Most overrated NBA player today?

antj2k2 wrote:
What in the hell are you talking about?
Iverson isn't one of the greatest of this era?

wat in the hell are u smoking? NO!

this era = 2000 - present day

and yes he is one of the greatest in this era..........

thats ur opinion...but nobody has yet told me other things he does efficiently besides tha stuff i named
^ ya but IMO you can't judge a player purely off of stats..... he may have a low 40's FG%, but I can assume that's because of his size playing theSG position..... He is barely 6-0....... otherwise, he can put up numbers....... Also if he had a somewhat decent team around him where Aaron McKie wasn'this 2nd best offensive player, he would have at least 1 ring by now. In 2001, Philly would've won if they hadn't been playing one of the greatest teamsever......... But if you want to look at stats, lets look at Kobe's stats (who is one of the greats in this era) and Iverson's stats.......





If you look at the steals per game, Iverson is averaging 2.5 steals per game while Kobe is averaging 1.5 per game (for their careers), also Iverson'scareer assists are at 6.3 while Kobe's at 4.6..... Kobe obviously has the rebounding edge due to his size.... and even though Kobe's scoring hasinflated since 05-06, Iverson has a higher career ppg and has been a more consistent scorer throughout his career...... I'm not implying that Iverson is abetter player than Kobe right now because he's not, 6 years ago I'd say he was but right now? No. My point for this comparison is to show that ifIverson isn't one of the greats of this era, then neither is Kobe....

Also if you want to hold Iverson's FG% against him, here are Isiah Thomas's career stats including his season by season FG%'s which are prettysimilar enough due to their size, but Iverson had to take more shots in Philly as the SG averaging considerably more points than Zeke did. Iverson'sbasically a SG in a PG's body, pretty much a combo guard. And we all know Zeke was one of the greatest guards ever.....


Also here are Dennis Johnson's FG %'s............. The first year he only averaged 9 ppg on 50% shooting though.....


Here are each of their career FG%'s and career ppg (rounded up):

Kobe: 25 ppg on 45% FG
Isiah: 19 ppg on 45% FG
DJ: 14 ppg on 44% FG
Iverson: 28 ppg on 42% FG (pretty much is 43% FG)

Basically my point is to look at what each player's roles were on their respective teams and use that instead of just stats because stats can bemisleading at times..... None of those other 3 players' roles was to keep jacking up shots just to give the team a remote chance of winning, except Kobesince Shaq left, but we are talking careers here....... Not to mention that Iverson has won an MVP award and multiple scoring titles aswell.....................
Wow, someone calling out Iverson? Haha, not really surprising I guess... but he DEF isn't overrated IMO.

Haha, let's just go with the Knicks as a team. Or you can just narrow it down to Zach Randolph and/or Eddy Curry. Randolph always has good stats on badteams... so if you don't think he's overrated due to his stats, I can see where you're coming from... but I don't agree, he's overrated forsure IMO.
kSpec wrote:

I really think that a lot of the reason people continue to rank Kidd at the top of the PG list is because his body of work as a whole. That goes for NBA players as well. As far as their entire careers go, it's undeniable that he's had the best in terms of overall quality and longevity. However, at this point in time, I mean, it's clear that while he's still a very good point guard, he's not the same guy he was a few years back.

hes clearly not the same guy but the only real fall off was his scoring, but he more than makes up for it with rebounds and assists increasing

kSpec wrote:

One side of the argument is that Nash is a beneficiary of the system he plays in. The other side is that he IS the system he plays in. I don't know if you've seen the Suns play without Nash, but everything becomes stagnant and they look like trash. As far as Paul and Deron go, I really don't see why their age should factor in. We're not talking about their overall careers. If we were, you'd hear no argument from me if you said Kidd is the best PG. Only thing is though, we're talking about right NOW. And right NOW, I'd definitely take all of those other guys before Kidd. They all have the ability to make plays and find the open guy at or nearly at Kidd's level, and they're doing it more efficiently as well. And, contrary to your assertion, Deron hasn't "fallen off". He's averaging 19 and 9 while shooting above 50% from the field. If that's "falling off", I'm sure there are about 25 other teams in the league that wish their PGs would fall off.

