Movie looks cray: THE PURGE starring Ethan Hawke

I LOVED the concept

just the execution was average

Shoulda had Denzel in it as the main charecter and shoulda been longer and more darker seemed to much like a "kiddy" killing movie
looks pretty cool, watching this with some friends tonight.. No idea what I do would do if it happened in real life
strap up or get choked with your own intestines

like many said, the concept seems interesting but they dropped the ball on the delivery
terrible movie, do not watch unless you have an excess in disposable income. execution is very poor, they pretty much offed all the 'bad' guys you see in the trailer within a 5 minute frame. felt more like a 10 minute youtube clip than an actual movie. this is one of those movies where you go, i thought movies were screened before theyre allowed into theaters, how did this one make it?
terrible movie, do not watch unless you have an excess in disposable income. execution is very poor, they pretty much offed all the 'bad' guys you see in the trailer within a 5 minute frame. felt more like a 10 minute youtube clip than an actual movie. this is one of those movies where you go, i thought movies were screened before theyre allowed into theaters, how did this one make it?

if they killed them that quickly what happens the rest of the movie? please spoil it
terrible movie, do not watch unless you have an excess in disposable income. execution is very poor, they pretty much offed all the 'bad' guys you see in the trailer within a 5 minute frame. felt more like a 10 minute youtube clip than an actual movie. this is one of those movies where you go, i thought movies were screened before theyre allowed into theaters, how did this one make it?

if they killed them that quickly what happens the rest of the movie? please spoil it

Yes pm us both i wanna know
Lol it wasn't that bad to me... But it def had the potential to do a little more with it. Wasn't disappointed, the loophole is you could just leave the country for a day and skip the purge...
Lol it wasn't that bad to me... But it def had the potential to do a little more with it. Wasn't disappointed, the loophole is you could just leave the country for a day and skip the purge...
yes but you risk getting  your house broken into and getting robbed
situations like this movie are why im scared of the suburbs.

the strangers had me shook for a while about leaving the city at night.
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Lmfao what about the part the girl tickles the wife and shes screaming like a ***** hahahah

:rofl: that **** had my whole theater dying, that girl was the creepiest one to me wasn't she the one skipping around the whole time :lol:

Movie was ok, nice little thriller, not worth full price, I wouldn't have been mad catching a matinee though. It's a cool concept, but the suggestion earlier in this thread about making it focus on 4 diff classes of people and their experiences w/ the Purge instead of one family would've been a wayyyyy better film
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