"Your ideas are physical thoughts, for they manifest with perfect precision. Be careful with what you choose to allow to come into your mind"
My friend said this once. "Being realistic is so stupid. At some point everything was unrealistic. Before computers, having one was extremely unrealistic. Before phones, having one was unrealistic. Before planes, traveling via air was unrealistic. So if you have a dream, some will say its unrealistic, but they told that to Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X too."
Nothing will pay you better than acquiring the power to make others feel at ease, happy, and satisfied with themselves.
Men and women are human magnets. Just as a steel magnet drawn through a pile of rubbish will pull out only the things that have an affinity for it, so we are constantly drawing to us, establishing relations with the things and the people that respond to our thoughs and ideals.
One of the harms we do to ourselves everyday is finishing a negative statement
When negative thoughts enter your mind, do not fight them; instead, just say to yourself: "my faith is in all things good"
Remember a simple truth: you will always demonstrate your character, your state of mind. Character is destiny. Character is the way you think, feel, and believe, the spiritual values you have enthroned in your mind, the integrity and honesty that you have established there. These qualities pay dividends.