As far as Kidd not taking many shots, he only takes one less shot per game than Chauncey, two less per game than Nash, and three less per game than Deron. In other words, he still shoots enough for his inefficiency from the field to be significant. Think about how much a point guard being a poor shooter hurts the offense. Take the four guys I mentioned, for instance (Paul, Deron, Baron, and Nash). If you use the defender on one of them to double team their post guy on the block, they'll hit the shot because they're all good shooters. Teams aren't exactly going to be eager to leave a guy like Nash with an open jumper because his man went down and helped double Amare or whoever. With Kidd? Not so much.

I won't argue with you taking Paul or Deron RIGHT NOW. I'll go with veteran as my preference. Curious but how much NBA do you actuallywatch? Not saying that you don't watch alot, but just curious? One thing I try my best not to do is be a "boxscore ##@*+" because there areALOT of misleading statistics in basketball. I am a fan of both Deron and Boozer. I'm a fan of NBA and I live on the NBA TV channel. My assessment ofDeron "falling" off didn't come statistically, but came more from just me watching. It's hard to explain when there aren't statistics toback it, but just watching him, he isn't playing like I expected him to. He had a huge playoff tear that I thought would lead into momentum this season.

kSpec wrote:

Chris Paul. And don't tell me Paul's a bad rebounder and say it's because he averages four a game while Kidd averages eight. Paul has Chandler and David West gobbling a bunch of potential boards. Kidd has... who? Josh Boone?

Paul is definitely a good rebounder, but Jason Kidd is THE best rebounding PG period. No questions about it. I mean dude's 6-4. Only people I feel evercontented for that spot would be maybe Steve Francis or a healthy Baron with his head on straight.
kSpec wrote:

I'm not saying Kidd's a bad defender, but you could really use a better argument. "YEAH KIDD GOT TORCHED ALL GAME BY CALDERON AND THEN GOT ONE STOP AT THE END SEE HE'S A GOOD DEFENDER!" isn't exactly making your point.

Anyway, I just want to reiterate that I don't necessarily think Kidd's overrated. He's still a top five point guard in my opinion, and I'm sure top two or three for some others. I'm just saying you could easily make the argument that he is, based on the reputation he has compared to his actual play at this point in time.
again, just watching alot of basketball, if you watch him play (not just on TNT or ESPN when everybody gets to see it) you will see that hisdefense is still tier 1. He just got 1st team all NBA and that's something that's voted on by coaches and/or players if I'm not mistaken. TheCalderon argument is a PERFECT example of my argument for good D. I watch Kidd more than any person on the planet, and when he wants to his defense is clamp. Even when he isn't trying hard his defense is still good. There are plenty of people who do that. Lebron can turn his D on and off. Baron also. Kobebean obviously does it, but its hard for superstars to exert all of their energy on D.

sidenote: even guys like Kobe benefit from the great PGing Kidd does. if you watched the olys, Kobe's ball handling/distributing responsibilities werecompletely not needed which allowed him to turn on his D and he put on a defensive CLINIC since he didnt have to exert energy elsewhere.
I can't believe this herb is calling Iverson overrated. I bet if you ask everyone in the league to name one of the best scorers in the game let alone a 6ftguard they will tell you Iverson. Plus you're also forget also can also shoot, look at his career stats that 3peat posted. He didn't get that by onlylayups and shooting free throws. I bet this dude only go by stats and haven't seen Iverson play until this season

My answer for most overrated is Amare.

