Most overrated NBA player today?

Originally Posted by antj2k2

[/td] [/tr][/table]Clearly you're on drugs. Please, please elaborate...

No, my man...CLEARLY ur ******ed.

Yeah I am, for even responding to someone who calls one of the greatest players in the history of basketball the most overrated player today, but yetcan't articulate a single reason except to call someone ******ed.

You're right son...proceed.
Report Clearly you're on drugs. Please, please elaborate...
No, my man...CLEARLY ur ******ed.
Yeah I am, for even responding to someone who calls one of the greatest players in the history of basketball the most overrated player today, but yet can't articulate a single reason except to call someone ******ed.

You're right son...proceed.

I know im right...u aint have to say that. Theres no reason to argue with something as ridiculous as Allen Iverson being one of the greatest players in history. He's fast, got crazy handle, he's great at layups, and good at stealing lazy passes from the other team...other than that, name something else that he does well efficiently. (oh yeah i guess hes a pretty good free throw shooter).
know im right...u aint have to say that. Theres no reason to argue with something as ridiculous as Allen Iverson being one of the greatest players in history. He's fast, got crazy handle, he's great at layups, and good at stealing lazy passes from the other team...other than that, name something else that he does well efficiently. (oh yeah i guess hes a pretty good free throw shooter).
What in the hell are you talking about?
Iverson isn't one of the greatest of this era?
I think people are being kinda hard on the guy who called Kidd overrated. I wouldn't call him the most overrated player in the league today, but at this point in his career, it's pretty clear that people are hyping him up a little more than he should be.

Take his near triple-double average for instance. Everyone's pointing at it as the reason why Kidd just can't be overrated, but look at the efficiency at which he gets them and how he gets them. On the season, he's shooting a horrific 36.7%. I mean, really? Kidd's never been a high percentage shooter, but 37% from the the floor is just absurd. To put that in perspective, everyone's been going on about how Durant's been shooting poorly and taking such bad shots, but even he's been beating Kidd with his 40.2% from the field.

And then look at his turnovers, which are currently at 3.8 a game. That's over a full turnover per game more than last season. The only person in the league who averages more is Wade, and Wade doesn't even have players of VC and RJ's caliber for opposing defenses to focus on. He's not taking care of the ball nearly as well as he should be.

The problem is that people are looking purely at his body of work over his career, and at just his plain numbers without evaluating them further. While he's still very good, he's definitely not the player he once was. But that being said, I wouldn't vote for Kidd as the most overrated. He's still a top five point guard in the league. The way some of you guys are claiming that he's still the best though would make that guy's case for calling Kidd the most overrated.

Personally, at this point, I think CP3, Nash, Deron, and Baron are above Kidd right now.
Let me start by saying, I am not NBA journalist, but I'm pretty sure if every superstar that doesn't play the 1 were asked KIDD would befirst on their list when you look at his game as a whole.

Nash is a beneficiary of his system and the worst starting defender in the NBA. he takes my nod for most overrated though he is very good
CP3 and Deron are too young to make that statement. Deron is having a slight fall off from what I thought he'd be
Baron is the most rediculous shot taker in the world and only plays defense when he wants to which isnt often

Even looking this year, Kidd obviously isn't a good shooter, but he doesn't even shoot ALOT. He just sits and shoots 3s. Even with that said, thisman is a TIER 1 defending PG. Distributes the ball great. Rebounds, hustles, etc.

at that other cat saying his defense was overrated. This man is the floor general and is a PG who holds the best player every night. From 1-3 slot. Name another PG that can run the floor and distribute, rebound, and still play good D. When the game is on the line and he needs a defensive stop, Kidd willget the job done.

Funny cuz I remember when Jose Calderon gave the nets like 20something in the playoffs and dudes was in my ear the whole game bout how Kidd was gettingtorched. Kidd was literally just letting him shoot all game. I am a firm believer in if you are going to beat us with Calderon, I am happy with keeping Boshout the flow of the game and letting this (also overrated) PG shoot all day because when crunch time comes, you're going to go to the "hot" handin Calderon. They did this and Kidd automatically put the chains on him for the last few posessions. Calderon turning the ball over and getting ripped.

