MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

Would you guys eat that granola / power bar that laurel would put in her shorts during challenges? I would but she's gotta place it in a way where it's warm like fresh out of an oven.
:rofl: I see what you did there
Would you guys eat that granola / power bar that laurel would put in her shorts during challenges? I would but she's gotta place it in a way where it's warm like fresh out of an oven.

Unless you like your granola with a hint of fish oil, go for it bro.
For anyone who feels like rewatching this weeks episode, 28:48 mark, Rianna visibly drunk pees herself.
I believe you but can you provide proof or explain what they're doing when it happens? I just went through that episode and couldn't find it but was watching a stream
she was being helped back into the hotel and the back of her dress was soaked. She was also passed out during the whole fight on the bus.
I know I'm not the only one to watch this season and think the women are becoming extinct.

Jenna is the new Laurel, I'm sorry but that's just the way it is going forward.

She's going to be the one nobody wants to face. Nobody is close to being on her level.

Doesn't matter how beast Laurel was in comparison to Jenna, if Jennas competition is Nany's and Aneesa's going forward, she's going to be a finals staple EVERYTIME.
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I love Jenna so much but you dudes are wildin with the Laurel comparisons.

Nany is a good competitor. Camila is also solid on these shows. Cara still the best female competitor until someone takes that claim from her.

All that said...I love Jenna so much.
I been creeping her Instagram lately and she been doing her thing to stay in shape.
How did Jenna get macked up by that little DJ dude with the tounge rings and wanna be cool so bad pick up lines?

Only dude I ever heard of to get phone#'s from chicks and never use them.
I'd take Sarah over Cara easily.

I feel like over time Cara became a better competitor as well. I remember when she was failing like crazy.

When did Cara become the best female competitor? Especially when chicks like Laurel are being brought up as the gold standard.
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Overall sarah yes. But i think physically cara got her

Sarahs brains helps her the most
Eh, I think you post Sarah against Cara in a physical challenge like the one with Aneesa and Sarah would win.
Eh, I think you post Sarah against Cara in a physical challenge like the one with Aneesa and Sarah would win.

Sarah is good but there is a reason it took her so long to win a challenge.
Winning a challenge finale has nothing to do with beating someone in a physical elimination.

The whole story line behind Sarah finally winning it all was about her manipulation skills and backstabbing Johnny. Not her being unable to beat somebody one on one.

How yall forget? All Sarah would talk about is how she'd get screwed by not playing the game as well as the main ppl in charge. Also lets not pretend like she's been doing this for 10 years and only won once.

It's not like I'm saying Sarah is one of the best females to do it. I'm just saying she can beat Cara who also was never one of the best females to compete.
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gotta argue over left overs like sarah and cara :smh:
need to get da real laurel jr, emily and laurel jr jr, cooke back on da show to show off what real women competitors look like :wow: :pimp:
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Plus Sarah got sent home prematurely in like her first 4 or 5 shows didn't she?

From bad partners, fights, partners getting sick etc. I can't remember why but it was for sure not being sent home on account of her actions or things her partner could control..

Basically, she should have more than one, for sure.

Sarah > Cara, no doubt about that in my mind man
gotta argue over left overs like sarah and cara

need to get da real laurel jr, emily and laurel jr jr, cooke back on da show to so off what real women competitors look like
That's what I"m saying, all the good girl competitors don't do these things no mo

You forgot that one tall skinny lez blonde too, I forget her name.

but, Jenna is the best out right now, IMO
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gotta argue over left overs like sarah and cara :smh:
need to get da real laurel jr, emily and laurel jr jr, cooke back on da show to so off what real women competitors look like :wow: :pimp:
I remember Laurel being in one of the most recent ones. Think she got to the finale too but hasn't been in one since. She caused drama and all that. Don't know why she wouldn't be asked back unless she's done.

I think Emily is done. That other chick yall beast over that works out and use to mess with Ty is done too.

I'd love for Cooke to come back or just live with me but think she's done too.

Another downfall of bad casting of RW and casting Are You The one chicks. They aint built for that life.

That they make Challenges more about having both a male and female leader is what leads to this bottom scraping. So now we got ppl like Jenna looking impressive :lol:
:wow: :x :smh: laurel and a female cousin?
:wow: :x damn you mtv :smh:
and she got replaced by da 12 year old easy chick from aydo :x :smh:
probably would of faced off against ct & zach just for sport, made tony feel grateful he started turning green, and caused everyone to pull a rihanna in da grey dress :smh:
I just read her reason why and what the production company wanted and I don't blame her.

That's just plain ridiculous.
I just read her reason why and what the production company wanted and I don't blame her.

That's just plain ridiculous.

details of the medical release?

they must have changed casting directors or something..the quality of new faces they picked up over the last couple years is garbage.
Looked like they wanted to ignore / give away their HIPAA rights. Basically they wouldn't keep your confidential medical info confidential. I dunno why they would ask that of the contestants.
Can't say Jenna is new Laurel, especially after two challenges.

Laurel used to win regular challenges and elimations. Jenna has one challenge win which was the trivia last time around. She gets a lot if respect this season for winning eliminations, but unless she wins regular competitions regularly you can't compare her to someone like Laurel or Emily.
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