My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

Don't worry, high school, in the long run, doesn't mean +$%@. Even if you can't make it to a 4-yr college you want, just work hard in JuCo and you can make it that way. Colleges do take grade improvements into consideration (I also had an "upward trend" in my GPA back when I was in HS, went from i think a 3.1 weighted to a 4.2 weighted). My mom used to "threaten" me by saying I'd be going to the local JuCo or UC Riverside (a school Asian parents consider a reject school but in reality is a very good school in its own right) if I didn't change.
I ended up graduating from UCSD this summer and I have an internship for the time being, so I feel that I did alright, despite feeling like a failure at times in HS. And for me, college classes were actually "easier", in the sense I was more focused and the classes were more focused, which made them easier to study for to me, while in HS I was still figuring it out. So, college is doable even if you didn't do as well in HS.

But the main thing is, I think you're Asian obviously b/c of your screenname, don't let your Asian parents deceive you to believe you're a failure if you don't make it to Harvard or Berkeley right away. As long as you're thinking about your future and you're going to do something about it, you'll be fine and your future will be fine.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I thought I was going to read something about a dude having a mid life crisis, not about a kid in high school with a 2.8 gpa. Son you have a long ways to go, I got into Oregon State with a 2.9 but my SAT was like 1640(before they added the writing portion, so that was a decently high score). After 2 years there I got academically suspended and have been out 3 years !%+#@$! around at a community college, and have been unemployed most of the time. Now I am finally getting my %*$$ together and trying to get into nursing school, but I have a long was to go before I start feeling like I am in a good place.




my bad it was 1240
  don't know where I pulled that 6 from, whatever though.  OP is a fool, he doesn't have problems right now.  Worst case he goes to community college and transfers, wish I would have done that and had my @+#! straight.  When I was let out on my own off to college I went in to full on party mode, drank like 4-5 nights a week, freedom is great but it can definitely bite you in the $+# if you get carried away.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I thought I was going to read something about a dude having a mid life crisis, not about a kid in high school with a 2.8 gpa. Son you have a long ways to go, I got into Oregon State with a 2.9 but my SAT was like 1640(before they added the writing portion, so that was a decently high score). After 2 years there I got academically suspended and have been out 3 years !%+#@$! around at a community college, and have been unemployed most of the time. Now I am finally getting my %*$$ together and trying to get into nursing school, but I have a long was to go before I start feeling like I am in a good place.




my bad it was 1240
  don't know where I pulled that 6 from, whatever though.  OP is a fool, he doesn't have problems right now.  Worst case he goes to community college and transfers, wish I would have done that and had my @+#! straight.  When I was let out on my own off to college I went in to full on party mode, drank like 4-5 nights a week, freedom is great but it can definitely bite you in the $+# if you get carried away.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I thought I was going to read something about a dude having a mid life crisis, not about a kid in high school with a 2.8 gpa. Son you have a long ways to go, I got into Oregon State with a 2.9 but my SAT was like 1640(before they added the writing portion, so that was a decently high score). After 2 years there I got academically suspended and have been out 3 years !%+#@$! around at a community college, and have been unemployed most of the time. Now I am finally getting my %*$$ together and trying to get into nursing school, but I have a long was to go before I start feeling like I am in a good place.




I know right!! Glad someone else actually caught this...dude is straight lying out his arrrse to seem "smart". Do your research son.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I thought I was going to read something about a dude having a mid life crisis, not about a kid in high school with a 2.8 gpa. Son you have a long ways to go, I got into Oregon State with a 2.9 but my SAT was like 1640(before they added the writing portion, so that was a decently high score). After 2 years there I got academically suspended and have been out 3 years !%+#@$! around at a community college, and have been unemployed most of the time. Now I am finally getting my %*$$ together and trying to get into nursing school, but I have a long was to go before I start feeling like I am in a good place.




I know right!! Glad someone else actually caught this...dude is straight lying out his arrrse to seem "smart". Do your research son.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by AZNBALLA23

^Why even enter a thread when you're just gonna troll?

Damn, Community college is my last of the last option to be honest. I mean, my family would probably just shun me away

So there's no way I can get into a school like George Mason University or Virginia Commonwealth even if I had 4.0 my senior year?....Do colleges take into consideration grade improvements(as in my case from 2.3 to 2.8 to 3.4 and maybe to 4.0?...would it make a difference at all?

