MTV Presents The Challenge, R.I.P Diem Brown


 He should've fought back, call him CT's backpack or s*** lol


bananas is washed...

even though Jay and Jenna are a weak team, they avoided last place several times where as leroy/nia, wes/theresa etc. did not. they deserve credit for that

They deserve nothing. Only made it that far because Zach was smashing Jenna. Adam and Brittany >Jay and Jenna

Pretty much every team is delusional and feel entitled. They just have different ways to rationalize why they feel like that. Whatever it is that helps with their argument, they'll use it. 

I cant believe they didnt bring up Johnny throwing the last challenge on the after show. Talkin bout loyalty and friendship, foh CT's back pack.
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They deserve nothing. Only made it that far because Zach was smashing Jenna. Adam and Brittany >Jay and Jenna

Not only that, Jay should feel extra small for the fact he only survived because HIS EX was hooking up with one of the toughest competitors in the house. I don't care what Jay was getting from Jonna, because neither one of them was contributing much to the cause.
Jesus bro, come up for air :lol:

Sounds like you wanna be Theresa in that situation....
Wait what? :lol: How did you arrive tot hat homosexual conclusion?

So sus b. Since when is it gay to want to smash fine women? Don't try to play something off on me if you got feelings for Leroy.
:lol: @ Johnny's breaking down. He's getting old fast. Funny how he mocked Wes for the same ****. All he had was maybe a fractured rib while Wes had to run toward Leroy coming at him like a bullet train.

I wouldn't compare the two, Bananas tried.
Wes tried the first time and got the **** knocked out of him. He knew he couldn't take another one so he tried the lame tactic of sliding.

Johnny had one try and midway through complained of a chest pain, then even said it was his rib fracturing. After the out of bounds and reset son pretty much lost easily to Leroy.

That he posted fake x-rays just makes it more pathetic.

I'm not saying the two are the same. I just find it funny how Johnny mocked Wes after they bother suffered some pain during the elimination.
Jenna got rotten guts, though.
Her real picky, juvenile tastebuds & chicken nugget only diet on RW was horrendous.
Her farts prolly stink and she most definitely not down for nut in her mouth.

:x :rofl:
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This is episode was hard to watch. All that Bananas saltiness wanted me to turn it off. Like if he was in the final, he would of been dancing around Norway, doing his corny toasts, and telling everyone else to quit ruining his trip. Dude is a pos, I hope MTV never every casts this bum again.

It is well known among cast members that Bananas can dish it but not take it, whether that is pranks or strategic moves. I remember Wes and CT clowning him om Rivals II prior to the final and he almost got thrown out for hitting Wes.
This last episode plus the after show just showed that everyone except Sarah and possibly Jenna's partner aren't batpoo crazy.

Johnny, Leroy, and Nia trying to paint Sarah as a villain is just so cringe-worthy.
I think it was trash to bring Theresa in as Leroy's partner only because she was already on a team this season but I get that they had to play by the "Ex" theme or Leroy would've went home. Although I feel like Leroy/Theresa is the strongest team, I don't think they are the smartest and we all know the final will consist of puzzles and such. Jay is such a clown. Glad Johnny/Nany got sent home.

I think it was more than fair they brought back Theresa, the whole Exile bullcrap was what was "Unfair"
apparently him and Theresa had a more serious relationship than him and Nia.

They deserve nothing. Only made it that far because Zach was smashing Jenna. Adam and Brittany >Jay and Jenna

they won an elimnation though, they deserve to be there as much as Leroy and sarah imo.
I really don't like bananas so I'm glad he went home and he can't even be mad because what they did to Paula was way worse then what he got on a side note Leroy came up having Theresa now
He didn't even do anything to Paula other than not let her on his boat which she never was gonna be on. Paula just felt entitle and cried about it afterwards forever. He without a doubt screwed over and backstabbed Dunbar, but even he never cried about nearly as much as Paula who wasn't even involved with that entire situation.

Johnny had choice between himself being eliminated or Dunbar. Sarah was completely safe and did it purely strategically. Both moves made sense, but Sarah's was way worse.
so wait jordan is gay?

Not sure, but he came off like Zach during his Real World season. Very homophobic because of his sheltered hick background, to showing tendencies and doing suspect stuff as a joke or to have fun. Which looks suspect.
unless he's undercover.

Jordan was getting mad chicks on his season. I do remember they would have the bar/club scenes. and it was mentioned once how much he was slaying them
@ Johnny calling anyone dirty or backstabbing.

