My Boy ( 510Ballin) almost got both of us Robbed/Killed today... Edit: HA. Look whose on PG 7... -_-

at least you alright my dude. you getting another chance so to speak so do it right from now on.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Wow 3 dudes tried to tell me they had a TV for sale today by a bank of america. Told them na im good this was in seattle by the way but wierd how this could ofmaybe happened to me if I followed.
i hope you kicked 510ballin in the nuts.

at least you could have lied and said this was in downtown oakland. FREMONT tho?
wow. machete, dam. to be honest, they were trying to scare you sh***less. i mean, who would expect someone to REFUSE to save their own lives. its like acutting room floor segment of one of the saw movies. make your choice
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by BgL2687

were you guys in the town? anyways even if they were really trying to sell you a stereo dont fall for the junk. Them dudes in oakland stay putting bricks in boxes, seal em back up n say its a brand new electronic item for $100 bux.
I was about to say this too. And this was about 8 years ago when they started putting bricks in computer and notebook boxes. This is an old hustle. And those cats that drive by and always ask if you want cheap bodywork done on your car if you have a dent, those dudes are grimy too. They'll give a you a cheap estimate then ask for a deposit to buy the parts and never come back with your money.
Dudes from oakland got new tricks now...i knew someone that bought a ps3 everything looks right the ps3 was in the box n everything. Son took ithome tryna power it on it wont power on so he opened it up to try n fix it but inside the shell was filled dry cement.
Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by BgL2687

were you guys in the town? anyways even if they were really trying to sell you a stereo dont fall for the junk. Them dudes in oakland stay putting bricks in boxes, seal em back up n say its a brand new electronic item for $100 bux.
I was about to say this too. And this was about 8 years ago when they started putting bricks in computer and notebook boxes. This is an old hustle. And those cats that drive by and always ask if you want cheap bodywork done on your car if you have a dent, those dudes are grimy too. They'll give a you a cheap estimate then ask for a deposit to buy the parts and never come back with your money.
Dudes from oakland got new tricks now...i knew someone that bought a ps3 everything looks right the ps3 was in the box n everything. Son took it home tryna power it on it wont power on so he opened it up to try n fix it but inside the shell was filled dry cement.
Damn. Very smart.

510 hit us wit the.....

Dropped his comment and bounced. Never to return. I know ur reading....
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Is there a link for the story? If this is true, what happened to you, and the fact that you made it out alive would have been all over the news.

Nope. This stuff happens every day. I would not make the news.
ayo..this is my only boy..we been best friends for a long time now..and although this was a big mistake on my part, it's not gonna ruin our friendship. wewent and got our g1's this morning and then kicked it at his dorm for a couple hours. like i said before, stuff like this NEVER goes down in fremont. if iwas in oakland or hayward believe me, i would've just kept it moving.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

ayo..this is my only boy..we been best friends for a long time now..and although this was a big mistake on my part, it's not gonna ruin our friendship. we went and got our g1's this morning and then kicked it at his dorm for a couple hours. like i said before, stuff like this NEVER goes down in fremont. if i was in oakland or hayward believe me, i would've just kept it moving.
Word? yall boys huh?


I live back in fremont when I'm not in school.
That city was the place to raise your kids...
With them stupid gangs, it's becoming a dump.
Move to mission/warm springs my dude.
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