My Boy ( 510Ballin) almost got both of us Robbed/Killed today... Edit: HA. Look whose on PG 7... -_-

, I never stop when someone asks me do I wanna buy something on the street. Your boy is an idiot for following them.
your friend dumb as hell...honestly i would fight my friend over some stupid %*%! like dumb can you be....being sheltered
That's crazy. But what was 510Ballin thinking? Whenever I see that name now I'm going to always think of this story.
You guys are lucky that they had nothing to lose or you'd be in the hospital on life support or dead. 510ballin is an idiot. If there is a God you hadbetter thank him for sending that cop to the Washington Mutual.
Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

At this point I get a laugh out of it and say ok just go to T-Mobile. But my dude ACTUALLY follows him. I keep trying to change his mind but he thought it was all fun and games.
can't say you guys didn't deserve what you had coming
Your boy is dumb-stupid. Normally that would be a double-negative but in this case, it describes him perfectly.

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by seventh letter

Son almost dies, and first thing he does is post on NT
No he didn't, he went to T-Mobile and afterwards got some food.

I find it ironic that you're "still shaking" and you SN is The Harlem Shake.

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by seventh letter

Son almost dies, and first thing he does is post on NT
No he didn't, he went to T-Mobile and afterwards got some food.

I find it ironic that you're "still shaking" and you SN is The Harlem Shake.

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.
That made my laugh ofthe day, and idk why.
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