MTVs Real World vol Trail Blazing

Marlon is a weird dude.

Has sex with a guy as a coping mechanism for "life struggles", then damn near has a mental breakdown because he slept with a girl. :lol:
Religion is equivalent to brainwashing man.. :smh: anyone who was forced into that environment from a young age is not going to think/function like a normal person. The feelings of guilt and failure that religion instills in people are not a good look. My family was super religious also and my father was overbearing so I can understand how Marlon feels to some extent.

It's sad that during this last ep I had to continually ask myself "Why am I watching this ****? Why??" I honestly don't know.. :lol:
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Ole boy saw Jessica getting clingy with the pictures and out of no where dropping the "hypothetical" about staying there to be with him and bounced :lol:


when Jess said "i'd move to Portland for you if we got serious."... my reaction was 
I kinda feel for Marlon now.

At first i thought it was a joke.
I thought he was using his 'faith' as an excuse for not bringing girls home.

But after hearing his phone conversations with his dad, you can tell that there is a genuine connection to church and faith there.
I'm not a religious person, but i know a few religious people and they take this kinda stuff very serious.

Plus, i have a feeling some of those tears came out for not only dissapointing his dad, but his own self-conflicting actions in the past with guys and girls.
He just looked so torn to me when he was in church.

Honestly, made me feel a lot different about him. Dude is still a simp to Nia, but i dont think hes lying when he says hes trying to be a perfect person for God and his family.
"I hate min. They break my hart. All min are bad" Jessica needs to stop whining and stop blaming others. Perhaps the reason she keeps getting dunped is because she sucks.
"I hate min. They break my hart. All min are bad" Jessica needs to stop whining and stop blaming others. Perhaps the reason she keeps getting dunped is because she sucks.


This is what i dont get about girls. She should be happy as **** that he broke up with her BEFORE she gave it up.
How the **** did he take advantage of her if he broke up with her before it got TOO deep and TOO physical?

Dude was being nice in my book. That psycho **** in the room with all those pics would of had me cautious too.
Although the EMAIL route is kinda cowardly, when a girl is that clingy and psycho i give it a pass... i wouldnt wanna get my *** beat by some crazy girl in person when i broke up with her.

Shes stupid. She says "men take advantage of me blah blah blah"...HELLO, he broke up with you before sex...before moving in..before anything serious. He was actually looking out for you by breaking up with you sooner. You should APPRECIATE that.

Some guys would of just played along, let her moved to some fame out of the whole situation, had a bunch of sex, and then broke it off when it was getting boring. This dude actually had a heart, didnt wanna play her...when he lost interest, he ended it.
No man wants to disappoint his pops.
Especially if he's worked his *** off to raise you into the man you are today.
Right. Dudes in here teasing dude. His religious beliefs(morals) being broken made him feel regret. He holds himself and he knows his father holds him in a standard of being faithful to his morals.
No man wants to disappoint his pops.
Especially if he's worked his *** off to raise you into the man you are today.
Right. Dudes in here teasing dude. His religious beliefs(morals) being broken made him feel regret. He holds himself and he knows his father holds him in a standard of being faithful to his morals.dard of being faithful to his morals.

But it's not like that was his first time having sex. Hate to see how he acted after having sex with that dude. :smh:

Nia can throw him the box and he'd still smash with the force of Mjölner.
He had sex with a MAN.. him having sex with that girl was redemption if anything.

You're missing the point, regardless of who he had sex with...he had sex.

I understood where he was coming from when he was disappointed with himself. But if someone doesn't share the same views as him I can understand why someone would clown him.
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He had sex with a MAN.. him having sex with that girl was redemption if anything.

You're missing the point, regardless of who he had sex with...he had sex.

I understood where he was coming from when he was disappointed with himself. But if someone doesn't share the same views as him I can understand why someone would clown him.

No, because having sex with a man is a double sin if you're a Christian. It's written in the Christian law book.
This episode sucks.

Nia comes off the worst.

:wow: Look likes Avery was washing her before the guys step in and the hair pulling :rofl:

And this pathetic chick is still looking petty :stoneface:
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Nia used Johnny's head as a punching bag.

She got some good shots in, damn.

Johnny has the patience of a saint.

Don't know if I could let a broad come hard at me like that.....twice before giving her a tiger uppercut.
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jordan had nia, she couldn't do anything. I need a gif of avery getting hit in thee face with drink and having to spot it out asap!
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