Thanks for all the tips btw

you can def. get into VCU...

i graduated high school with a 2.1 (yeah, i was an idiot that slacked off) and got into VCU...but according to collegeboard at the time, only 1% of students they allowed in had under a 2.5. i figured most of those were athletes, so i don't know how i managed to get in, but VCU's been upping their standards a lot since then (it's a tier 1 school). like i said before...if you go to nova for 2 years and have a good gpa, you're guaranteed acceptance into (i think) any of the major universities in the state, but there's a lot of colleges in here i'm sure you can get into one of them.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by AZNBALLA23

^Why even enter a thread when you're just gonna troll?

Damn, Community college is my last of the last option to be honest. I mean, my family would probably just shun me away

So there's no way I can get into a school like George Mason University or Virginia Commonwealth even if I had 4.0 my senior year?....Do colleges take into consideration grade improvements(as in my case from 2.3 to 2.8 to 3.4 and maybe to 4.0?...would it make a difference at all?

Thanks for all the tips btw

you can def. get into VCU...

i graduated high school with a 2.1 (yeah, i was an idiot that slacked off) and got into VCU...but according to collegeboard at the time, only 1% of students they allowed in had under a 2.5. i figured most of those were athletes, so i don't know how i managed to get in, but VCU's been upping their standards a lot since then (it's a tier 1 school). like i said before...if you go to nova for 2 years and have a good gpa, you're guaranteed acceptance into (i think) any of the major universities in the state, but there's a lot of colleges in here i'm sure you can get into one of them.
I was honestly expecting a much worse scenario.

Trust me, yur future is FAR from looking awful. Re-Take ya SAT's. Get ya scores back, while yu're waiting begin applying to school. Yur GPA numbers are nowhere near as horrid as yu're making em seen, although they aren't the best they aren't terrible neither. & actually good enough to get yu into a college. Don't give up hope already, yu're only a HS senior, 18 years old tops!

Yu have a lot of time to straighten everything out, keep ya head up.

I expected yu to be a 28 year old still at moms house, looking for a job.
I was honestly expecting a much worse scenario.

Trust me, yur future is FAR from looking awful. Re-Take ya SAT's. Get ya scores back, while yu're waiting begin applying to school. Yur GPA numbers are nowhere near as horrid as yu're making em seen, although they aren't the best they aren't terrible neither. & actually good enough to get yu into a college. Don't give up hope already, yu're only a HS senior, 18 years old tops!

Yu have a lot of time to straighten everything out, keep ya head up.

I expected yu to be a 28 year old still at moms house, looking for a job.
Originally Posted by AZNBALLA23

 Long read, but bare with me

So NT, I'm just thinking about where I'm at in my life right now, and it's not looking great. I'll be a senior in high school this year, with a 2.79 GPA(I #$%& up my freshman/sophomore years because I really didn't care about school
....Freshman GPA-2.3, Sophomore-2.8, Junior-3.4(I actually tried and studied a bit junior year and got 3.4, hardest classes I took were Trig/PreCalc,Spanish 4, and Physics; averaged like 30 minutes studying each day), I seriously thought I could've had 4.0 if I had spent at least 2 hours of studying each day. Overall, 2.79 GPA to be exact
). My SAT score was 1510(Absolute horrid). It was my first time and I didn't study at all. Plus I really hate reading(got 450 on CR section
...had to keep reading passages over and over and it wasted a lot of time). I'll retake the SAT again next month, but I don't think I can improve much(maybe 250 score will be around 1760, if that high
). I'm just not a good test taker for these kinds of tests....especially when timed. So right now, my future is looking pretty blurry because of my grades and test scores. My family all think I'm a disgrace(Asian btw) and that I'm complete s*** compared to my cousins whom all have like 3.9/4.0 GPA with 2100+ SAT scores. I believe the saying is true "Your High school years determine your college, and your college years determine your life", and right now, it's all messed up.
I really wish I could go back in time and study my @$+ off to be able to get at least 4.0 GPA to make my life that much easier.

Are there any suggestions/tips on how I can improve and what I can do to get into a good college? I hear colleges only look at your first three years and first semester of senior year grades, so would getting a 4.0 my senior year of high school help?..or is it too late?

Thanks NT.