Yea he has a good offensive game but no defense, this is why the suns can't win a chip or even make it to the finals because no one on that team can stopTim Duncan or even Andrew Bynum.
@ ANYONE who calls AI overrated. If the list was re-done, he would be on the top 50 in the NBA. For the amount of punishment he has taken over thecourse of his 10+ seasons in the NBA, and he is STILL playing at a high level, he is flat out remarkable. Him doing what he does at being under 6 feet issomething that we may never see again in the NBA. You see a lot of AI clones on the collegiate level (Keydren Clark, Marcus Hatten, SirValiant Brown), but isit any coincidence that NONE of them have been drafted? Do you even understand how special of a player AI is to be taken #1 overall? Why exactly is heoverrated? This man put the whole damn city of Philadelphia on his back in making the finals a few years back. I've had the joy of watching him since hewas a Freshman at Georgetown. He is one of my favorite players, and the word "overrated" should not be used in any context in describing whe he doeson a nightly basis. I hope he can get a ring at some point before he calls it quits. That would punctuate an already HOF career. I suggest if you find AIoverrated, that you actually sit back and watch him play.
I can't believe this herb is calling Iverson overrated. I bet if you ask everyone in the league to name one of the best scorers in the game let alone a 6ft guard they will tell you Iverson. Plus you're also forget also can also shoot, look at his career stats that 3peat posted. He didn't get that by only layups and shooting free throws. I bet this dude only go by stats and haven't seen Iverson play until this season
Climb off... this answer is so STUPID, i wont respond.

But to
BullsRepeat3Peat, Im not justlooking at his stats. Yes he is a horrible shooter, but there's other things. You mentioned his assists. While he has gotten a little better at passing,you also have to look at his turnovers. He doesnt have an efficient assist to turnover ratio. Kobe doesnt either but im not comparing the two. His steals aregreat, he gets in the passing lanes alot, but lets not make him out to be a great defender. From what I have seen over the years he doesnt really play thatgood man to man defense. Also, when you mention the word "clutch", Iverson's name doesnt come to mind. But like i said before I give him creditfor the things he does do well (layups, steals, taking a physical beating every night, handle). And while 45% and 42% might not sound like that big of adifference, it is. For Iverson to raise his career FG% to 45% would take alot. Those are my reasons why, to me, he's overrated.
Originally Posted by antj2k2

thats ur opinion...but nobody has yet told me other things he does efficiently besides tha stuff i named

Wow i guess i will restate my previous post...

how can you lead a team tot the finals by yourself and earn league scoring honors and league MVP that year, as only 6'0 (at best), and revolutionize a position an not be considered one of the best of the era.

That should go with out saying, you my friend get a large

Is that considered an answer? League MVP, finals appearance with 0 team behing him, a warrior mentality, revolutionizing a position, 6'0 (atbest), etc. Need i go on?
@ That kid sayin Iverson is overrated. If he had Lebron's sizehe'd be putting up Wilt numbers..
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

hes clearly not the same guy but the only real fall off was his scoring, but he more than makes up for it with rebounds and assists increasing

See, that's just the thing. His shooting efficiency has fallen waaaay off and he's turning over the ball an awful lot, but his rebounding andassists have increased either marginally or not at all. Kidd has, for his entire career, always been this good of both a rebounder and a passer. His fg% is thelowest it's ever been though, and his turnovers are awfully near a career high.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

I won't argue with you taking Paul or Deron RIGHT NOW. I'll go with veteran as my preference. Curious but how much NBA do you actually watch? Not saying that you don't watch alot, but just curious? One thing I try my best not to do is be a "boxscore ##@*+" because there are ALOT of misleading statistics in basketball. I am a fan of both Deron and Boozer. I'm a fan of NBA and I live on the NBA TV channel. My assessment of Deron "falling" off didn't come statistically, but came more from just me watching. It's hard to explain when there aren't statistics to back it, but just watching him, he isn't playing like I expected him to. He had a huge playoff tear that I thought would lead into momentum this season.
I've seen Deron play around five or six times this season, mostly against the Lakers or Clips on account of where I live. The last time I sawhim was against the Clips like a week or two ago. And mind you, I'm only watching him against certain teams, but every time I've seen him play so farthis season, he's impressed me with both the quality and efficiency of the shot he takes in addition to his playmaking ability. His numbers back up theimpression I've gotten from the times I've seen him play, so I think it's pretty fair to use that in his favor. Also, regarding his playoff tearfrom last season, his numbers right now are better than they were from last season's playoffs. Just saying.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

