My BF is really depressed, what do I do?

get a race-change operation
StackJaxx wrote:
Op, its like your fixing a car, only to have it get stolen by some other +!@%%. bad luck right?
but in your case, the +!@%% comes to your house while you fixing it and is like "hey, uhm, im gonna boost this, but once the engine runs, the paint is nice, and it has enough cash to but me a fendi purse. aiight. just letting you know." and then you continue to fix the car and sure enough this trick lifts it.
now the 1st situation isnt on you, but if you KNOW the car is gonna get stolen, DONT FIX THE @%%%*$+ CAR!

*The Rock applause .gif*
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by theword

I think Team Raw NTPD should come in here and preach some words of wisdom find OP's pics and identify which NTr is her bf.
I agree, I wanna know who he is
Its OGBobbyJohnson
Impossible. Ain't been an Arab that funny since Apu.

Originally Posted by JayeLove

So these past two months have been really tough for my boyfriend, he moved out of my house because his brother moved out to be with him so now he has to pay his own rent. $1100. Compared to $300-400 when he was living with me. He got two tickets recently that he has to pay for this month, and he's really going through it. I've done everything that I possibly can, I lowered his rent to $950 to help him out, offered to give him my paycheck this week to help him pay for these tickets, told him everything that I possible could to make him not give up and I dont know what else to do.. Any suggestions? I hate seeing my man go through it..

so he moved out to live with his brother and pay more rent? hmmm lets see if i were in his shoes and i got sick and tired of my girl that i was living with to go move in with my brother and pay an extra 700 bills a month. sounds like you're the problem miss.
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