OMG Its[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Phat Balla or Phat or Phat23(your Vietemnese and my cousin used to go to school with you) again.[/color] Dude this is like your 80th name. You messed up in Fairfax county schools? Are you serious? Go to NOVA, build your GPA and save for Mason. Your stressing too much. You will meet your fellow asians in CC. Its worth it.
Originally Posted by AZNBALLA23

 Long read, but bare with me

So NT, I'm just thinking about where I'm at in my life right now, and it's not looking great. I'll be a senior in high school this year, with a 2.79 GPA(I #$%& up my freshman/sophomore years because I really didn't care about school
....Freshman GPA-2.3, Sophomore-2.8, Junior-3.4(I actually tried and studied a bit junior year and got 3.4, hardest classes I took were Trig/PreCalc,Spanish 4, and Physics; averaged like 30 minutes studying each day), I seriously thought I could've had 4.0 if I had spent at least 2 hours of studying each day. Overall, 2.79 GPA to be exact
). My SAT score was 1510(Absolute horrid). It was my first time and I didn't study at all. Plus I really hate reading(got 450 on CR section
...had to keep reading passages over and over and it wasted a lot of time). I'll retake the SAT again next month, but I don't think I can improve much(maybe 250 score will be around 1760, if that high
). I'm just not a good test taker for these kinds of tests....especially when timed. So right now, my future is looking pretty blurry because of my grades and test scores. My family all think I'm a disgrace(Asian btw) and that I'm complete s*** compared to my cousins whom all have like 3.9/4.0 GPA with 2100+ SAT scores. I believe the saying is true "Your High school years determine your college, and your college years determine your life", and right now, it's all messed up.
I really wish I could go back in time and study my @$+ off to be able to get at least 4.0 GPA to make my life that much easier.

Are there any suggestions/tips on how I can improve and what I can do to get into a good college? I hear colleges only look at your first three years and first semester of senior year grades, so would getting a 4.0 my senior year of high school help?..or is it too late?

Thanks NT.

OMG Its[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Phat Balla or Phat or Phat23(your Vietemnese and my cousin used to go to school with you) again.[/color] Dude this is like your 80th name. You messed up in Fairfax county schools? Are you serious? Go to NOVA, build your GPA and save for Mason. Your stressing too much. You will meet your fellow asians in CC. Its worth it.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I thought I was going to read something about a dude having a mid life crisis, not about a kid in high school with a 2.8 gpa. Son you have a long ways to go, I got into Oregon State with a 2.9 but my SAT was like 1640(before they added the writing portion, so that was a decently high score). After 2 years there I got academically suspended and have been out 3 years !%+#@$! around at a community college, and have been unemployed most of the time. Now I am finally getting my %*$$ together and trying to get into nursing school, but I have a long was to go before I start feeling like I am in a good place.

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I thought I was going to read something about a dude having a mid life crisis, not about a kid in high school with a 2.8 gpa. Son you have a long ways to go, I got into Oregon State with a 2.9 but my SAT was like 1640(before they added the writing portion, so that was a decently high score). After 2 years there I got academically suspended and have been out 3 years !%+#@$! around at a community college, and have been unemployed most of the time. Now I am finally getting my %*$$ together and trying to get into nursing school, but I have a long was to go before I start feeling like I am in a good place.

Originally Posted by mugzbo

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I thought I was going to read something about a dude having a mid life crisis, not about a kid in high school with a 2.8 gpa. Son you have a long ways to go, I got into Oregon State with a 2.9 but my SAT was like 1640(before they added the writing portion, so that was a decently high score). After 2 years there I got academically suspended and have been out 3 years !%+#@$! around at a community college, and have been unemployed most of the time. Now I am finally getting my %*$$ together and trying to get into nursing school, but I have a long was to go before I start feeling like I am in a good place.




I know right!! Glad someone else actually caught this...dude is straight lying out his arrrse to seem "smart". Do your research son.

Go back a page, I caught my mistake.  Don't know what I was thinking putting a 6 in there for a 2
Originally Posted by mugzbo

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I thought I was going to read something about a dude having a mid life crisis, not about a kid in high school with a 2.8 gpa. Son you have a long ways to go, I got into Oregon State with a 2.9 but my SAT was like 1640(before they added the writing portion, so that was a decently high score). After 2 years there I got academically suspended and have been out 3 years !%+#@$! around at a community college, and have been unemployed most of the time. Now I am finally getting my %*$$ together and trying to get into nursing school, but I have a long was to go before I start feeling like I am in a good place.




I know right!! Glad someone else actually caught this...dude is straight lying out his arrrse to seem "smart". Do your research son.

