My most embarrassing and frustrating sexual experience W/ CLIFFNOTES

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino


at her just giving you warm up neck for 2 yrs....youre a stronger man than myself

But seriously,

22 years old. Thats insanity. Correct me if I'm wrong but you didn't even touch the vag up until this day? Thats nuts. Nothing else to add, good luck in the future.
Son aint even get a finger in that joint..
it hurt when i partly put it in
i hope more so that it was her and not you. you partner down there hurtin? if it painful for you, maybe you don't deserve the sense ofpleasure.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

it hurt when i partly put it in
i hope more so that it was her and not you. you partner down there hurtin? if it painful for you, maybe you don't deserve the sense of pleasure.

Obviously he's talking about her
Originally Posted by dyyhard

it hurt when i partly put it in
i hope more so that it was her and not you. you partner down there hurtin? if it painful for you, maybe you don't deserve the sense of pleasure.

No it hurt her... she said "ow". And no, I haven't gone down before, she's never let me. I saw it for the first time thatnight. She's just way too tight... Still untouched (for the most part) and being Asian. You do have to be prepared mentally, and I'm prepared for thenext time we see each other

Most likely end of December though
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

Originally Posted by dyyhard

it hurt when i partly put it in
i hope more so that it was her and not you. you partner down there hurtin? if it painful for you, maybe you don't deserve the sense of pleasure.
No it hurt her... she said "ow". And no, I haven't gone down before, she's never let me. I saw it for the first time that night. She's just way too tight... Still untouched (for the most part) and being Asian. You do have to be prepared mentally, and I'm prepared for the next time we see each other

Most likely end of December though

Better go down under word to Crocodile Dundee
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

The 2[sup]nd[/sup] one, I tried right after she went down, and then I put it on backwards,
w t f? I've never even heard of thathappening
Originally Posted by the coolness

Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

The 2[sup]nd[/sup] one, I tried right after she went down, and then I put it on backwards,
**@? I've never even heard of that happening
Yea that sucked - it started to roll off and it didn't feel right.
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

Originally Posted by dyyhard

it hurt when i partly put it in
i hope more so that it was her and not you. you partner down there hurtin? if it painful for you, maybe you don't deserve the sense of pleasure.
No it hurt her... she said "ow". And no, I haven't gone down before, she's never let me. I saw it for the first time that night. She's just way too tight... Still untouched (for the most part) and being Asian. You do have to be prepared mentally, and I'm prepared for the next time we see each other

Most likely end of December though

smh...I hope you didnt share this experience with your father....How is he gonna brag to his friends about this at work?...

" son knocks'em down left and right

"...-laughs- mine too

"-Your Father
dam I feel bad for ya bruh.
mah dude, after reading everything you wrote. Thats something a 13 year old would say, real talk. How you not gonna be able to.... How you not gonna findthe........ SMH!

But its all good. At least both of you were virgins so that makes it a little better.
Jesus dude... I came in here expecting a run of the mill embarassing sex story, but seriously? Your girl thought she had two holes??? They teach you that kindof thing in damn near fouth grade now and you guys are 21 and 22??? For real? Plus I didn't even know girls went and "prepared" before hand,normally it just starts going down, they ask if I have a condom, I pull out the condom and we get it cracking. I don't know what I'd be thinking if allof a sudden homegirl was like "hold on, I need to prepare". Reminds me of the little asian dude in how high.

But my advice after reading a story like that? Just quit trying, it is hopeless... Word to the 40 year old virgin.
Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

dam I feel bad for ya bruh.
mah dude, after reading everything you wrote. Thats something a 13 year old would say, real talk. How you not gonna be able to.... How you not gonna find the........ SMH!

But its all good. At least both of you were virgins so that makes it a little better.
It's not that I couldn't find it, it just wouldn't go in. The first time when she was laying down, her legs were flat on the bed - Ilearned (I think) she should have her legs up, where their legs are making an upside down V, so it's easier otherwise it's way down there.. Either way,I just couldn't keep it up for so long, especially when she kept making me put more lube.
wow dawg..... you're brave posting this on NT, but it happens man.

just make sure next go around your game is in check; and you make your girl beg for the D on the regular.
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

Never be first or last bro
I'm going to be first and last and everything in between
I just wonder what's going to happen when/if she tells her friends - I'm sure she hasn't, yet. My cousin and my ex are the two onlypeople that know because they asked if we did it yet, so I told them.

About 40 yr old virgin, that's a different story
. Dude justdidn't have game to even get girls, I believe. I could get girls, but then they would obviously not WANT me after finding out I can't do anything inbed, as of now at least.

One of my exes said she would gladly teach me and help me, but I'm not like that. Yes I've posted a couple days ago about my new friends, but in theend I won't do anything.
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

dam I feel bad for ya bruh.
mah dude, after reading everything you wrote. Thats something a 13 year old would say, real talk. How you not gonna be able to.... How you not gonna find the........ SMH!

But its all good. At least both of you were virgins so that makes it a little better.
It's not that I couldn't find it, it just wouldn't go in. The first time when she was laying down, her legs were flat on the bed - I learned (I think) she should have her legs up, where their legs are making an upside down V, so it's easier otherwise it's way down there.. Either way, I just couldn't keep it up for so long, especially when she kept making me put more lube.
Didnt you ever watch pr0n?
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