again, just watching alot of basketball, if you watch him play (not just on TNT or ESPN when everybody gets to see it) you will see that his defense is still tier 1. He just got 1st team all NBA and that's something that's voted on by coaches and/or players if I'm not mistaken. The Calderon argument is a PERFECT example of my argument for good D. I watch Kidd more than any person on the planet, and when he wants to his defense is clamp. Even when he isn't trying hard his defense is still good. There are plenty of people who do that. Lebron can turn his D on and off. Baron also. Kobe bean obviously does it, but its hard for superstars to exert all of their energy on D.
Well, you're right that the only time I really get to see Kidd is when the Nets are on TNT or ESPN, but like with Deron, the times that I getto see him play really seem to back up what the stats are saying. Also, I don't think citing his first team all-defense is a good argument either, even ifit's voted on by coaches. Lest you forget, Larry Hughes was once granted that same honor for running around gambling in passing lanes and getting a bunchof steals. But everyone knew/knows that he's by no means a good defender. And again, I'm not calling Kidd a bad defender because he's not. But itlooks like he's half a step slower than he was in the past.
Originally Posted by kSpec

See, that's just the thing. His shooting efficiency has fallen waaaay off and he's turning over the ball an awful lot, but his rebounding and assists have increased either marginally or not at all. Kidd has, for his entire career, always been this good of both a rebounder and a passer. His fg% is the lowest it's ever been though, and his turnovers are awfully near a career high.

you lose terms real loosely. there's no way you can lingeron kidd shooting poor because he's been doing that his entire career. If you watch himplay, which I can tell you clearly DO NOT and all you do is look at boxscores and statistics, he is not shooting inefficiently, he's justshooting POORLY. He doesn't attack the rim nearly as much as he used to. He ONLY takes WIDE OPEN jumpers. They don't really mess up the flow of whatthe team does. Sure if he hit them more it would help his team, but this is something that's been his entire career so to bring it up now means absolutelynothing. Mind you let's not forget the BUMS he plays with. Chris Paul at any given time has 2 big men that hershey squirt on any big manNJ has. He has a lights out shooter and some veteran shooters off the bench. RJ is Kidd's best option and RJ is playing very well right now, but if RJ ismy first option as a team, my team won't be a serious contender. Vince Carter on the other hand is an absolute BUM. Lazy waste of top tier talent

and again you keep mentioning the awfully high turnover ratio, but you're sitting here boxscore picking over a VERY minimal increase. Since you like totalk stats, look at howmany times he's averaged 10.4 assists in his career, and look at his TO ratio any time he's had over 10 assists pg. To behonest you sound like a columnist that I recently read saying that Calderon should be getting paid some rediculous contract and this man kept using somecalculus looking deriven efficiency rating.
and here were a boatloadof bums and tier 3 PGs who were high on that list.
Originally Posted by kSpec

I've seen Deron play around five or six times this season, mostly against the Lakers or Clips on account of where I live. The last time I saw him was against the Clips like a week or two ago. And mind you, I'm only watching him against certain teams, but every time I've seen him play so far this season, he's impressed me with both the quality and efficiency of the shot he takes in addition to his playmaking ability. His numbers back up the impression I've gotten from the times I've seen him play, so I think it's pretty fair to use that in his favor. Also, regarding his playoff tear from last season, his numbers right now are better than they were from last season's playoffs. Just saying.

