My Boy ( 510Ballin) almost got both of us Robbed/Killed today... Edit: HA. Look whose on PG 7... -_-

wow, that is some scary *%+%, I been in that type of situation before, lucky there was some nice white folks that like to be helpful and nosy.
Stupid move on 510ballin, but bogus move for the OP to post dudes name. Why you put him on the spot like that? Of all the times I have had little adventureshappen to me where my guys start to get scared and cry I never tell that part of the story, you just dont do it.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

wow, that is some scary *%+%, I been in that type of situation before, lucky there was some nice white folks that like to be helpful and nosy.
That's you've been scammed at least twice in person? Wow...

Because the last time you were in that type of situation you got scammed out of $60 in person, in front of your house...and dude peeled off in the car withyour kicks.

Even though 510 Ballin took numerous L's, he didn't actually get you.

Man, since it is FREMONT, I can see where 510Ballin's coming from. I mean #*#@, this place is safe as hell and not up until last year did we actually makeheadlines with bogus @@+ bomb threats.
Sorry to break it to you but this is some bull. I work at a shop RIGHT NEXT to the WAMU and T-mobile, there is no alley near by. AND this would have definitelymade news in Fremont, ANYTHING involving a gun makes the news here. What day did this happen?
We are of Middle Eastern Decent. Ya we traded Iphones for G1's. Happy I did to.
But yaa today was cool. We kicked it. I still have that clenched fistwanting to smash em for it but I put it aside for my bro. Grateful we made it TO today to be able to get the phones. Ya we live in Fremont. Go to SJSU.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

alright so my flame suits on..first of all..the only reason i thought this was a legit deal was because about a year ago there was two dudes who sold me a brand new dell laptop out their truck for $200. secondly, i've been living in fremont my whole life and something like this has NEVER went down in front of me. now my boy did exaggerate the story a little, it wasn't an ally way, it was the back of a wells fargo bank. none the less it was a stupid move on my part. i've been in fights before, but i've never fought anyone with guns and machetes. so yeah, i was scared out my chucks. oo well you live you learn. worst part about it was after the cops were done with us, my whole family flashed in front of my eyes and i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
(i can't even remember the last time i cried before this). i kept thinking to myself what kind of pain i could've put my parents through if i was shot. i will definitely be smarter next time.
You should probably think about the pain of Harlem Shake's family had he been shot due to your lack of brain cells. Or had he been fatallyshot, and you lived.... That's Blood on Your Hands....

Luckily you guys got lucky, glad you folk are okay tho.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

wow, that is some scary *%+%, I been in that type of situation before, lucky there was some nice white folks that like to be helpful and nosy.
That's you've been scammed at least twice in person? Wow...

Because the last time you were in that type of situation you got scammed out of $60 in person, in front of your house...and dude peeled off in the car with your kicks.

Even though 510 Ballin took numerous L's, he didn't actually get you.


I actually checked my posts, this is the 12th time you quoted me and mentioned the scam.
Hop off my nuts. I said I know how it feels to get into a stick up (noromo) I'm just minding my own business going to safeway and these 2 thugs just wanted to pick on some random kid, I was back in what 7th grade? yeahseriously though, you in love with me or something? I can really make a thread about you quoting me numerous times and its not only in General. Why are you madat me?
Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by BgL2687

were you guys in the town? anyways even if they were really trying to sell you a stereo dont fall for the junk. Them dudes in oakland stay putting bricks in boxes, seal em back up n say its a brand new electronic item for $100 bux.
I was about to say this too. And this was about 8 years ago when they started putting bricks in computer and notebook boxes. This is an old hustle. And those cats that drive by and always ask if you want cheap bodywork done on your car if you have a dent, those dudes are grimy too. They'll give a you a cheap estimate then ask for a deposit to buy the parts and never come back with your money.
Dudes from oakland got new tricks now...i knew someone that bought a ps3 everything looks right the ps3 was in the box n everything. Son took it home tryna power it on it wont power on so he opened it up to try n fix it but inside the shell was filled dry cement.
WOW these brothers are getting sophisticated and dedicated to their craft.Putting cement into a shell? I need to to my folks about this. They always looking for a deal. I live in Oakland right now and when I see these dudes drivingaround in a plaza a, I just tell them I'm straight. If you're gonna buy something that expensive just go to best buy and it's a guarantee. However,if I catch a dopefiend with an Ipod or a labtop I can turn on right on the spot??? I might talk him down for it.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by Mccheesy

They said Wells Fargo. The one on Mowry by Burger King?
its not by burger king, its across raleys and sweet tomatoes.

I'm sorry, but Sweet Tomatoes? You almost got killed by a Sweet Tomatoes?! I bet the convo went something like this:
Harlem Shake: "Dude, what are you doing? Those guys are totally gonna rob us bro!"
510: "Bro its cool, there's a Sweet Tomatoes next door. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?"
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by BgL2687

were you guys in the town? anyways even if they were really trying to sell you a stereo dont fall for the junk. Them dudes in oakland stay putting bricks in boxes, seal em back up n say its a brand new electronic item for $100 bux.
I was about to say this too. And this was about 8 years ago when they started putting bricks in computer and notebook boxes. This is an old hustle. And those cats that drive by and always ask if you want cheap bodywork done on your car if you have a dent, those dudes are grimy too. They'll give a you a cheap estimate then ask for a deposit to buy the parts and never come back with your money.
Dudes from oakland got new tricks now...i knew someone that bought a ps3 everything looks right the ps3 was in the box n everything. Son took it home tryna power it on it wont power on so he opened it up to try n fix it but inside the shell was filled dry cement.
WOW these brothers are getting sophisticated and dedicated to their craft. Putting cement into a shell? I need to to my folks about this. They always looking for a deal. I live in Oakland right now and when I see these dudes driving around in a plaza a, I just tell them I'm straight. If you're gonna buy something that expensive just go to best buy and it's a guarantee. However, if I catch a dopefiend with an Ipod or a labtop I can turn on right on the spot??? I might talk him down for it.
haha same goes for me I always tell them dudes im strait. have you been to the oakland swap meet lately off 66th? theres been a bunch of laptopson sale.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by Mccheesy

They said Wells Fargo. The one on Mowry by Burger King?
its not by burger king, its across raleys and sweet tomatoes.
Oh okay. Then yeah, there are some big buildings at that bank. Delivered to that same place like a few days ago.
Crazy stuff, you're lucky you got away clean.

Anyways, same thing happened to me behind a Washington Mutual except the van pulled up next to me when I was chilling in the parking lot. They kept circlingaround me in a van for a while before finally pulling up and asking if I wanted to check out some speakers in the trunk. I just refused and took off cause Iknew there would be trouble if I stuck around. This happened in Southern California, so probably not same guys.
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