My GF broke up with me (pics added) Update pg 10

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I met a girl and it was love at first site. I dont think shes really interested in getting over her though (only spoke to her for a month or so). I could only imagine how hard its going to be to get over a 3 year relationship. I know (kind of) how you feel. If you need someone to talk to, hit me up on aim @ Mayor 0f NYC. Love hurts. Just know, shes feeling the same way you're feeling and if its meant to be, you guys gonna run into each other again and those 3 years of emotions and love will trump over any difficulty there was in the relationship. Bless you, though brutha
i really dont know about this new 'likeable' J Dilla.

i just dont buy it for some reason.

i think i liked you better when you were an a-hole 

I feel like it's a front...
yea your young (im the same age btw) so you'll definitely get over it...thing is...u can't go out and just expect another girl to come along just chill out and let it happen 'cause if u go around looking for a replacement broad or some j.o. your gonna mess urself up even more
I'm going through the same thing. It's been 4 months since my 4 year relationship ended. It still hurts but don't go out sleeping with other chicks thinking it's going to make things better, because if you truly loved your chick you will only be thinking about her. Just take time for yourself and re-evaluate yourself and what you want in life. As other people said...chill, exercise, play video games. Just try to keep yourself busy. You will be alright real talk. Initially it hurts because you're still in the routine phase you both had. Once you start learning again how to be alone, especially after a few years or being in a relationship; everything will go back to normal. Just think about how you were before you were in a relationship. If you guys are meant to be, believe me you will be together again. Besides, your situation cannot be worst then mine...Breakup.
well, all you do is.. chill with your friends, go out have a fun time as much as possible. im still not COMPLETELY over my 3 year relationship and we broke up a lil more than a year ago
i was in a relationship of three years and we broke up last year right after our third anniversary (valentine's day
). after three years of being with one person, your life basically revolves around them and it's kind of hard to acclimate yourself with the single life. it was very difficult for me to move on so i definitely know what you're dealing with right now. i personally took four months and tried to better myself.. i began working out, became more socially active, read and basically did whatever i could think of to nurse myself through the pain.

what i would recommend you not doing is smashing every girl you see or turning to liquor, weed or any kind of drug. this is the time for you to become the best person you can possibly be and doing what you haven't had time to do in the last three years which is focusing on yourself, and not you and her. just learn from the mistakes of the past and most importantly, utilize them so that you never make those mistakes again. all this can do is help you become a better man. the pain subsides and you'll learn to view her as a stepping stone in your life.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76


school work gym friends...all that is cool and what you should be doing but she'll pop in your head the most random times and it'll kill your whole mood...only time can fix that

at night is the worst when you're just lying there thinking...

time time time
I guess i should be taking this sort of advice.
here's a song you should listen to:

this is exactly how you'll be feeling in the next couple of days, man.. all this will do is make you stronger and wiser.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

been there done that. trust me, only time will help you move on. chill with your boys and play basketball. try not to dwell on it, but only be sad when you absolutely have to and can't hep it. i'm still a little in the process after 5 months of the breakup

so that avy aint yours no more? 
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

i was in a relationship of three years and we broke up last year right after our third anniversary (valentine's day
). after three years of being with one person, your life basically revolves around them and it's kind of hard to acclimate yourself with the single life. it was very difficult for me to move on so i definitely know what you're dealing with right now. i personally took four months and tried to better myself.. i began working out, became more socially active, read and basically did whatever i could think of to nurse myself through the pain.

what i would recommend you not doing is smashing every girl you see or turning to liquor, weed or any kind of drug. this is the time for you to become the best person you can possibly be and doing what you haven't had time to do in the last three years which is focusing on yourself, and not you and her. just learn from the mistakes of the past and most importantly, utilize them so that you never make those mistakes again. all this can do is help you become a better man. the pain subsides and you'll learn to view her as a stepping stone in your life.

Thanks fam.. Well I threw out all the stuff she gave me (except the ps3), deleted all of the pics (not all of them
)... and I'm really trying to move on with my life. Ive called her maybe twice, and send her a text to ask how she is doing.. she pretty much cut me off. no returned calls, text, email.. It is pretty hard and i cant stop thinking about her.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

i was in a relationship of three years and we broke up last year right after our third anniversary (valentine's day
). after three years of being with one person, your life basically revolves around them and it's kind of hard to acclimate yourself with the single life. it was very difficult for me to move on so i definitely know what you're dealing with right now. i personally took four months and tried to better myself.. i began working out, became more socially active, read and basically did whatever i could think of to nurse myself through the pain.

what i would recommend you not doing is smashing every girl you see or turning to liquor, weed or any kind of drug. this is the time for you to become the best person you can possibly be and doing what you haven't had time to do in the last three years which is focusing on yourself, and not you and her. just learn from the mistakes of the past and most importantly, utilize them so that you never make those mistakes again. all this can do is help you become a better man. the pain subsides and you'll learn to view her as a stepping stone in your life.

Thanks fam.. Well I threw out all the stuff she gave me (except the ps3), deleted all of the pics (not all of them
)... and I'm really trying to move on with my life. Ive called her maybe twice, and send her a text to ask how she is doing.. she pretty much cut me off. no returned calls, text, email.. It is pretty hard and i cant stop thinking about her.
i had a family portrait of my ex in a glass case and i kept that in my room for a while after the breakup. then i forced myself to get rid of it as well as everything else of hers and trust me, it helped a lot. but you're gonna feel like *%#% for a while.. just try to focus on other things for a bit. read a book, listen to music, hang with your friends, hit the gym.. just try to take your mind off of her. idle time is your worst enemy right now even though sitting in your bed all day is probably all you wanna do. stay active, focus on other things and before you know it, you'll have accepted this relationship for what it is and you'll be ready to move on.
oh you mad, what happened with the situation ? had a similar situation happen to me recently. i'm better now but she still pops up in my mind daily. what sucks is that it was basically my fault. sometimes you just gotta let go of something you love if its for the better i guess.
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