Most Remembered THreads / Posts on NT Post Links if available

One of my favorites was that dude GuccJermaine getting pissed off cause his sister/girlfriend left him for a white dude and his folks made him move into his 4-cylinder Camero after they convinced him to live at home and help out around the house instead of getting a job after college.

Son! [emoji]128513[/emoji]
The simps came out the wood work that day SMH

Didn't an Nter send her flowers and a teddy bear or something like that :lol:

Another great memory dude who came out the closet

ksteezy coming out the freak closet

Daaaaaam shortypop about to be a mom dam!!!!
Damn.....I had to do a quick stalk....she is a mom.

Bro when CreateDestroy outed PRGirl's adult friend finder page, it got real.

Then someone linked that reddit post about her :lol:

AEA18, AIAudi and someone else was simping far too hard :smh:
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-All the Victorian Era threads
-Vampedo Thread
-The first couple PYP threads when dudes would get roasted. Especially when dudes on general went at dudes in the music forum
-Major telling someone he gonna punch them in the middle of their chest and make their shoulder clap together
-Harlem Shake Story
-The computer generated Sasha video dissing Ben Baller literally had be in tears and gasping for air.
The wildness that was the savage thread.

Da original unpopular opinions thread.

Not even a year old and they're already classics
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