My Boy ( 510Ballin) almost got both of us Robbed/Killed today... Edit: HA. Look whose on PG 7... -_-

Mar 19, 2006
Man, I'm still shaking as I type. SO I come home today to deposit some money in the bank, put my name on the G1 List and do an essay at home.

My boy hits me up and we meet up after we both sell our Iphones. Were driving to the T-Mobile store and then were gonna go to Hawaiian BBQ.

As we are driving we stop on a Redlight. Two dudes in a sketch pick up truck pull up beside us and go

"AY, tryna get a cheap entertainment system?" I then go "Naw, man I wish I aint got no money." He goes. "Come on, its $3000, Ill giveyou a deal." My friend goes "How's $100?" Dude goes. "Well work something out follow me."

At this point I get a laugh out of it and say ok just go to T-Mobile. But my dude ACTUALLY follows him. I keep trying to change his mind but he thought it wasall fun and games.

We end up pulling up in a alley way looking place behind Washington Mutual. The guys park their cars and take a while to get out. After they do they signal usto get out. One stood there with his hands in his pocket infront of his trunk. The other much taller kind of just looked around. He tells us to go over. I gojust for the sake of my boy incase somethings going down. He starts with small talk, like sup where you guys from yada yada. He goes k wanna see the tv now?

He opens the trunk and lying their are 2 Big Guns and a Machete. (I'm not good with guns so I dunno the type.) Quietly he then whispered with a much firmertone.

"Listen up, I dont wanna any problems. Put your wallets, phones, car keys in the trunk. Turn around and walk around the corner out of sight and none ofthese will have to be used. "

I swear I literally almost *%$# on my pants. My head got warm and I got dizzy. My stomach was turning like CRAZY. My boy began tearing and said no man, pleaseI'll give you my wallet and phone but not my car man please. (His dads Mustang, Old classic models)

After 4 minutes of talking... I turn my head over my shoulder and A cop pulls up into Washington Mutual and gets out of his car. As he steps out he glances atus. The guy then whispers, play it cool dont make a single move or youre done for. As soon as the cop closes the door my friend notices that they would have toreach in grab em and then fire em. He then jumps back. Jumps and yells HELP HELP THEY HAVE GUNS HELP!

The cop then looks towards us, puts one hand on the gun grabs the walkie talkie thing on his shoulder with the other and calls for units. He pulls out the gunsand says EVERYONE GET ON THE GROUND. Long story short 3 other cars come and one SUV. We get talked to for an hour and give our story. Turns out the guys havebeen caught for some shady *%$# before and are now $$@+*$ with the law. In the end we went to T-Mobile, Hawaiian BBQ and Now I am back at home posting this forNT.

I am just thankful I'm ok. I mean I could not believe everything changed so fast. It was like a blink of the eye. I have never been so nervous before. Icannot even describe my stomach/ *%$# pains. My life could have been gone over a !#$%%#+ mistake from Niketalks own 510Ballin.
Live everyday like its your last is true indeed. No more stupid decisions or taking life forgranted. K well just wanted to share. Waiting for mom to come home to tell her the story.
Dam you 510baller

Lol..for some reason after i read that story..i thought about that one LEEEROYYYYYYYYY JENNNKINSSS video..
Wow no street smarts at all, who follows people into an alley way? If you got killed you would've had no one to blame but yourselves.
your friend is the biggest idiot for following him.....who the hell does that??? did he even need the sound system??? kids are so stupid these days.
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Son almost dies, and first thing he does is post on NT
No he didn't, he went to T-Mobile and afterwards got some food.

I find it ironic that you're "still shaking" and you SN is The Harlem Shake.

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.
As soon as you saw the cop you should have yelled your @@% off.

Tough break though man.
Glad you're safe.
wow your friend was actually dumb enough to trust them dudes

well at least none of your stuff got stolen

your lucky the cops were around
thankfully you're stil alive to post tho
Take this as a lesson to never take life for granted..and to not deal with shady business.
One time a co-worker of mine was told by a grup of guys to follow them to get some cheap laptops.
they go to an alley, and the guys like "I'll give you 5 laptops for $1,000" Dude whips out the cash (his parents own hotels), then takes theboxes and goes home. When he gets there he checks the boxes and they're full of newspaper
Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

"AY, tryna get a cheap entertainment system?" I then go "Naw, man I wish I aint got no money." He goes. "Come on, its $3000, Ill give you a deal." My friend goes "How's $100?" Dude goes. "Well work something out follow me."
I stopped reading after this.....You know it was a set up...
You set your damn self up 4 a lick...if you remember no otha street knowledge, remember if its 2 good 2 be prolly is. Don't ever do that again.

Oh, and you should change ya name 2 'The Harlem Skurred 2 Get Shook'.
So what was this 510 guy thinking was goona happen when he stopped to talk to them. He wasnt buying anything.....
I actually read the whole thing and I usually don't do that when it comes to long post like these lol

but damn, that's crazy
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