No they aren't
. they're about equal if best if not slightlydown in most categories. I dont even look at stats like this cuz its soo flawed and I used to try to do that prior to nba tv, but clearly Deron is a beast andis good in every phase of basketball. Last year playoffs I recall him being THE man on that team. It was HIS team. Now Boozer is the central focus of thatteam . He gets the ball most. He is looking more like their franchise player.
Originally Posted by kSpec

Well, you're right that the only time I really get to see Kidd is when the Nets are on TNT or ESPN, but like with Deron, the times that I get to see him play really seem to back up what the stats are saying. Also, I don't think citing his first team all-defense is a good argument either, even if it's voted on by coaches. Lest you forget, Larry Hughes was once granted that same honor for running around gambling in passing lanes and getting a bunch of steals. But everyone knew/knows that he's by no means a good defender. And again, I'm not calling Kidd a bad defender because he's not. But it looks like he's half a step slower than he was in the past.

again, you're mentioning a "half step" and his "half step" slower is STILL tier 1 defense. and please dont ever mention any type oflarry hughes argument when we're comparing someone who has been first/second team all nba defense for like 10 yrs. and sidenote, Larry Hughes is a gooddefender. Him gambling plus his normal defense was good enough to get him all nba defense that year. The nba does not award players for ONLY gambling lanescuz if that was the case AI and DWADE would both have won Defensive player of the year honors.

and uhm AI is nowhere near overrated. He will go down in history as a great.
This man is a first ballot hall of famer. No questions asked, hands down like 6:30.
Originally Posted by khoshabasfinest23

im gunna have to go with his boy. this guy complains and whines all day. and
at a 6"10 power forward who shoots more 3's than free throws in a season


how can you lead a team tot the finals by yourself and earn league scoring honors and league MVP that year, as only 6'0 (at best), and revolutionize a position an not be considered one of the best of the era.

That should go with out saying, you my friend get a large

Is that considered an answer? League MVP, finals appearance with 0 team behing him, a warrior mentality, revolutionizing a position, 6'0 (at best), etc. Need i go on?

please dont go on...obviously u dont get it...just chill out
I swear ANYONE who is stonefacing the guy who said Ive is the reason he is overrated. Had just one person read my post earlier about overratingthey would understand that. Almost every superstar is overrated. Which is kinda the reason they are even a superstar in the first place. Fans and the media putthese guys on a pedestal that they should not be. Not a bad thing, just the nature of the beast. But to say Ive is overrated is a good call IMO. Heck I'm aKobe fan and I think he's overrated too. You guys need to get some kind of sports knowledge beyond throwing stonefaces around.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

you lose terms real loosely. there's no way you can lingeron kidd shooting poor because he's been doing that his entire career. If you watch him play, which I can tell you clearly DO NOT and all you do is look at boxscores and statistics, he is not shooting inefficiently, he's just shooting POORLY. He doesn't attack the rim nearly as much as he used to. He ONLY takes WIDE OPEN jumpers. They don't really mess up the flow of what the team does. Sure if he hit them more it would help his team, but this is something that's been his entire career so to bring it up now means absolutely nothing. Mind you let's not forget the BUMS he plays with. Chris Paul at any given time has 2 big men that hershey squirt on any big man NJ has. He has a lights out shooter and some veteran shooters off the bench. RJ is Kidd's best option and RJ is playing very well right now, but if RJ is my first option as a team, my team won't be a serious contender. Vince Carter on the other hand is an absolute BUM. Lazy waste of top tier talent

K, last post from me on this subject cause I'm not too interested in attacking Kidd as a player. His poor shooting this season HAS to be figured in.Yes, you're right that he's always been a poor shooter. What that means is that the fact that it's so bad that people are actually pointing it outas a huge concern is really saying something, since people already expect Kidd to be a poor shooter in the first place.

And as far as inefficient/poor shooting goes, that's just a battle of semantics completely irrelevant to what the actual discussion is. If you'reshooting 36% from the floor, call it whatever you want, be it poor or inefficient. But the fact of the matter is that it's clearly a weakness in his gamethat's gotten even worse this season. Additionally, his lack of talent this season shouldn't really factor in to play here, since you yourself agreedthat he's always shot poorly. And on top of that, he still has the same team he did last season, yet his fg% was much better than it is currently.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

