My Boy ( 510Ballin) almost got both of us Robbed/Killed today... Edit: HA. Look whose on PG 7... -_-

Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

am I the only one who thinks its kinda F-ed up how dude airin out his "Boy".

Yes. you are.

dude almost got gun-butted, shanked, and swept the LEAST he coulda did was run this on NT

as 4 the op. u and 510ballin are not ethnic so stop w/ the phony bologna sn's.........such an epidemic on NT

point blank......u were fine after ur boy said "nah man i wish but i aint got the money" he wasnt bein a smart $*% but he also stood his ground.

then he just gave it up by sayin he 'only has $100'

yall need to realize dudes are not playin out there. u both equally failed

him 4 thinkin he found the steal of the century
and you for not bein tough enough to talk him out of followin dudes.

live and learn though. Praise the Lord, Im glad you two are ok.
Wow GOD didnt give some ppl a brain and im talking about you celtic. They're not ethnic you +!#!*%@. You cant say someone isn't ethnic you idiot,"they dont have an ethnicity." You mean they are not a minority. What is white, furthermore you say they cant have the names they have and that itsan epidemic. So whites or asians cant have names that may be percieved as black . MOds plz can we ban ppl like this. Its so sad you are the reason racism, andignorance is still alive.
Why you post this on NT? If you aired me out, you'd get handled. Then again, I wouldn't be crying on a cops shoulder or following goons into a darkalley-way........................

so i guess this is justified.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

worst part about it was after the cops were done with us, my whole family flashed in front of my eyes and i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
Sounds like a scary story, BUT you guys are blowing it out of proportion, NO WAY those dudes were actually going to shoot you. Not to sound all macho or like atuff guy but i would have just been like "dog, i aint giving you $%@* and got in my car and bounced.

before someone comes in here saying anything, i have been held up twice and both times didnt give up a damn thing.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Sounds like a scary story, BUT you guys are blowing it out of proportion, NO WAY those dudes were actually going to shoot you. Not to sound all macho or like a tuff guy but i would have just been like "dog, i aint giving you $%@* and got in my car and bounced.

before someone comes in here saying anything, i have been held up twice and both times didnt give up a damn thing.
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Macho Macho man! I want to be a macho man![/color]
i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
i busted out crying on the cops shoulders


Originally Posted by 510Ballin

alright so my flame suits on..first of all..the only reason i thought this was a legit deal was because about a year ago there was two dudes who sold me a brand new dell laptop out their truck for $200. secondly, i've been living in fremont my whole life and something like this has NEVER went down in front of me. now my boy did exaggerate the story a little, it wasn't an ally way, it was the back of a wells fargo bank. none the less it was a stupid move on my part. i've been in fights before, but i've never fought anyone with guns and machetes. so yeah, i was scared out my chucks. oo well you live you learn. worst part about it was after the cops were done with us, my whole family flashed in front of my eyes and i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
(i can't even remember the last time i cried before this). i kept thinking to myself what kind of pain i could've put my parents through if i was shot. i will definitely be smarter next time.


Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by DL2352

My boy and his friend actually were in a similar situation except the dudes in the sketch car actually came through
Some guys in a truck pulled up to them while at a light and said they had a sound system they needed to get rid of quick. They pulled into a parking lot and my friend checked it out and it was legit. They even had the other car follow them to an ATM where they took out like $100. Paid the dudes about $150 and threw in some weed they had on them and they came up on a $2000+ sound system.

I still think he's a dumb as hell for actually following the car and checking it out but it worked out in his favor this time.
thats another VERY old scam...dudes in a van, have fake receipts and everything - tell you they were doing deliveries and had one left over or the person canceled blah blah...its worth XXXX but you can have it for XXX.....

if he did actually get something in the box and that something worked...did your dude ever bother looking up the real value...
i know i know. i was skeptical too but my boy was actually looking for a sound system and that one was on his radar. that's one of the reasonsthey even decided to check it out in the parking lot because the guy mentioned that particular system. i'm pretty sure it was stolen but, hey, a comeup's a come up
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by YungMooly

Y'all dudes are not street smart...or smart at all for that matter.
word... i wanna know why your friend say he got 100 dollars, but dude asks for 3k...did ya boy think dude was gonna go that low even if he did have a system.
I hope yall aint black, if that matters
That reminds me...

"Never bargain wid a Chinese man..."
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Why is some people blaming the OP also? It was his boy's fault for following them.
Real talk...I don't get why people are saying "THEY'RE stupid"...No...510Ballin is the moron

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

He then jumps back. Jumps and yells HELP HELP THEY HAVE GUNS HELP!
...I'm sorry but.....
No lie...tell me why Cam in Killa Season popped up in my head when I read that?

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by All Ready

I know your not suppose to flame members but damn, I def would've fought you 510 after that, that's beyond ridiculous
same here...510 would have caught an !%+ whooping from me after

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

alright so my flame suits on..first of all..the only reason i thought this was a legit deal was because about a year ago there was two dudes who sold me a brand new dell laptop out their truck for $200. secondly, i've been living in fremont my whole life and something like this has NEVER went down in front of me. now my boy did exaggerate the story a little, it wasn't an ally way, it was the back of a wells fargo bank. none the less it was a stupid move on my part. i've been in fights before, but i've never fought anyone with guns and machetes. so yeah, i was scared out my chucks. oo well you live you learn. worst part about it was after the cops were done with us, my whole family flashed in front of my eyes and i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
(i can't even remember the last time i cried before this). i kept thinking to myself what kind of pain i could've put my parents through if i was shot. i will definitely be smarter next time.


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