[| -- (MTV) Making The Band IV FINALE on NOW 9PM EST (DIDDY GOING OFF) -- |]

aubrey does have an attitude and does need to humble herself

and yeah there will be another season... about how aubrey and d woods making it back to the band

but that finale was bs crap
Another classic case of a bird gettin a lil shine. And coming to wide out her lane. Like Diddy said her attiude will lead her to somewhere dark and lonely.Clown a__ broad. Couple years from now she's be doin anything for a lil cash. VH1 reality show anybody?
Originally Posted by PicknRoll

Originally Posted by PicknRoll

soo whos out the group?

idk I wanna know too
they juss left us hanging with no definitive answer
but i hope aubrey is out cause her ego and attitude
i wanted to know whats going to happen, did anyone see their faces when asked about another season...
... i predict they will disband

The Members of Da Band were probably watching this
because they knew how Diddy rolls.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

How he gonna drop D. Woods?!


I hate you Diddy.
I agree..he should've dumped Dawn

D. Woods>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dawn
D.Woods Already Got In Another Group Call "Girls Club" Which Includes D.Woods , Mika Means , and D.Woods sister SNL
They Did A Song On The "Swagger Like Us" Beat
I'm not going to front, I really like all the women in the group (looks, personality, talent) and their music.....but they blew it. I thought Aubrey was ahustler when she ventured off to make more money, but in the end it really hurt the group. And Aundrea played herself by being too damn childish. Anyone oneelse peep how she sat down immediately so she didn't have to hug D. Woods? She petty for creating a problem because someone stole her best friend. Sick$$%%.

And to be honest, D. Woods always appeared to me like she saw DK as a side hustle. I know she does alot of writing and stuff in ATL. I figure not getting thatmany looks on songs and being labeled the hood chick can only last so long.

In the end Puff was right again...they should have appreciated each other because they each helped the other fulfill a dream.
Lol Aundrea is upset cus she let go of medical school for this group and her focus is solely the group and now she sees the other members doing side jobs soshe's feeling the wrath
I still don't believe they are done as a group. They've been his most successful MTB group so far and have sold many records. And if it is true, whydidnt the media find out about this when it was filmed?
In Complex, Aubrey said they are all signed for 7 more albums...and we all know how Diddy get down with those contracts

Put together groups never last long anyway...girl groups in general never last
I wanna know who go Aundrea pregnant? I hope it ain't her Ex-Boyfriend that dumped her during Season 1 on the phone.
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