Kidd is the best PG in the league right now. I'd entertain alot of others, but he is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from overrated. He should have an MVP trophy anddoesn't.
Bron. Now let's elaborate. First off overrated does not mean that the player isn't good, great or even elite. It just means that the general perceptionof him is greater than the reality of his talent. So basically this whole thread should consist of players who's general perception > actual talent.That being said I cannot count how many times I have heard this kid is "a good shooter, the best scorer in the league, the best player in the league,better talent than JORDAN, better passer than Magic, etc." those type of remarks make him extremely overrated. EXTREMELY. He is easily a top 3 talentright now. Easily. But the slurping he receives, anyone hear Van Gundy today, is remarkably OD. THAT is why Lebron James is overrated.
^^ I believe what you've heard is wrong. Nobody is better talent than Michael Jordan.
Nobody is a better passer than Magic Johnson (that includes Stockton too even though Stock has more assists).
But James definitely is a great talent in the new millennium. The best scorer in the league right now is Kobe Bryant.
I'm from LA and NOT A FAN OF KOBE, but I have to admit, Kobe is the best scoring player in the league right now.
But he has all the right be highly rated, he's a MVP candidates this season.
Bron finger injury = Cavs lose and lose and lose.
Bron is back = Cavs wins, wins, lose sometimes, but win again....
Originally Posted by antj2k2

Report Clearly you're on drugs. Please, please elaborate...
No, my man...CLEARLY ur ******ed.
Yeah I am, for even responding to someone who calls one of the greatest players in the history of basketball the most overrated player today, but yet can't articulate a single reason except to call someone ******ed.

You're right son...proceed.
The defense rests...
Originally Posted by indohan

^^ I believe what you've heard is wrong. Nobody is better talent than Michael Jordan.
Nobody is a better passer than Magic Johnson (that includes Stockton too even though Stock has more assists).
But James definitely is a great talent in the new millennium. The best scorer in the league right now is Kobe Bryant.
I'm from LA and NOT A FAN OF KOBE, but I have to admit, Kobe is the best scoring player in the league right now.
But he has all the right be highly rated, he's a MVP candidates this season.
Bron finger injury = Cavs lose and lose and lose.
Bron is back = Cavs wins, wins, lose sometimes, but win again....

Highly rated and OVER rated are two different things. Just because a player warrants high praise doesn't mean he can't be overrated. Quite simple.
This thread has convinced me that nobody on NT knows the game of basketball, and thinks that the player they hate the most is overrated for some apparentreason.

If I were to pick the most overrated, Steve Francis tops my list. No question. Second, I would have Zach. Sure, he puts up 20/10, but it comes at the expenseof the team. But im not saying anymore because everybody else has such valid arguements that I will be proven wrong.
^ you don't think Wallets in Chicago is overrated?

Well maybe not anymore now that I think about it.....................

but ya I agree with Francis being overrated until his last season in NY and especially this season back in Houston.......
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

This thread has convinced me that nobody on NT knows the game of basketball, and thinks that the player they hate the most is overrated for some apparent reason.

If I were to pick the most overrated, Steve Francis tops my list. No question. Second, I would have Zach. Sure, he puts up 20/10, but it comes at the expense of the team. But im not saying anymore because everybody else has such valid arguements that I will be proven wrong.

Dude... Stever Francis is not even in the All-Star ballot... How can he be overrated?

You sure you know basketball? Because many NT's "BRAIN" thought that I don't know basketball and yet I'm still aware that Franchise is nolonger in the "star" section.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

Let me start by saying, I am not NBA journalist, but I'm pretty sure if every superstar that doesn't play the 1 were asked KIDD would be first on their list when you look at his game as a whole.

I really think that a lot of the reason people continue to rank Kidd at the top of the PG list is because his body of work as a whole. That goes for NBAplayers as well. As far as their entire careers go, it's undeniable that he's had the best in terms of overall quality and longevity. However, at thispoint in time, I mean, it's clear that while he's still a very good point guard, he's not the same guy he was a few years back.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

Nash is a beneficiary of his system and the worst starting defender in the NBA. he takes my nod for most overrated though he is very good
CP3 and Deron are too young to make that statement. Deron is having a slight fall off from what I thought he'd be
Baron is the most rediculous shot taker in the world and only plays defense when he wants to which isnt often

Even looking this year, Kidd obviously isn't a good shooter, but he doesn't even shoot ALOT. He just sits and shoots 3s. Even with that said, this man is a TIER 1 defending PG. Distributes the ball great. Rebounds, hustles, etc.
One side of the argument is that Nash is a beneficiary of the system he plays in. The other side is that he IS the system he plays in. I don'tknow if you've seen the Suns play without Nash, but everything becomes stagnant and they look like trash. As far as Paul and Deron go, I really don'tsee why their age should factor in. We're not talking about their overall careers. If we were, you'd hear no argument from me if you said Kidd is thebest PG. Only thing is though, we're talking about right NOW. And right NOW, I'd definitely take all of those other guys before Kidd. They all have theability to make plays and find the open guy at or nearly at Kidd's level, and they're doing it more efficiently as well. And, contrary to yourassertion, Deron hasn't "fallen off". He's averaging 19 and 9 while shooting above 50% from the field. If that's "falling off",I'm sure there are about 25 other teams in the league that wish their PGs would fall off.

