My NT Brethren- Are you a good driver?

You're assuming everyone's reactions are exactly the same.

It's even tought by driving instructors to use 1 foot.

You never answered my initial question tho

What DONT you like about the pivot method
You're assuming everyone's reactions are exactly the same.
I'm not, in the rigorous testing environment (racing) the two foot method is most commonly employed there's a reason for that....

It's even tought by driving instructors to use 1 foot.
This is true, mine didn't notice until I brought it up

You never answered my initial question tho

What DONT you like about the pivot method[
It feels like I have less control over the car, especially going from driving to coasting to braking. Even when I'm accelerating after stopping at a light it feels odd to go from brake to gas with one foot. Feels more fluid with two.
Before I drove a car I go karted a lot. In a go cart your feet are seperated from by steering column so you HAVE to use both feet for driving. I drove that way for a long time until I took an advanced driving course and learned from scratch one footed driving because high speed backing is easier when you can brace your left foot on the dead pedal. Now I use both unconsciously.
I would say yes. Avoided a couple of popped tires on the highway. Parallel on either side (Learned from living on a 1 way street). Driven from NY to CA and many places in between.

BUT I cant drive manual! so ill say im better than average.
I ****ing hate HATE HATE HATE HATE driving in the 5 boroughs. Everyone is a ****ing ******* and all the Uber’s,lyfts, and green and yellow cabs here make driving here ****ing unbearable. So much bull**** here.

Man **** nyc. Worst place to drive in the USA and it’s not even close.
Gotta love NYC man, if you could drive can drive ANYWHERE! Fresh Meadows Queens is crawlin with these idiot drivers
It's really a stupid thing. Probably to put fear in you in how close this maniac is to you and how vulnerable you are to an accident now.
This. My dumbass did that years back when a clown cut me off. He brake checked me and ****ed up my front end. But lucky for me, there was a cop around who only caught him brake checking me and for some reason took my side in court :lol: lesson learned

I still tailgate sometimes. I need to stop, but get the **** out the left doing 5 under the speed limit
I believe I've gotten much better at drivin as time went by. I started consistently drivin in 2015. I had alot of road rage as a new driver. Had to check myself and ask myself what am I becomin? And why am I actin like such a hothead? Man, I'm tellin you, drivin and livin in this city molds you in ways that makes you forget who you are. I became a much more relaxed & forgivin driver. I'm soo calm and collected now that I signal in the garage even when I'm the only car goin in or out lol. I give space, too much space accordin to my family members. I'm the type of driver that when someone does somethin that pisses me off/irritates me I choose to yell out loud to myself instead of honk unless it's absolutely necessary. My biggest pet peeve is when a driver doesn't are you seriously that lazy? Not signalin can lead to alot of unwanted scenarios. I don't even understand why BMW factories still equip their vehicles with blinkers...beemer drivers NEVER use them. There's alot of room for improvement. I especially become super forgivin & passive when I bring out my Challenger, I DO NOT want some dumb **** to happen to it due to road rage or emotional drivin. Drivers here in NYC are the absolute worst man THE F****ING worst. They test & try every ounce of patience you have in you. Most people are in a rush to absolutely nowhere but they want to drive like a bat outta hell for no valid reason. I constantly remind myself while driving that I need to reach my destination(s) alive & in one piece, and that I have the lives of my family members in my hands when drivin em...if that's not enough reason to drive safe & temper-free I don't know what is. The best place for drivin I have experienced is Chicago, IL. Them drivers are angelic. No one is in a rush even in the mornin work commute. I visited this past May and tourist season was through the roof. Even then, with all the added crowds people drove like civilized beings. One night we drove on Lake Shore Drive on our way back from a hookah lounge and it was bumper-to-bumper traffic...NOT 1 angry driver. People were just chillin in their own happy lil world, listenin to the radio and enjoyin the cool breeze comin in from Lake Michigan. No one really honks in that city. Drive safe NT fam :D
I had a dude in the most ****ed up Toyota Yaris try and brake check me and almost got smoked. :lol:

I was working, at the time I pulled tankers with a semi. Anyways the road is wide open.

I throw on my right signal to get over, he’s at least 200ft behind me and floors it trying to not let me over. I don’t play that and never will, I’m not cutting you off and you’re not gonna floor it so I can’t get over. Anyways I just move over he almost side swipes my truck in the process of trying to be a tough guy.

Then he gets in front of me and SLAMS on the brakes. I’m 80,000 pounds I barely was able to stop. Now we’re on the ****ing interstate and I’m stopped in the middle lane in a damn semi that does 0-60 in two minutes with cars almost rear ending me.

