Be it from the numerous times he's regurgitated BIG's lines into full songs, stealing Nas' flow, or rippin' ideas from his protege Kanye West.
I told Jay I had a song with Coldplay
Next thing I know HE got a song with Coldplay​
Furthermore, Jay's albums have been severely lacking in quality for a LONG WHILE now. He's extremely luck to have had Kanye West and Just Blaze around when he did, if they weren't around, Jay goes the same route of Snoop Dogg. Hell, look at Jay-Z today, he wants SO bad to be Yeezy its disgusting. Dressing like Ye, doin' an album with Ye to ensure he remains somewhat relevant. In fact, a lot of old cats engage in this practice. (Dre is another one that comes to mind with Eminem and Kendrick Lamar) Nas' Ether makes the strongest case for why Jay-Z shouldn't be considered a legend.
People will try to defend Jay by quoting his album sales, but we really need to separate sales from the quality of an artists' work.
Look at what sells today. Can we really say that all that music is innovative, imaginative, insightful, or original?
Hell no.
To share an opinion on Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, Beatles slant...
I can't rightfully elevate someone to legend status if they rose to prominence performing an art appropriated from an oppressed people.
Led Zeppelin knowingly stole from Willie Dixon and the great minds at Chess Records. Dixon had to take them to court to be compensated.
The Beatles knowingly stole from Chuck Berry. Be it guitar licks or amended lyrics. Chuck had to sue to get compensated.
In Elvis' case, he was a great performer, who listened to his manager and decided to appropriate a style/ac from black musicians.
And as history shows us time and time again, nothing born from a minority group in America/Western Civilization ascends to screaming popularity until its repackaged in a way that those of Caucasian/European relate to.
This is a bitter truth that people of color know full and well, yet others refuse to swallow.
Julius F. Wrek

........ I guess since you are saying it, they'll actually give it merit. Tho myself and others have BEEN saying it in this thread :smh:

If you check the 'Fela!' show they have a segment that flat out states how Fela was DIRECTLY influenced by JB... took his sound to what we all know and love today. That's why I say he's probably the 2nd funkiest...

2nd funkiest american band is WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT Parliament. I mean like c'mon, that bassline to 'Flashlight' !? :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

........ I guess since you are saying it, they'll actually give it merit. Tho myself and others have BEEN saying it in this thread :smh:

Haha, I agreed with the offering of Jay-Z into this subject, but I felt in order to contribute to the conversation, I'd have to thoroughly explain myself.

Julius F. Wrek
JAY-Zs name has been mentioned? 
Shame on whoever said it.
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Jay Z isn't even in my top five...barely cracking my top ten all time.

The God MC is first, and he is indeed a legend.
So you are talking about JAY-Z then.

Glad we cleared this up, you had me scared for a minute. The rest of your post was just a joke, albeit a very sick one. You had me there for a second I wont lie.
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I can respect you as a person and we might even be friends...but I'll never respect the music opinion of anyone who says BIG is overrated.
What did he do that changed rap or inspired?  Only reason why he's considered a legend (in my opinion) is because of his early demise and it being connected to Pac and the whole East/West beef.
did you see da rap landscape when biggie dropped ready to die? do you listen to music or just skim thru it? smh...
Let's make it plain, Elvis was white, and the Beatles were white, and they played toward a White audience. James Brown was black, then played toward a Black audience during segregation, then never made the attempt to cross over. White audiences crossed over to HIM.
Amiri Baraka said it best, if Elvis Presley is the King of Rock and Roll then who is James Brown, God?
Both Brown and Elvis had their first hits in the same year, '56, which Brown hit with Please, Please, Please.
Later, Brown developed his stage presence by travelling the chitlin' circuit. He also began to learn how to run a big band when Little Richard went to Bible school, in which Brown took over the dates left behind by Richard, then was being sold by their joint manager Clint Brantley, as the actual Little Richard.
Elvis on the other hand, never had those obstacles, like racism, to conquer. In fact, he even borrowed his later look from another cat, Jackie Wilson.

In all actuality, in the beginning, much of what Brown did wasn't original either, with his music being a HUGE exception. James Brown was the first cat in Pop, Soul and R&B to put the emphasis on the one and three, instead of two and four beat, which changed his whole groove, even his dancing, as evidenced here, where the real James Brown came to existence...

..Elvis Presley did NOT change music, but he did bring the Black sound to White America.
James Brown CHANGED music. He even made Jazz, most notably Miles Davis, do something different as well.
I can believe that he said that, as I am certain that he said after his own as well...:tongue:

Wilson's first single, which was released in 1957. Elvis came around in 54, then his contract was sold to RCA in 55. Elvis already had that look. Which he borrowed from Tony Curtis. In fact the hairstyle by Elvis and Jackie were borrowed from Tony Curtis.

As far as obstacles go, of course Elvis didnt face the biggest one called racism but he did face a few obstacles. The biggest one was trying to break through with this new style of music and dance to the people. All the old generation at the time was in charge of what was placed on the air tv and radio wise and he had a hard time because they called his music the devil's music. Records were burned, he wasnt shown on tv (and after the Milton Berle show he was shown from the waist up on the Ed Sullivan show). That like I said wasn't as big as an obstacle as racism but it was difficult for Elvis to become mainstream.

Like him or not Elvis helped everyone become accepted. He said to white america hey there's nothing wrong with this music, its not going to kill you, its not black music only. He broke down the wall for everyone which in turn helped get the black artist noticed.
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drake? get out of here with that garbage. man isnt a legend and will never be one.

Drake WILL be a legend simply because, whether anyone likes it or not, he did change the game. EVERYONE sings their own hooks now. EVERYONE is making melodic, soft **** more often than they used to. We're in an era of simp **** and high end lifestyle rap. Drake brought singing and rapping your own hook to the mainstream better than Pimp C, better than Max B. I personally feel they did it 8984561897x better, but, I'm not gonna let some personal gripe I have with Drake cloud the fact of what he's done.

Drake is just Ja Rule 2.0. If Ja was around right now, people would be bumping all that soft *** music he was making.
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