Most overrated women (actress, musician, etc).

Now you're just trolling per the norm. Next time you accuse someone of something actually come with viable proof or simply just shut the **** up. No in between on that one.
You got some tough keystrokes over there man.

You calling me a troll would be like Ginobili accusing James Harden of flopping
Don't do that man.

Like I said..not that serious dude
You got some tough keystrokes over there man.

You calling me a troll would be like Ginobili accusing James Harden of flopping
Don't do that man.

Like I said..not that serious dude

The "just the Internet" argument. Your character is the some total of what you do. If you lie on the Internet you are a liar. Period. Don't sit here and try to link me and my character to a potential pos of a human being or anyone NOT myself.

The end
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The hell is this and why is she being overrated?
. I've seen a lot of appreciation for keke palmer on social media. 
I googled her and she doesn't look half bad, did you just find the worst possible pic. None of her other pics look like the thing you posted.
that was the most recent though. Ever since she cut her hair shorter she isn't all that.
Trippin about Alba being overrated. She is cute as hell man.

That is the only thing people really say about her.
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Lauren London's just like Megan Fox, I barely ever see anyone actually talk about her. Most recent work she's had to my knowledge is The Game, and people aren't exactly raving about how she's the best part of the show.
Technically isn't any overrated list just a list of posters telling everyone who they don't care for?
Technically isn't any overrated list just a list of posters telling everyone who they don't care for?

But generally they should be people that people beast over.

Females like Uma Thurman and Kristen Dunst are famous but few if any are beasting over their looks. So they're properly rated and not overrated
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she isn't cute. She just has little sex appeal, I'd rather smash Rihanna.  Jessica Alba seems like the kinda chick you'd be in a sexless marriage with. And when you do have sex its nothing but missionary, through the boxer hole.
Who touts Jessica Alba for having sex appeal though? That isn't even her lane. She is cute. That is what people know her as.

So to say she is overrated because she doesn't have sex appeal is pointless. That is't even how she is marketed
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