my vote for THE most disturbing 9-11 video

I just remember not knowing what the hell was going on. I was in school in downstate IL (in the middle of nowhere) and my family is from Chicago. Two of myaunts worked in the Sears Tower and that was just terrifying.

I was in English 101 at like 9 a.m. central time and my teacher kept leaving the room and coming back more and more distraught. At first she was like "Aplane crashed into the White House." and folks were freaking out like "Whaaat? Was the president in there?". Then she came back and said theycrashed into the WTC. Then she told us to leave and go call our families to see if everything was okay since we didn't know if they were striking all overthe US or not. I went to the Student Center on the way back to my dorm and everyone was piled around the TV. That %%%# was so surreal, it looked like a WillSmith movie or something.

Next thing you know all of the military guys on campus were marching around chanting about blowing up "ay-rabs" and all kinds of %%%#.

It was weird that for like 2 weeks there was this weird American unity. The anti-Muslim thing wasn't cool at all but I've never seen that whole Us (ALLAmericans) against them thing in my life. Back in my old neighborhood, there was a large Arab/Muslim population and they were getting their homesvandalized and all kinds of crazy nonsense. It was such a bad time.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

These conspiracy theories are ridiculous. I think if people were more educated on the subject matter they would understand why the events of 9/11 happened and not have to resort to the ridiculous claims of global government conspiracy.

These videos are bringing back some awful memories though.
... ok. Show me your PhD in believing whatever you're told then. Ya'll act like WE brought down the towers. That's the biggest shame of all. We're not the enemy here.
No, the biggest shame of all is that people can make insane claims, have no proof at all to back them up, and still be believed by scores ofpeople. While people who actually attempt to educate themselves on the subject are ridiculed because they believe everything they are told. You're makingyourself sound extremely immature.

Right, you're not the enemy, you're the "truth seekers." So, where is the proof if in fact what you are saying is true, and please do notquote a movie you found on Google video or YouTube.
That day was horrible, now imagine getting attacked everyday (Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq). Millions of people died in these places...but do you care? Iremember 9/11 clearly, some old white guy at 7-11 said to me, "look at what your people are doing", and this was as the towers were on fire, beforeany word of who did it (or who they think did it). Whether it is a conspiracy or not, it doesn't matter now. Iraq has been destroyed, we lost soldiers,Iraqi civilians have died by the hundred thousands. Bush and his buddies ruined the world economically and politically. They say the Arab world hates Americabecause America represents freedom. Arabs don't care how free Americans are, they just don't agree with their international policies. Basically, if youmess with anyone, eventually they are gonna try to get back at you. Cause and effect. Its sad that we Americans have to suffer for our idiot greedypoliticians. Anywhere you go in the world, I don't think anyone likes America much. Especially since the economy went down, it ruined global markets. So,if we didn't mess up, the world economy would have been fine.
So people crying and screaming in terror is hilarious. You learn something new on NT everyday. And you've got to atleast entertain the idea that the planesalone did not bring those towers down.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

These conspiracy theories are ridiculous. I think if people were more educated on the subject matter they would understand why the events of 9/11 happened and not have to resort to the ridiculous claims of global government conspiracy.

These videos are bringing back some awful memories though.
... ok. Show me your PhD in believing whatever you're told then. Ya'll act like WE brought down the towers. That's the biggest shame of all. We're not the enemy here.
*No, the biggest shame of all is that people can make insane claims, have no proof at all to back them up, and still be believed by scores of people. While people who actually attempt to educate themselves on the subject are ridiculed because they believe everything they are told. *You're making yourself sound extremely immature.

Right, you're not the enemy, you're the "truth seekers." So, where is the proof if in fact what you are saying is true, and please do not quote a movie you found on Google video or YouTube.

You threw the first stone... the "believers" ALWAYS cast the first stone mainly because it's more of them than us, so they feel validated andjust in throwing that first stone. Besides, I didn't ridicule anyone...I'm not like that in threads like this. If anything, I say believe whatever you choose but don't knock MY beliefs. If I was gonna ridicule somebody,then you could probablly figure out who I'd risicule based on my post about why I believe this thread is disrespectful in general. And another thing, thepoint is that you have NO evidence to look at just like I have NO evidence to look at. Whether you realize it or not, we're both following what we'vebeen told. That's why I
. You're calling the kettle black and don't even see that you're the pot.