Leeroy came up bigger than anyone with that Nia situation.. he got rid of a cancer/quitter. Runs her mouth but hardly backs it up, I have no doubt she would have dominated Nany in that elimination.. but in the final challenge I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up quitting.

Sarah did the right move and stuck with their strat.. I still hate her however 
. Don't know why.. there's just something about her I dislike. I think it's those dumb looking faces she makes during those little interviews. She just seems kind of fake to me.

@ Jay saying he played the game well.. nah fool your partner was getting smashed by one of the stronger males in the house.. and teams kept you around because you're a layup.

I'd like to see Leeroy and Theresa win but I feel like Sarah and Jordan will take it.. though, I think Sarah is in terrible shape compared to Theresa.. she was the only chick throwing up on that mountain challenge showing her terrible conditioning. I don't even think Jay and Jenna finish tbh
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If Sarah and Jordan do win, then it's not really a come up for leroy at all.
he could get 2nd with Nia when facing jay and Jenna anyway.

i always thought the whole lay up deal was so that all the vets stay in the final... but this lay up is how its suppose to go....

I'm also pretty sure at some point jay was like hey...keep hitting up zach it's working out.
or he at least realized it and was just like let's do this and not put ourselves in the elimination round by being last. they did win power couple once (or twice)
I think it's a comeup because now he has a better shot to win.

Before this last episode everyone in here was saying if leeroy and Nia win the elimination then Sarah and Jordan wins the final easy. Now with Theresa I think they have some serious competition. Nia prolly wouldn't be able to jump out of moving plane and probably quit. She's built for physical challenges like the last two eliminations..she ain't built for a final challenge. If the plane didn't get her climbing up that mountain probably would have.
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re: jordan when the incident happened if im correct nia was saying they all knew he was gay and he said yeah

No, Nia said he makes out with guys, and Jordan joked that he only does that on Tuesdays (it's a classic response to a bogus accusation). Think of it like this: if she said Jordan likes to club baby seals, Jordan's response would be "only on Tuesdays". Then, Nia said "we all know you're gay" in the way someone would say it to pester someone who is in denial. I think Jordan's response was "oh, now I'm gay?" (or something like that). Then she dropped the F-word and felt his crotch. Also, there's this tweet that Jordan sent out.

Jordan Wiseley @JordanW_usa · Mar 17
Haha Nah, I'm Straight. #sorryboys #helloladies RT“@carpe_diem_88: Wait @JordanW_usa are you really gay? #justcurious #loveyouregardless [emoji]10084[/emoji]️”

Just remember: Nia is a terrible human being. We've known this since Portland. She'll say and do anything to get at people (you know, like that time she legitimately tried to hire some dude to assault her roommates).

Edit: Just rewatched the exchange. Nia says he makes out with guys, Jordan responds with the "only on Tuesday" comment, she calls him the f-word a few times then touches him, then she walks away, talking about she knows more about Jordan than he thinks she does (implying that he's gay). Jordan then says that if she thinks he's gay, then everything she just did makes her actions a hate crime and her gay friends (who she claims to have many of) wouldn't approve. She claims "they'll understand" because they love her. Jordan is just playing along the whole time, and she keeps digging a deeper hole.

Also, during the show's airing, Nia even tweeted that she could use the F-word because she has gay friends. It's the classic "I can't be racist because I have black friends" excuse. All of this makes any apology she issued completely disingenuous.
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I don't know if he's actually gay but Jordan was just playing along sarcastically when Nia was going in on him.

When she said he was gay and called him a ****** he even said something like "well if I am gay you're committing a hate crime" :lol: Then she got on that whole the gay community will still love me

He was just trying to outsmart her while she berated him.
Nia just needs to get beat up 1 good time to fix all this.
By who though?

I don't think it'd work. She'd just get somebody to beat the person that beat her up like she almost did to Jordan during their season.

Nia is gonna Nia.
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Finally watched the episode.

Nany trying to kick Theresa after she  got beat.


Surprised but glad they didn't send LeRoy home.

Still don't have a problem with what Sarah did. Guaranteed if the roles were reversed, Bananas would've done the same thing.
Theresa played dirty that whole elimination. TJ even told her to stop kicking. Theresa sucks.
They both played dirty :lol:

After Theresa kicked her and kept trying to push her knee in to Nany's chest, Nany bit her :lol: and then almost broke her arm as they roled across the ground.

That's how a girl fight should be. Whole time I watched I was aroused. A nice prefight before I watched the girl fight on Empire :pimp: :lol:
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Heads up back to back to back episodes of The Challenge starting now.

The **** They Should've Shown, The Season Finale and The Reunion.
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