Go back a page, I caught my mistake.  Don't know what I was thinking putting a 6 in there for a 2
Originally Posted by AZNBALLA23

Originally Posted by mugzbo

Deal with the choices you made during high school. Not caring, goofing off, spending most of your time to be a "balla" probably led you to where you are right now. Trust me, this is an all-valuable lesson that will teach you in the future to actually give a F instead of not giving a rat's @$%*. Hopefully when you're in college and look back on high school, you won't be trying too hard to stunt and cast academics off as nothing. Shoo, I really do hate those kids that waste their time away in school trying to be cool and worry too much about being in "the" clique instead of devoting that time to their academics. When you're actually IN college, then you can do all that with very, very, very few repercussions. Trust, it's demoralizing when you can't even get into a half-%%% college but if you truly care, the crown is always for there for your taking -- your arms just have to keep on growing and reaching for it.

As for real advice, don't come to NT for that type of stuff. When applying for schools, be real, save your money, and apply to State schools. With them grades you have, i doubt even mediocre private schools would be taking you in. Like everyone said, try for a community college or state university and try to prove to your dream schools that you have the potential to belong there. It's a good challenge so stay on top of it. You have a lot of work to do for the next 3+ years son. Good luck.
I agree with this post. That is why I'm so mad/disappointed at myself now(when it might be too late/taking the harder route).

I'm in VA, and only plan to go to in-state schools because they're a lot cheaper, the only problem is that the good schools(UVA,VTech,JMU,William&Mary...etc) are all so damn hard to get into. Then you get average schools like Mason or VCU, which I have a very slim to none chance of getting into with my current grades. Then, you have below average schools like Old Dominion and Radford, which I know I can get into, but they will just be a waste of money since it really won't be beneficial in finding a descent job.
LMAO you called ODU and below average school? Just cause the asian population is below 5 percent does not mean it is a below average school

Phat, you get a new account every month. Give it a rest man.
Originally Posted by AZNBALLA23

Originally Posted by mugzbo

Deal with the choices you made during high school. Not caring, goofing off, spending most of your time to be a "balla" probably led you to where you are right now. Trust me, this is an all-valuable lesson that will teach you in the future to actually give a F instead of not giving a rat's @$%*. Hopefully when you're in college and look back on high school, you won't be trying too hard to stunt and cast academics off as nothing. Shoo, I really do hate those kids that waste their time away in school trying to be cool and worry too much about being in "the" clique instead of devoting that time to their academics. When you're actually IN college, then you can do all that with very, very, very few repercussions. Trust, it's demoralizing when you can't even get into a half-%%% college but if you truly care, the crown is always for there for your taking -- your arms just have to keep on growing and reaching for it.

As for real advice, don't come to NT for that type of stuff. When applying for schools, be real, save your money, and apply to State schools. With them grades you have, i doubt even mediocre private schools would be taking you in. Like everyone said, try for a community college or state university and try to prove to your dream schools that you have the potential to belong there. It's a good challenge so stay on top of it. You have a lot of work to do for the next 3+ years son. Good luck.
I agree with this post. That is why I'm so mad/disappointed at myself now(when it might be too late/taking the harder route).

I'm in VA, and only plan to go to in-state schools because they're a lot cheaper, the only problem is that the good schools(UVA,VTech,JMU,William&Mary...etc) are all so damn hard to get into. Then you get average schools like Mason or VCU, which I have a very slim to none chance of getting into with my current grades. Then, you have below average schools like Old Dominion and Radford, which I know I can get into, but they will just be a waste of money since it really won't be beneficial in finding a descent job.
LMAO you called ODU and below average school? Just cause the asian population is below 5 percent does not mean it is a below average school

Phat, you get a new account every month. Give it a rest man.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

i wasn't gonna come in here and say you'll be fine, it's only HS, just make sure you graduate and go on to get your degree, etc etc

but then i raid this,

Originally Posted by AZNBALLA23

My family all think I'm a disgrace( Asian btw)

But back to topic... Go and see your counselors, they're paid to give you advice.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

i wasn't gonna come in here and say you'll be fine, it's only HS, just make sure you graduate and go on to get your degree, etc etc

but then i raid this,

Originally Posted by AZNBALLA23

My family all think I'm a disgrace( Asian btw)

But back to topic... Go and see your counselors, they're paid to give you advice.
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