MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

kenny was comedy. and he could his own in challenges, didn't he carry wes up a mountain? :lol:
It was maybe 10-15 yards up it I think, just edited for TV and episode previews to seem like was an extended period. lol

Kenny was even better than Johnny at getting to finals, even though often it was together. Of all the challenges he did I think he only missed 1 final.
dude bought a wrestling ring with his money...
He will always be my fan favorite just for that.

how deep was that assault on tonya btw. you let other people tell it he flat out raped her with it. I dont think that was the case at all
It was only that one time where he hosted the after show like past vets.

He has hosted more than once since then, at least one after show, and then one or two previews for upcoming season I believe.

I'm assuming the ban that everyone is pretty sure is real, was from Bunim Murray and not MTV. Since MTV still gives him stuff like that.
Oh okay, I don't watch a lot of preview stuff and/or barely remember them.

I just remember the most recent one he did when I learned on here he was banned for that incident. Before that he had won his last challenge and I thought he just stopped doing them. Didn't care about Evan, he wasn't a winner like that or even a personality. Next thing I know the challenges started focusing on Johnny hard like he was some mastermind bad guy. Then they switched off and focused on Wes a bit but then he stopped doing roods and got small.

That was the time for guys like Wes and Abram to strike.

kenny was comedy. and he could his own in challenges, didn't he carry wes up a mountain? :lol:
It was maybe 10-15 yards up it I think, just edited for TV and episode previews to seem like was an extended period. lol

Kenny was even better than Johnny at getting to finals, even though often it was together. Of all the challenges he did I think he only missed 1 final.
That he had to carry him at all :lol: :smh:
how deep was that assault on tonya btw. you let other people tell it he flat out raped her with it. I dont think that was the case at all
They held an electric toothbrush against her c******* for an extended period of time while she was unconscious and MTV/bunim murray security and camera men were there and let it happen. They kept filming but didn't air it because she brought a lawsuit against them. 

They also let someone on real world use another cast member's toothbrush (i think the blonde dude that used to blow dry his body in new orleans) to clean a toilet and filmed it all and only intervened when he'd put toothpaste on it and was about to put it in his mouth.

on the low bunim murray is really ****** up. You can find the depositions and court petitions of most of those lawsuits online.
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I was going to ask if there were cameramen there when the thing with tonya happened. S umbags for letting that happen.
Bruh, Cara and Jamie just got through telling Jenna and her awkwardly cute AF cousin that they had their backs, then they go and side with Bananas and vote Jamie in.

Bananas for the voo doo
These people are literally the dumbest human beings alive. They all talk about how they hate Vince, and how they want Bananas out...then don't vote Vince in. Real smart, guys. Even after TJ said the teams were being broken up right after. I'd take Jamie over Vince any day in any elimination format.
They make no damn sense whatsoever. They were just talking about how the guy voted in all of his previous allies. I hope those two dummies get voted in soon and sent home. Looks like them and aneesa will try to send cara home since she's the strongest girl left but she'd beat them in almost any elimination.
It's really not that dumb.

If they vote in Mike and Vince, then if Mike wins, he and Cara will vote Jenna and Brianna in at the next elimination to make the path easier for Cara. Cara says she won't vote them in, but come on.

And if Vince wins, then out of spite he's going to vote Jenna and Brianna in at the next elimination.

By voting Mike and Jaime in, then at the next elimination they have a good chance of Bananas voting with them to make sure Cara goes in. Problem is will he put Aneesa in there too? She has a better chance of not going in siding with Bananas than if she sides with Cara and Jaime.
I dunno, cara really hasn't gone against her word as far as voting goes this season except when abe made her vote in hj. I'm a vengeful person who holds grudges so I'd vote in people I hate.
^ she went against her word the first time wih Tom too and there's only three girls teams. Jenna had a chance of seeing Cara in a pit or having CT eliminate her for her.

Jenna made the right call. Even if she has to go in anyway if rather do it Vs Aneesa and her useless cousin than Trapz Queen Cara
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dang i didnt know it was that deep with kenny with tonya. that's crazy... the camerman shoulda been like... hey yall chill out...
i blame the camerman/security for no more kenny.

ohhhh Katie...........i use to love her little self too.

and I'm country we need Jemma's accent back (but put it on Jenna's body)

They need to just do another Fresh meat and recruit new talent for these challenges. bloodlines was a decent idea if all of them were decently athletic and manipulating.

Vince is sort of a good addtion and Dario and his brother.
Tony and his. but aneesas cousin.............she's just there to me..

fresh meat is where kenny came from Evan too right?

who from fresh meat was recurring

1. Kenny
2. Evan
3. Casey (lol yall want to talk about bullying, Wes fried her way more than Zach fried JoNae)
4. Mandi
5. Cara Maria
6. DIem..... (RIP) I always felt like she was a season.
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how deep was that assault on tonya btw. you let other people tell it he flat out raped her with it. I dont think that was the case at all

They held an electric toothbrush against her c******* for an extended period of time while she was unconscious and MTV/bunim murray security and camera men were there and let it happen. They kept filming but didn't air it because she brought a lawsuit against them. 