I hate other drivers sometimes man...
Generally yes, I’m a defensive driver that takes precautions and respect others, but I admit, once in a while I make stupid moves. I make stupid moves mostly due to being in a rush, and sometimes doing it on purpose - eg someone cutting me off w/o signalling.
Generally yes, I’m a defensive driver that takes precautions and respect others, but I admit, once in a while I make stupid moves. I make stupid moves mostly due to being in a rush, and sometimes doing it on purpose - eg someone cutting me off w/o signalling.

Fam some dude at Yonge and Dundas tried to be a smart *** earlier today and he goofed big time.

Got stuck in the middle of the intersection with pedestrians crossing all ways :rofl: :rofl:

I was dying. Thought of this thread instantly

Edit: to let y'all know how bad it was this intersection has a diagonal crossing for pedestrians as well as the regular east-west and north-south :lol: and they go all at the same time
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Fam some dude at Yonge and Dundas tried to be a smart *** earlier today and he goofed big time.

Got stuck in the middle of the intersection with pedestrians crossing all ways :rofl: :rofl:

I was dying. Thought of this thread instantly

Edit: to let y'all know how bad it was this intersection has a diagonal crossing for pedestrians as well as the regular east-west and north-south :lol: and they go all at the same time

:lol: I don’t bother driving in that area unless I go to the Jordan store early on a Saturday morning. Cyclists and pedestrians everywhere, we woodbridge drivers can’t tolerate that.

My friends that have no drivers’ license asks me to drive there when we head to that area, I tell them to get their license and a car, then drive there and tell me how their experience is.
:lol: I don’t bother driving in that area unless I go to the Jordan store early on a Saturday morning. Cyclists and pedestrians everywhere, we woodbridge drivers can’t tolerate that.

My friends that have no drivers’ license asks me to drive there when we head to that area, I tell them to get their license and a car, then drive there and tell me how their experience is.

:lol: it sucks. Any time I see a pick up there on a Saturday afternoon I usually cancel cuz most people are stupid.

One time I was coming from Bay so I called the person...three times. No response. I turned back around on Victoria and they answered. I ask the chick where she's at exactly, chick says "do you know the Eaton centre?"

Bruhhhhhh I tell her the **** is huge where EXACTLY are you? She says "do you know Yonge and Dundas?"

I hung up and cancelled the ride. Foh :lol:
I consider myself a good driver. When I first started driving, I told myself to stick with the good habits so you won't forget them and it stuck. I don't know how they allow all these bozos to drive in NYC. I cuss somebody out at least 5 times when I get in my car.
Man I don’t know bout y’all but I’m a pretty aggressive driver, I’ll admit that myself.

In all actuality I pride myself on being an aggressive driver

I’m that driver that everybody supposably seems to hate kinda, I’m the driver that weaves In and out of traffic and flys past other people.

Most of you guys would prolly try and say I’m a bad driver because of this but it’s actually quite the contrary being that the main reason I weave in and out of traffic is to get away from people. And also contrary to most people belief once I past you your not seeing my car again unless there a traffic jam

My biggest and my most annoying pet peeve is people who like to sit in other people blind spots and just like to drive around In little clusters, that’s where the high potential of accident lies.

My other pet peeve is people who honk at everything and anything, especially the idiots who try honking at me when I blow past them at 90+mph and there doing like 50, what exactly is honking going to accomplish?
young josh guy had SCkid perplexed lolol.

I find myself getting frustrated driving in the morning, catch myself going 90 for no reason, only trying to get away from "pack drivers." Not sure why folks like to drive in packs of 4-6; just hanging out an S!!! holding up traffic.
Man I don’t know bout y’all but I’m a pretty aggressive driver, I’ll admit that myself.

In all actuality I pride myself on being an aggressive driver

I’m that driver that everybody supposably seems to hate kinda, I’m the driver that weaves In and out of traffic and flys past other people.

Most of you guys would prolly try and say I’m a bad driver because of this but it’s actually quite the contrary being that the main reason I weave in and out of traffic is to get away from people. And also contrary to most people belief once I past you your not seeing my car again unless there a traffic jam

My biggest and my most annoying pet peeve is people who like to sit in other people blind spots and just like to drive around In little clusters, that’s where the high potential of accident lies.

My other pet peeve is people who honk at everything and anything, especially the idiots who try honking at me when I blow past them at 90+mph and there doing like 50, what exactly is honking going to accomplish?

Suppress your ego.

Calm down.


Take your time.

This isn't a competition.

You know how you drive can be a serious issue for you and others.

Please do better
Commute last night had me thinking about this thread. I must literally shake my head 10 times on my way home in response to how selfish people are on the road.

A lot of em like dude above.
I knew there would be at least one person on here like dude above.

Surprised it took 7 pages
Who gloats about weaving in and out of traffic though? That's that s**t that kills people. Like you'll cause a mini van full of women and children to swerve and flip over.
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