Motivational quotes to keep you going.

"The way in not in the sky. The way is in the heart..."

"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. we ourselves must walk the path..."

"Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. he who envies others does not obtain peace of mind..."

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become..."

All by Buddha

Let's get it today NT
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"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world..." -Harriet Tubman

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams..." -Eleanor roosevelt

"I avoid looking backward or forward, and try to keep looking upward..." -Charlotte Bronte

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do..." -Epictetus

"Men's best successes come after their disappointments..." -Henry Ward Breecher

"In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it..." -Norman Vincent Peale

Stay humble NT :smokin

Funny you posted this. I think about this scene all the time...:lol:

Also another scene, or soundbite rather, that I think of when I am usually down is of Alfred telling Bruce to "rise".

I always imagine myself as Bruce W asking Alfred, "what will you have me do."

He then replies, "Rise, endure, become the outcast... make the choice no one else can make."...:lol:

I dont really post in this thread but I always read it when I see it on the first page. You guys always post something that bring my spirits up :smokin

Not a quote but this commercial always gets to me:

Funny you posted this. I think about this scene all the time...:lol:

Also another scene, or soundbite rather, that I think of when I am usually down is of Alfred telling Bruce to "rise".

I always imagine myself as Bruce W asking Alfred, "what will you have me do."

He then replies, "Rise, endure, become the outcast... make the choice no one else can make."...:lol:


My favorite batman quote.. It's from Batman Begins..

“If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely."

"Which is?"

"A legend Mr. Wayne, A legend."
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"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em..." -Shakespeare

"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones..." -Chinese Proverb

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere..." -Einstein

Don't give up today NT, let's get it :smokin
You gotta go hard.  You gotta believe in yourself and you gotta have a sense of humor, and know that ******** is gonna happen.  You can’t be too serious about it or too emotionally affected when ******** happens.  You gotta just stick to the script, believe, have overwhelming confidence, be your own biggest fan, your own biggest believer, and put in on your back.  Carry the weight.  ~Nipsey Hussle

Gonna post this on my bathroom mirror, along with other gems posted in here. Good **** fellas. 
I highly recommend this book to everyone - whether you are an athlete, businessman, or facing a hardship, I really think the advice in it is universal and can help anyone live a happier and more motivated life. The pdf can be found online and I really urge everyone to at least try the book out, it could really improve your life.

I've heard his other book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is great as well, I'll definitely read that next.
I highly recommend this book to everyone - whether you are an athlete, businessman, or facing a hardship, I really think the advice in it is universal and can help anyone live a happier and more motivated life. The pdf can be found online and I really urge everyone to at least try the book out, it could really improve your life.

I've heard his other book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is great as well, I'll definitely read that next.

Going to read.. Thanks for the recommendation..
I highly recommend this book to everyone - whether you are an athlete, businessman, or facing a hardship, I really think the advice in it is universal and can help anyone live a happier and more motivated life. The pdf can be found online and I really urge everyone to at least try the book out, it could really improve your life.

I've heard his other book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is great as well, I'll definitely read that next.

Ive read "How To Win Friends" and its definitely solid. Will have to check this out ASAP.
I've recommended both of those books before. The examples may be outdated but the knowledge stands the test of time. If your stuck in a rut, those books will help you like they did me.
How to Stop... is legit. Drove to school after work the entire last semester listening to it in my car and it's definitely motivating.
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