*No I'm not, you are..well you're trying puting words in my mouth
*So lemme get this straight, it's more important to make sure I believe what youbelieve...even though neither one of our beliefs alone will bring peace or justice where it's needed... than it isto do the homework on every possible explanation for what happened in order to make sure the right people are placed atfault? That doesn't sit well with me.
^exactly, you have no evidence, the other guy has no evidence, yet you both strongly believe in your stance and ironically ridicule the other guy for his.
Again, I didn't ridicule anybody.... it's too many feelings involved on some real life %@*@ to be pointing the finger at another victim.theorists and believers alike suffered that day. These are things I've said already.. I never called the pot black... I just called it a pot and left it at that, but then I said respect my right tobe a kettle, so to speak.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by pr1nts

Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

wasnt that bad thought peoples reaction was funny tho

i won't lie dude screaming omg had me laughing

grow the ++## up, or better yet, kill ur selves.

oh now thats a much better reply.

*scoffs* Clearly!

... you're alright by me Spaceman
what the hell are you doing watching a 9/11 video now
tired.gif of the most disturbing videos indeed

Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

wasnt that bad thought peoples reaction was funny tho
woowwww some people are RIDICULOUS. I believe that everyone has their own take on how things went down and we shouldn't be rubbing our own opinions insomeone else's face. its called being and INDIVIDUAL ... everyone has their own opinion and that opinion should be respected .
Wasn't as disturbing as other 9-11 vids, but the reaction of people to seeing the tower drop like that really gets me.
I think I was in 1st grade when this happened.
But, I remember how everyone was shook about this.
I didn't even know what was going on but then when I heard
I was even shocked. Every time me and my friends would see a
plane we would be scared. Such a sad day.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

These conspiracy theories are ridiculous. I think if people were more educated on the subject matter they would understand why the events of 9/11 happened and not have to resort to the ridiculous claims of global government conspiracy.

These videos are bringing back some awful memories though.
... ok. Show me your PhD in believing whatever you're told then. Ya'll act like WE brought down the towers. That's the biggest shame of all. We're not the enemy here.
*No, the biggest shame of all is that people can make insane claims, have no proof at all to back them up, and still be believed by scores of people. While people who actually attempt to educate themselves on the subject are ridiculed because they believe everything they are told. *You're making yourself sound extremely immature.

Right, you're not the enemy, you're the "truth seekers." So, where is the proof if in fact what you are saying is true, and please do not quote a movie you found on Google video or YouTube.

You threw the first stone... the "believers" ALWAYS cast the first stone mainly because it's more of them than us, so they feel validated and just in throwing that first stone. Besides, I didn't ridicule anyone... I'm not like that in threads like this. If anything, I say believe whatever you choose but don't knock MY beliefs. If I was gonna ridicule somebody, then you could probablly figure out who I'd risicule based on my post about why I believe this thread is disrespectful in general. And another thing, the point is that you have NO evidence to look at just like I have NO evidence to look at. Whether you realize it or not, we're both following what we've been told. That's why I
. You're calling the kettle black and don't even see that you're the pot.

*No I'm not, you are..well you're trying puting words in my mouth
*So lemme get this straight, it's more important to make sure I believe what you believe...even though neither one of our beliefs alone will bring peace or justice where it's needed... than it is to do the homework on every possible explanation for what happened in order to make sure the right people are placed at fault? That doesn't sit well with me.

How is there no evidence in favor of 9/11 not being a conspiracy?

Osama Bin Laden admitted to the attacks countless times. We know the who the perpetrators were and that they were Al Qaeda operatives. We have documents thathave their instructions for what to do before the attack from Atta. Its as clear as day the evidence that it was no type of inside job.

*No I'm not, you are..well you're trying puting words in my mouth
Again, a very mature response, just like
... ok. Show me your PhD in believing whatever you're told then.

*So lemme get this straight, it's more important to make sure I believe what you believe...even though neither one of our beliefs alone will bring peace or justice where it's needed... than it is to do the homework on every possible explanation for what happened in order to make sure the right people are placed at fault? That doesn't sit well with me.
No, but it is more important to understand the whole story rather than to jump up and cry conspiracy when you clearly haven't been told thewhole story. As soon as I heard the "reasons" that were constantly given by the American media and government, it was obvious that there was muchmore to it. People don't simply just "hate us" and it is nowhere as simple as "us" against "them." We don't even know whothey are, and many of us don't even fully understand why they attacked us in the first place.

