My calfs are like calfs

Sep 8, 2007
What up NT, I'm not exactly sure where this goes...but my calf muscles are pretty big, I was wonderin' if y'all knew like some exercised or somethin' I could to lean them out? 
uh, I could post pics...if you guys want lol
Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

You have big calf muscles are just big calfs? Can you see definition already or the calf is just there?

They're defined for sure, they got huge after playin' football in high school, now a couple of years later they're still big...
Yes man muscular calves are the way to go. I have pretty big calves too. There are dudes at the gym I go to that would die for big calves, u have a gift!
I remember watching some MTV True Life years ago where some dude got calf implants to look bigger 
Originally Posted by jhobson5

Yes man muscular calves are the way to go. I have pretty big calves too. There are dudes at the gym I go to that would die for big calves, u have a gift!


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On that damn humble buff %$% calfs brag.

There is people out there getting calf implants.
Originally Posted by MoodMuzik75

Originally Posted by jhobson5

Yes man muscular calves are the way to go. I have pretty big calves too. There are dudes at the gym I go to that would die for big calves, u have a gift!


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Well. aight on the real, it's hard for me to rock the slim fit jeans, I know everyone tells me that I'm lucky, but I hate, I just want them to look them leaner...
Well, do any of y'all know where to get some slim fit jeans that are good for muscular calves?
Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Well, do any of y'all know where to get some slim fit jeans that are good for muscular calves?
Face is son, youre not meant to wear skinny jeans. If you want to wear em that bad, youre gonna have to deal with how they feel on your calves.
(For the record, i find it odd that youre worried about your calves in skinny jeans, and have no worries about your quads. If i wanted to wear skinnies, which i definitely dont, id have more trouble with the thigh area than the calf. You must have some weird shaped legs.)
Even if he got a pair of skinnies how is he going to walk. I tried on RRL slim fits before and the seams damn near popped, and they were selvedge. There's absolutely no appeal either, but maybe there is in Angoon.
Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Well, do any of y'all know where to get some slim fit jeans that are good for muscular calves?
I have pretty prominent calves and the Levi 514s and 501.xx work well for me. Go two sizes up from your waist and you should have a pretty good all-encompassing accommodating fit. Also check out Taylor Stitch and Tellason. They make some really good slim fit, not skinny, denim that will make you love your legs, as God intended you to.
If your calves are muscular and your thighs are proportionate to your calves, regular jeans should look skinny (or at least slim) either way, it'll fit tight all around. Just try out the whole Levis range until you find one that fits you best. Try the 505 straight or the OG 501s.
I have big calfs too and so does my brothers. Idk, but i see this alot with filipinos. My calf is almost as big as my thigh, if you look at it in a front view. i don't like it because i'm short, when i wear hightop shoes, they look like i have cankles. I have skiny ankles which somewhat relieve the the look of my big calfs
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