and again you keep mentioning the awfully high turnover ratio, but you're sitting here boxscore picking over a VERY minimal increase. Since you like to talk stats, look at howmany times he's averaged 10.4 assists in his career, and look at his TO ratio any time he's had over 10 assists pg. To be honest you sound like a columnist that I recently read saying that Calderon should be getting paid some rediculous contract and this man kept using some calculus looking deriven efficiency rating.
and here were a boatload of bums and tier 3 PGs who were high on that lis
Minimal increase? You really think over a full turnover per game more is a minimal increase? Think about it. He's turning the ball over at arate that's 137% of what he was doing last season. That's minimal? NBA players in general don't turnover the ball too often, so ANY increase, letalone a full turnover, will usually be more than minimal. And if you want to think about it in terms of actual game play, that's an entire extra possessionfor the other team that, at least last year, wouldn't have occurred. Now, considering the fact that in terms of point differential, even the worst teamsonly lose by an average scoring margin of four possessions a game, that extra turnover sure seems like it means a lot more, doesn't it?
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

No they aren't
. they're about equal if best if not slightly down in most categories. I dont even look at stats like this cuz its soo flawed and I used to try to do that prior to nba tv, but clearly Deron is a beast and is good in every phase of basketball. Last year playoffs I recall him being THE man on that team. It was HIS team. Now Boozer is the central focus of that team . He gets the ball most. He is looking more like their franchise player.
Deron's stats are equal at best and down in most categories compared to his playoff run last year? Really? You might want to take that backwhile you still can. Last year in the playoffs, he averaged 19.2, 8.6, and 4.3 boards on 45% shooting in 39 minutes per game. This season, he's averaging19, 9.5, and 3 on 51%+ shooting in 37 minutes per game. That's down? Really? Okay, sure.

As far as Boozer being the central focus, I think it's obvious that we can attribute that more to an improvement in Boozer's play than we can a fall inDeron's, seeing as how his numbers are actually UP, contrary to your assertion that he's "fallen off". Again, you might want to go throughyour argument before you post it again.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

again, you're mentioning a "half step" and his "half step" slower is STILL tier 1 defense. and please dont ever mention any type of larry hughes argument when we're comparing someone who has been first/second team all nba defense for like 10 yrs. and sidenote, Larry Hughes is a good defender. Him gambling plus his normal defense was good enough to get him all nba defense that year. The nba does not award players for ONLY gambling lanes cuz if that was the case AI and DWADE would both have won Defensive player of the year honors.
Go back and re-read my post. I didn't say Kidd was a bad defender. In fact, I said that he was a good defender. All I'm saying is thathe's not as good as he USED TO BE, which you essentially agreed with so I'm unsure of what you're arguing. And I suppose it's your opinion thatLarry Hughes is a good defender, but I'm sure there are a number of Cavs fans who would argue otherwise. And yes, they do award players for just gamblingon passing lanes, and Larry Hughes was a case in point. The only reason why he got on the all-defensive team while they didn't is cause Larry lead theleague in steals that year, and steals really aren't an indication of how good your defense is. Bruce Bowen and Tayshaun Prince for instance, have neverbeen at or even anywhere near the top of the league in steals, yet they're both still widely considered two of the better perimeter defenders in theleague.

And that being said, I'm surprised at how you're taking such offense to my statements. The entire time, I've still been saying that Kidd's agood player. All I'm saying is that you could make the argument that he's overrated, considering how many people think he's still the best pointguard in the league easily, yourself seemingly included, when it's apparent that there are a number of people whocould also easily contend for that title. If someone says you're better than you are, doesn't that make you overrated? That's all I'm saying.People think Kidd's the best hands down. At the very least, Chris Paul is playing better than him. And Deron,Baron, and Nash are as well in my opinion. But for the sake of argument, we'll say Kidd's the second best point guard in the league right now. So ifyou rate Kidd #1 when he's #2, doesn't that by definition make him overrated, since you're "over rating" him by one spot? Yes it does.

So again, because you keep missing it. I still think Kidd's good, and very good at that. I just think it's possible to make the argument that he'soverrated at this point in his career, which is the point I've been trying to get across.
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