Moving to Japan?

Mar 13, 2007
I thinking about movie to Japan around jan. '10 and I wanted to see if anyone knew where I could start looking things up. I am serious about moving but Iwanna start planning way ahead.
Thanks for any help.
Originally Posted by pntgio

I thinking about movie to Japan around jan. '10 and I wanted to see if anyone knew where I could start looking things up. I am serious about moving but I wanna start planning way ahead.
Thanks for any help.
Airforce? What part of japan? what island ?
Do you speak Japanese know the culture?

Do you happen to be an electrical engineer? Outsourcing FTL.

Vent over, resume topic.
Definitely learn the language or hopefully the company you'll be working for will provide lessons. Even in Tokyo not a lot of stuff will be in English andthe appointed English speaking people are laughably bad.

Do not move to Japan if:
You cannot speak or read the language well enough to get around.
You get claustrophobic or nervous around crowds.
Hate walking all over the place and/or using public transport.
Like to stay out past midnight unless you don't mind dropping some bills on a taxi or a place to stay.
Have a bad sense of direction.
Hate stairs.

On the positive end:
Alcohol is sold 24-7
100 Yen stores
Low crime rate
Free tissues
Over the top customer service
Lots of generally clean public restrooms
Great cheap food
Awesome cell phones
Great public transport system
Lots of places to shop (if you can find them)
Ok well first off no, I dont know the language or the culture but both are things that I can learn. I already know english, spanish and a bit of german so idont mind learning. I am a chef actually. Im still in school but once im done with school i wanna be out.
Originally Posted by pntgio

Ok well first off no, I dont know the language or the culture but both are things that I can learn. I already know english, spanish and a bit of german so i dont mind learning. I am a chef actually. Im still in school but once im done with school i wanna be out.
wait, you want to move to japan but don't know ANY? at least learn the basics. what do you wanna move there for? just to be there?

what part of japan? if tokyo, i hope you have some funds saved up.
Ask H4ppyTimeH4rry (I think thats his sn), he's teaching in Japan atm.

But yea, Japan would be awesome.

Maybe you should visit first to see if you really like it? Or apply for those teaching programs at least it gives you accommodation and a job while youlearn/adapt, then when your contract is done, you can move out and find your own place and be a chef somewhere or whatever. gl.
any reason why you moving to japan?

learning the language is a must
you cant buy food in restaurants if u cant read kanji, hiragana or katakana

great place tho

gtr's all day
Originally Posted by fugualarmclock

Definitely learn the language or hopefully the company you'll be working for will provide lessons. Even in Tokyo not a lot of stuff will be in English and the appointed English speaking people are laughably bad.

Do not move to Japan if:
You cannot speak or read the language well enough to get around.
You get claustrophobic or nervous around crowds.
Hate walking all over the place and/or using public transport.
Like to stay out past midnight unless you don't mind dropping some bills on a taxi or a place to stay.
Have a bad sense of direction.
Hate stairs.

On the positive end:
Alcohol is sold 24-7
100 Yen stores
Low crime rate
Free tissues
Over the top customer service
Lots of generally clean public restrooms
Great cheap food
Awesome cell phones
Great public transport system
Lots of places to shop (if you can find them)
This is great advice right here.

I just wanted to add that Japan is a beautiful place, but it will be difficult to live there if you don't know how to speak the language or understand alittle about the culture.
Dude, if you don't know Japanese, don't bother. Japanese is the hardest language to learn. Second is Chinese, then Korean. It's gonna take youYEARS to learn it.
To answer all asking why I wanna move, Ive always been awestruck by japan and plan on doing something about it. Being a car buff doesnt hurt these fantasieseither. But yeah I am looking at making a serious choice here so PLEASE no hate, just helpful info.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Dude, if you don't know Japanese, don't bother. Japanese is the hardest language to learn. Second is Chinese, then Korean. It's gonna take you YEARS to learn it.
from what i've heard, chinese is harder. still, i've been learning japanese for 8 years and i was still
when i've gone there. not an easy task. if OP is thinking of moving theresoon without knowing anything, you're in for a rude awakening.
Originally Posted by pntgio

Does anyone have info on teaching english over there?

from what I know they are always looking for english teachers

but that job is not possible for you because you have no way to communicate with the students
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