[| -- (MTV) The Official Making The Band 4: Season 2 Thread (Vol. Aubrey Gone) -- |]

que won off votes. i think he is the worst singer in the group. he wouldn't last if he was a solo act. can't wait to see what pops off next week.

robert finally speaking his mind. calling him aubrey.
If I remember correctly wasn't Diddy having people vote for who to be in the band? If he did I don't think the results were ever revealed and he pickedthem instead.

edit: jretro beat me to the punch on the votes

i honestly believe Brian H. was to tall...but Diddy could have made a group off the guys he didn't pick...they are all good...


Que is just alittle $!#+ disturber. Always starting $!#+ but always backs away and acts like its not his fault. Maybe he deserves an #$% kicking to get his stuff together.
que is a dumb **%$+. acting all brave and ###% when they hold him back. why didnt he get like that when that cab driver almost took his arm?
YO. honestly I understand where Que was coming from in that fight ..... The way it's shown is that the rest of them always talking smack behind his back,treating him like a little kid. In that incident Brian never told dukes the whole info about the studio thing and was way too quick to sell him out. Alsowhenever they showed he was trying to speak on what's happening no one was trying to hear it.

Either way dukes needs to leave the band and I have a feeling he was trying to stay around for another album or two, and when they hit that "break"period jump off and do his own thing
I'm not taking up for Q, but you all have to remember that we are acted upon by our environments at every point in our existence.

Maybe Q isn't being feminine or gay. Maybe there's something seriously going wrong. Maybe he the stress has got to him. It can go back further than thegroup.

To say "oh he's a +@%+!" or "he's acting gay" is totally nearsighted, especially when you don't know the whole story.
Now I know why they're named Day 26. Que's time of the month.

And I think I also finally realize why Que kept calling Will jealous. The only logical reason could be related to DAWN. And even THAT still doesn't makemuch sense, Dawn looks more manly than Que x6.
Last week

Funny how Dawn was saying that Que's mother had no business at a Day 26 meeting and there she comes rolling in with them.

It don't matter if Que is stressed out or not, everyone gets stressed doesn't mean that you carry yourself like a chick. Son is a diva, he reminds meof a chick even when he's fighting. He brought his moms to NY to protect him after he got jumped (which probably never happened). In conclusion.....He's a ***%!
Anywhere to watch last week and this weeks epsiode, other then MTV.com ?

MTV Canada FTL, they just stopped showing episodes
@ cats laughing at Robert for crying. His money is getting *@#!%! upand his boys are squabbling over stupid +@%%, you don't think you guys would get a little emotional?
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

@ cats laughing at Robert for crying. His money is getting *@#!%! up and his boys are squabbling over stupid +@%%, you don't think you guys would get a little emotional?
I'd definitely be tight but different people handle themselves different ways
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

@ cats laughing at Robert for crying. His money is getting *@#!%! up and his boys are squabbling over stupid +@%%, you don't think you guys would get a little emotional?

That's the main reason why I' think they should kick Q out of the group. Diddy is the type of dude that will drop the entire group if they mess withthe money and Q is messing with the money. He's letting Rajon Rondo fill his head with all this crap.
Que has a lot of *****assness in him


but really, i think Dawn is the one putting a lot of this stuff in his head, she is telling him the wrong things to do and he is listening to her and taking itto a whole other level. it is almost like she is suggesting to him to be tough against his band members and not to let them punk you, and he is really buildingoff of that. when really, the guys are not even doing anything to him to bring these reactions out of him.

he talking about will and brian are jealous... i think its the other way around, he is jealous of those cats because they are leaders by nature, not on some"im better that you" type stuff. que making it seem like its that way, and its not. so since they not really doing nothing to him, he is trying tomake up some stuff that they are to wild out on. he is just wrong on all levels. and selfish as hell imo.

oh yeah, screwface was a punk for looking que in his eye and lying to him, when que said he felt brian and him were talking about him behind his back, he said,"naw, we wasnt man" knowing damn well they was. be a man and tell the truth.

and robert needs to be an actor... he really puts on a show.
he stillmy fav. though.

i love this damn show!
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