My Collection Lots of Pics 56K Beware

Soldier II's, Sharkleys, Space Jamz
i need those black and gold lebron zoom soilders thats would go great wit my basketball uniform
and tha 15s are crispy
Whoa, how'd you get the HYPERDUNKS. I've been lookin forward to those. Btw, how do they feel? Oh yeah, great collection.
Hyperdunks are a GREAT shoe!!!! Perfect PG/Slasher shoe, reminds me of the old Gary Paytons but lighter and sleeker. The Black and blue sharkleys are samples,I dont think they are being released with the full clear sole....but I could be wrong. Theres a lot of samples in my collection
now that's a collection! thought i was gonna have to look at a thousand different jordans that i've seen a thousand times but u my man ,keep up thework,I NEED those HYPERDUNKS!!! info?
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