My GF broke up with me (pics added) Update pg 10

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Yeah I dont think she is dating anyone... but she is trying to tell me that she doesn't want me anymore. And naw no cheating went on.. the real reason was that she had too much stuff going and she needed space... the last straw was that i didnt like her drinking and she said she hated that I "controlled her" and i told her go ahead and drink.. you are an adult you can make your own decisions. then she said, "you will judge me" Then we said goodbye and stopped talking ever since.
shes at that stage man. wants to have fun and not be tied down. sucks for you tho, oh well hook up with her best friend
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

he last straw was that i didnt like her drinking and she said she hated that I "controlled her"
I thought you'd be ok until I read this
shes a "party girl"
she wants to be everyone's girl, sorry not every girl wants to be with only 1 man.

you should bug her more
cuz shes near the line of gettin "turnt out"
and at least you'd know you tried your best before she crossed that line
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Yeah I dont think she is dating anyone... but she is trying to tell me that she doesn't want me anymore. And naw no cheating went on.. the real reason was that she had too much stuff going and she needed space... the last straw was that i didnt like her drinking and she said she hated that I "controlled her" and i told her go ahead and drink.. you are an adult you can make your own decisions. then she said, "you will judge me" Then we said goodbye and stopped talking ever since.

Yeah man, she def at the stage of "exploring" whats out there, you should do the same...If its mean to be yal be back but for now have that space between yal
Damn this bout one of the only dudes whos girl I can remember... PM me them goods son..
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Yeah I dont think she is dating anyone... but she is trying to tell me that she doesn't want me anymore. And naw no cheating went on.. the real reason was that she had too much stuff going and she needed space... the last straw was that i didnt like her drinking and she said she hated that I "controlled her" and i told her go ahead and drink.. you are an adult you can make your own decisions. then she said, "you will judge me" Then we said goodbye and stopped talking ever since.
translation: she wants to party, interact with different dudes and get smashed without feeling bad/cheating on you during the summer. ya got together in high school, and she dont want to be wifed up just yet.

she'll get smashed by a dude who just wants to smash, she'll expect dude to do the samething ya did. but dude wont, she hit you up saying she sorry she took you for granted, blah blah blah. it will be up to you if you want to get back with her from there
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD


I couldn't take it anymore.. i send her a text. She replies "Im at work and im dating someone. Please stop."

i dont even know how i feel
sorry but the this one is in the books, umps called it


Real talk
Leave her will think about her and will want to contact her..but don't!
The sooner you cut off all ties with her, the sooner she will start hitting you up again. Believe me, it's somewhat happening to me now with me ex.
She needs to start missing you, you hitting her up will not allow it.
And when you guys do talk, don't be a simp and tell her your life is not the same because she's in not in the picture. She needs to know that you are strong brother, and that you don't need her.
She wants to test the waters, so you should also. I wouldn't suggest smashing other chicks just to smash, but go out and meet new people. So when the time comes for you to smash something else, you will have it on deck. You need to better yourself man, and think about yourself. Because honestly, she's worried about herself only man and not you.
Originally Posted by 951guero

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Yeah I dont think she is dating anyone... but she is trying to tell me that she doesn't want me anymore. And naw no cheating went on.. the real reason was that she had too much stuff going and she needed space... the last straw was that i didnt like her drinking and she said she hated that I "controlled her" and i told her go ahead and drink.. you are an adult you can make your own decisions. then she said, "you will judge me" Then we said goodbye and stopped talking ever since.

Yeah man, she def at the stage of "exploring" whats out there, you should do the same...If its mean to be yal be back but for now have that space between yal

Naw man im done chasing this broad.. she obviously doesnt want me.. I am gonna move on.. it does hurt and i will take time oh well
Capricorn1229 wrote:
Michaelfoooo wrote:
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD


I couldn't take it anymore.. i send her a text. She replies "Im at work and im dating someone. Please stop."

i dont even know how i feel
shes messing with you homie.

way too **!!!*$ soon to be dating someone.

seriously dont give up. i have been in your situatin before. she is seeing no one.

He right. It's too soon.

No its not ... believe me girls are cold hearted , undeciding creatures ...

But damn OP i kno how you feel
... im not gonna lie. Its gonna tear u apart inside bro.. Stay busy, hang out w/ the fellas and go clubbin or something.. but its gonna take time man

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Yeah I dont think she is dating anyone... but she is trying to tell me that she doesn't want me anymore. And naw no cheating went on.. the real reason was that she had too much stuff going and she needed space... the last straw was that i didnt like her drinking and she said she hated that I "controlled her" and i told her go ahead and drink.. you are an adult you can make your own decisions. then she said, "you will judge me" Then we said goodbye and stopped talking ever since.
translation: she wants to party, interact with different dudes and get smashed without feeling bad/cheating on you during the summer. ya got together in high school, and she dont want to be wifed up just yet.

she'll get smashed by a dude who just wants to smash, she'll expect dude to do the samething ya did. but dude wont, she hit you up saying she sorry she took you for granted, blah blah blah. it will be up to you if you want to get back with her from there
At your age, this is pretty much how it goes. Its sounds cold, but i can assure you there IS a rebound guy,  and he probably has smashed. You'll know if he's played her if she suddenly starts hitting you back up reminiscing about how your relationship used to be.

I had an ex hit me up today talking about "will you be my valentine".  My response: "I have a son now and a real woman, go kick on rocks."
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD


I couldn't take it anymore.. i send her a text. She replies "Im at work and im dating someone. Please stop."

i dont even know how i feel
no mames guey, para que necesitas esa pendeja? yo se que todavia la amas, pero ya dejala a la verga, no la necesitas
me cae si no vas encontrar otras MAS bonita y MAS buena primo, no te way to get over them is to start lookin for new chicks and chillin with your boys

si necesitas un amigo, aqui estoy
Sorry to hear man. The sooner you forget about her, the better. Don't dwell on the negative fam.
Originally Posted by doosta45

marionthebarberian said:

say the truth, did you cry?

tell the truth fam


I sent the text
I go drink some water
Go back to my room and see I got a text
I was excited that she wrote back
I read it,
I stare at the message for a minute in shock
A tear rolls down my face
Then im furious, then disbelief, I text her "I dont believe you, Ima go see you at work"

but now i just deleted her number (I dont know it by memory) so i cant contact her... Im doing better now..
doosta45 wrote:
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian


say the truth, did you cry?

tell the truth fam

yall are rough man... Dude obviously had legitimate feelings for that girl and then bein left like that and bein heart broken... it sucks ALOT ... i would not blame him if he cried..
Best thing is to cut her off completely no text no calls nothing and wait for her to contact you. Don't give her the power by chasing her. Let her come to you if she really likes you, if not man up and keep it going.
Yo fam, you can just tell shes hurting as well..probably more than you are..just give her time. Stop hitting her really think after 3 long %$% years shes gunna just sit there and forget about you already? Females are more emotional than us men. Like i said before, let her live for now...if she really loved you fam, she will return, if not then it wasnt meant to be. One day you guys gunna run into each other and chances ate, shes gunna miss you more than you did. Hit the gym hard and listen to some good music, focus on your scholastics and better yourself. I know its hard fam, ive been thru it
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