They also let someone on real world use another cast member's toothbrush (i think the blonde dude that used to blow dry his body in new orleans) to clean a toilet and filmed it all and only intervened when he'd put toothpaste on it and was about to put it in his mouth.

on the low bunim murray is really ****** up. You can find the depositions and court petitions of most of those lawsuits online.
I think this was a RW season cuz I remember it vividly.

That was some foul ****. The simple way to nip that in the bud is tell them if they do some **** like that then they'll go home. They would've switched to a tamer "prank"

Bunim Murrary realized they were getting a bad rap and that's why they tried to make an example out of Nia and Jordan more than once. Had the nerve to pull a bullying spa out of it.
Also, I can totally buy Abram having to leave, and that's why Mike kept putting himself in. I'm guessing producers came to Abram and were like "look, we just lost two teams, we need someone to come in and be disruptive for, like, two weeks." That would explain a lot.
Damn that just means the vets who can raise ratings really are done with the Challenges and probably got steady paying jobs/careers.
dang i didnt know it was that deep with kenny with tonya. that's crazy... the camerman shoulda been like... hey yall chill out...
i blame the camerman/security for no more kenny.

ohhhh Katie...........i use to love her little self too.

and I'm country we need Jemma's accent back (but put it on Jenna's body)

They need to just do another Fresh meat and recruit new talent for these challenges. bloodlines was a decent idea if all of them were decently athletic and manipulating.

Vince is sort of a good addtion and Dario and his brother.
Tony and his. but aneesas cousin.............she's just there to me..

fresh meat is where kenny came from Evan too right?

who from fresh meat was recurring

1. Kenny
2. Evan
3. Casey (lol yall want to talk about bullying, Wes fried her way more than Zach fried JoNae)
4. Mandi
5. Cara Maria
6. DIem..... (RIP) I always felt like she was a season.

Also got Evelyn, Laurel, and Theresa from the Fresh Meats
i know tj verbally destroyed evelyn in fresh meat 2. he looked pissed when mike and jamie went into the pit last night. i was hoping he would pop off. 

he wanted to face vince, the vote didn't go down the way he wanted

Do you remember the Evelyn vs. KellyAnne elimination in The Ruins? Eve hated her teammates for sending her in vs. KellyAnne (who had no friends on the show except for Eve), so she threw it. KellyAnne had no chance against her. Even was crying as she threw it. TJ was pretty irritated over that, but kind of understood why it went down.

As for last night, TJ was definitely heated over the way that went down. To the point where a part of me thought he might call an audible and just send someone else in. Rules are rules though. I think TJ gained a lot of respect for both of them though, and when Jamie comes back next season (he is, btw), he's definitely on TJ's good side.

As for the rest of this season, I'm rooting for Jamie (and, by affiliation, Cara Maria). At least he tries, unlike the rest of his dog crap team did. I'm sure he doesn't win, and I'm sure that's why he's back next season.

:lol: TJ has no actual authority or power in the challenge, you know that right?
:lol: TJ has no actual authority or power in the challenge, you know that right?

I'm well aware of that. I wasn't really being serious. It's obvious when TJ is upset over who is sent into eliminations, though.

They edited the hell out of that elimination then

and Tyree was the wackest dude in Challenge history. I was embarrassed for him. From his pitiful performance, to him crushing over and fighting with the rat looking girl.

Nah Ty did better in a later challenge when he got his head right and mellowed out. Might have been the year his ex Emily did the stupid black face stunt. Ty had legit problems though.
:lol: TJ has no actual authority or power in the challenge, you know that right?

I'm well aware of that. I wasn't really being serious. It's obvious when TJ is upset over who is sent into eliminations, though.

I'm referring to you saying "call an audible" followed up by "at least Jaime will be on his good side if he comes back."

TJ doesn't actually do anything. And outside of the voting,challenges and eliminations doesn't interact with the cast at all. I can't remember if it was him or Johnny that said they barely even speak with him.
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who from fresh meat was recurring

1. Kenny
2. Evan
3. Casey (lol yall want to talk about bullying, Wes fried her way more than Zach fried JoNae)
4. Mandi
5. Cara Maria
6. DIem..... (RIP) I always felt like she was a season.

Fourteen new cast members from the Fresh Meat seasons did multiple challenges. Six rookies on this season are on next season. Not a huge difference, there. Plus, there are a few people coming back for their second challenge after taking a season off (apparently casting Bloodlines was really difficult). There's also a handful of more new people next season. So, no, they don't really need to do a full-on Fresh Meat season if that many rookies come back and with that many new faces.
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