My boy's a simp

You know this dude texts her, and when she doesn't text back right away he wonders if she even got it. Starts questioning himself like, "She must be in the shower or something, she must have her phone off, etc." until he is in all out panic.

I bet when he gets a hug from a girl he feels good about it for weeks.
Originally Posted by moneymike88

He took her to a movie son...He didnt buy her a whip


then again, i know a few that would buy a whip cuz the smashin is "so good" to them


Originally Posted by DA1 4 Life

You know this dude texts her, and when she doesn't text back right away he wonders if she even got it. Starts questioning himself like, "She must be in the shower or something, she must have her phone off, etc." until he is in all out panic.

I bet when he gets a hug from a girl he feels good about it for weeks.
Story of your life?
Man real talk, if I'd never found out about NT I would still be a simp. I used to think nice guys finished first.
Originally Posted by 916kings

What a waste of a thread

this.... post pics of the girl in pink... of the mass you claim she has... i think OP just salty his boy is actually hollerin while he's simpin from far away
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by needsomejays

which girl is it? and like someone else said, thats not really simping its a date
on the right


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I wouldn't spend a penny on this broad, let alone taking her out and buying her food.. And this chick is talking about "thats how I'm supposed to be treated" after going to the movies and getting some popcorn and cheesy nachos?!

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I bet she feels like a Princess after getting that royal treatment huh? Pathetic.


^^ kinda OD but yea im in agreement along those lines.
considering how bunk this chick is, let your boy simp and keep it movin
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Well your boy is now apparently going out with the chick...

Jake is in a relationship with Chelsea Webb.
Wow, she already put a anniversery date on her page even though she just dumped her ex for him.

Edit-lurked on his page and found this
x100 Dude's not even her bf, he's her female dog.
"Yur my better of my futuree! How does tht feel!? by chelseaa04

It feels so good i cant even put it into words the way you make me feel is unexplainable i look forward to the future cuz i kno youll be there....i miss you already

1 days ago

I'm black too, it wasn't directed at you it was a statement.

oh ok well nevermind then hahaha my bad

2 days ago

i hate n****rs.

Oh wow wat a coincidence mme too....douche bag f*** off

2 days ago

|| those two lines stand for my middle finger going to alll of the losers who hate on you and my thither chelsss! by pandabby8

MAN!!! i wish everyone would leave us alone thank you jhari

2 days ago

You and Chels are great together. Even though you're a ninja and she's just a sweetheart. So don't listen to what everyone else is saying. Do your thaaang!

i wish i knew who this was so i could thank them formaly so thank you stranger

6 days ago

so here's my question: why the f*** am i cussing at you anonymously and hating on you and calling you a b**** a** n***a?! Wait, i already know the answer, its cuz i dont have a life, so i spend my time trying to make your life as crappy as mine is!! by immagoofball

sarcasm much?.....yea larry thats the same thing i was thinkin douchebags jus wish they had my life hahaha makes me laugh...who would wanna hate on me?

6 days ago

Haha babyy:smile: don't worry about these ppl! They get cyber happy n wanna find somethingg to hate on! I'm not leavingg yur armss! So ppl need to log off n findd a job! Sorry haters don't get paid:smile: hahaha by chelseaa04

yea haters fall back but theyre jus hate cuz they wanna be lik us but cant :/

6 days ago

My name is Lance m************ Geary,yea I said it,and i am tired of haters.Jacob has done nothing to you so get off his jock and get a life bcuz u guys are f****** pathetic.If u guna talk *#% then put yr info and we can handle this like men.U agree jake? by lanceg3

yes i totally agree but nobody is old enough to do that because they r pathetic losers and its sad

6 days ago

$$%#! Chelsea is amazingg! Body of a goddess! She is not a h**! So b****** get off his d*** she the only one he want! Point_(.)

thank you so much someone gets me

6 days ago

all u b****** better leave jacob and his girlfriend alone (yes she ur girlfriend if you say it or not) i know my way around computer and a knife i will take you all out

why thank you very much whoever this may be

6 days ago

Chelsea is f***** someone! What a h**! I shuld tell u all her biz huh?! Zaahhhhaahhaa

would you get outta here with that b*******

6 days ago

n***a yous a B****!!! idk why chelseaa is f***** wit a b**** a** n***a like you she need to f*** wit ya boy instead

Oh gee i remember when i was a punk a** hater wait a i dont cuz i never was and i think its real funny that u called me a "b****" and you didnt leave an name or ne thing jelousy is a sickness b**** get well soon (middle finger) p.s. could everyone please stop hating on me and chelsea its only making things better between us

6 days ago

aweee:smile: babbyyy<3 see there are ppl that actually like me lol:smile: but why are yu so amazingg?! everytime im with you my heart smiles really bigg:smile: we started talkn at leslies 16th bdayy:smile: & im happy with yu.ily cheez it brownie by chelseaa04

ily too sweetie ur amazing cuz u make my heart sing i only wish we would hav done this sooner"

Oh god. Taken from formspring
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

She is no where near UGLY. She isn't a 10 but to call her ugly is just going along with the theme of the thread. Can't see how you can say she is UGLY.

This is NT where the only girls has to be lighter than a brown paper bag and has the body of a little boy are considered dimes
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

She is no where near UGLY. She isn't a 10 but to call her ugly is just going along with the theme of the thread. Can't see how you can say she is UGLY.

This is NT where the only girls has to be lighter than a brown paper bag and has the body of a little boy are considered dimes

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

She is no where near UGLY. She isn't a 10 but to call her ugly is just going along with the theme of the thread. Can't see how you can say she is UGLY.

This is NT where the only girls has to be lighter than a brown paper bag and has the body of a little boy are considered dimes

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