As far as Kidd not taking many shots, he only takes one less shot per game than Chauncey, two less per game than Nash, and three less per game than Deron. Inother words, he still shoots enough for his inefficiency from the field to be significant. Think about how much a point guard being a poor shooter hurts theoffense. Take the four guys I mentioned, for instance (Paul, Deron, Baron, and Nash). If you use the defender on one of them to double team their post guy onthe block, they'll hit the shot because they're all good shooters. Teams aren't exactly going to be eager to leave a guy like Nash with an openjumper because his man went down and helped double Amare or whoever. With Kidd? Not so much.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

at that other cat saying his defense was overrated. This man is the floor general and is a PG who holds the best player every night. From 1-3 slot. Name another PG that can run the floor and distribute, rebound, and still play good D. When the game is on the line and he needs a defensive stop, Kidd will get the job done.
Chris Paul. And don't tell me Paul's a bad rebounder and say it's because he averages four a game while Kidd averages eight. Paul hasChandler and David West gobbling a bunch of potential boards. Kidd has... who? Josh Boone?
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

Funny cuz I remember when Jose Calderon gave the nets like 20something in the playoffs and dudes was in my ear the whole game bout how Kidd was getting torched. Kidd was literally just letting him shoot all game. I am a firm believer in if you are going to beat us with Calderon, I am happy with keeping Bosh out the flow of the game and letting this (also overrated) PG shoot all day because when crunch time comes, you're going to go to the "hot" hand in Calderon. They did this and Kidd automatically put the chains on him for the last few posessions. Calderon turning the ball over and getting ripped.
I'm not saying Kidd's a bad defender, but you could really use a better argument. "YEAH KIDD GOT TORCHED ALL GAME BY CALDERON ANDTHEN GOT ONE STOP AT THE END SEE HE'S A GOOD DEFENDER!" isn't exactly making your point.

Anyway, I just want to reiterate that I don't necessarily think Kidd's overrated. He's still a top five point guard in my opinion, and I'm suretop two or three for some others. I'm just saying you could easily make the argument that he is, based on the reputation he has compared to his actual playat this point in time.
Second, I would have Zach. Sure, he puts up 20/10, but it comes at the expense of the team.
Sadly, I agree, and I still like the guy I lot, but you need to look no further than Portland's success this season for proof. Addition bysubtraction. If he can somehow "get it" and completely change his mentality than I think there's still some hope for him, his instincts and toucharound the hoop can be second to none.
^^man are you crazy!!

how can you lead a team tot the finals by yourself and earn league scoring honors and league MVP that year, as only 6'0 (at best), and revolutionize aposition an not be considered one of the best of the era.

That should go with out saying, you my friend get a large
in a sense, all the superstars in the NBA are overrated. you can thank the media and fans (only nuthuggers and homers, no unbiased fans).

You go on NT and see Kobe stans claim that "Kobe is GOAT", "Kobe > Jordan etc. Enough said, we all know Jordan will always be the Goat.

Team Cavs be hyping up Lebron, saying that he is perfect in all aspects of the game. His defense is still shady, jumpshot is inconsistent, free throws arestill a weakness, and this may not matter, but his game lacks finesse. His jumper and drives are ugly as hell. And just because he has improved in crunch timedoesn't mean you homers can suddenly rank him as one of the premier clutch players in the NBA. I was disgusted when I saw the quote "Lebron has bettercourt-vision than Magic Johnson." as well

My favorite example of being overrated is the Phoenix Suns. In particular, Nash, Amare, and Marion. I don't know why the media thinks that they have achance at the championship every year. Nash is a product of the system and a liablity on defense. Amare has a weak offensive arsenal and is also a defensiveliability. Marion is the best out of the 3, but he can't create his own shot, his man-to-man defense is weak at times, and his jumpshot is hideous.
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