The right people have been placed at fault.

Do I think that our government is perfect? Of course not. Do I believe that they themselves carried out attacks on their citizens? You would have to be anutcase to think so. Do I think that they had some type of intelligence about an impending attack on American soil? Well, that is an entirely different story.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

These conspiracy theories are ridiculous. I think if people were more educated on the subject matter they would understand why the events of 9/11 happened and not have to resort to the ridiculous claims of global government conspiracy.

These videos are bringing back some awful memories though.
... ok. Show me your PhD in believing whatever you're told then. Ya'll act like WE brought down the towers. That's the biggest shame of all. We're not the enemy here.
*No, the biggest shame of all is that people can make insane claims, have no proof at all to back them up, and still be believed by scores of people. While people who actually attempt to educate themselves on the subject are ridiculed because they believe everything they are told. *You're making yourself sound extremely immature.

Right, you're not the enemy, you're the "truth seekers." So, where is the proof if in fact what you are saying is true, and please do not quote a movie you found on Google video or YouTube.

You threw the first stone... the "believers" ALWAYS cast the first stone mainly because it's more of them than us, so they feel validated and just in throwing that first stone. Besides, I didn't ridicule anyone... I'm not like that in threads like this. If anything, I say believe whatever you choose but don't knock MY beliefs. If I was gonna ridicule somebody, then you could probablly figure out who I'd risicule based on my post about why I believe this thread is disrespectful in general. And another thing, the point is that you have NO evidence to look at just like I have NO evidence to look at. Whether you realize it or not, we're both following what we've been told. That's why I
. You're calling the kettle black and don't even see that you're the pot.

*No I'm not, you are..well you're trying puting words in my mouth
*So lemme get this straight, it's more important to make sure I believe what you believe...even though neither one of our beliefs alone will bring peace or justice where it's needed... than it is to do the homework on every possible explanation for what happened in order to make sure the right people are placed at fault? That doesn't sit well with me.

How is there no evidence in favor of 9/11 not being a conspiracy?

Osama Bin Laden admitted to the attacks countless times. We know the who the perpetrators were and that they were Al Qaeda operatives. We have documents that have their instructions for what to do before the attack from Atta. Its as clear as day the evidence that it was no type of inside job.

*No I'm not, you are..well you're trying puting words in my mouth
Again, a very mature response, just like
... ok. Show me your PhD in believing whatever you're told then.

*So lemme get this straight, it's more important to make sure I believe what you believe...even though neither one of our beliefs alone will bring peace or justice where it's needed... than it is to do the homework on every possible explanation for what happened in order to make sure the right people are placed at fault? That doesn't sit well with me.
No, but it is more important to understand the whole story rather than to jump up and cry conspiracy when you clearly haven't been told the whole story. As soon as I heard the "reasons" that were constantly given by the American media and government, it was obvious that there was much more to it. People don't simply just "hate us" and it is nowhere as simple as "us" against "them." We don't even know who they are, and many of us don't even fully understand why they attacked us in the first place.

The right people have been placed at fault.

Do I think that our government is perfect? Of course not. Do I believe that they themselves carried out attacks on their citizens? You would have to be a nutcase to think so. Do I think that they had some type of intelligence about an impending attack on American soil? Well, that is an entirely different story.

Once again, and this is DW219 speaking......what evidence do YOU have? There is no "we". You are not your gov't. There's just ME, YOU, andTHEY if you want to talk pronouns. THEY have the facts, whoever THEY is. I don't believe what THEY'VE told ME and YOU. This idea of "we" thatyou have is silly. If there was a "we", then WE the People would have access to every secret file, everyconfidential piece of info from Roswell to Reaganomics. I repeat, there is no "we" and there never will be. If you think there is a "we",it's too late to save you. Also, how have I been immature? Has my questioning the status quo somehow made me seem younger? . I find it ironic that Ihaven't even stated what I believe as far as 9/11 goes, yet you're against it by default.... how mature is that, really? Come on man, if you'regonna go to war, know what you're fighting against first. And yes, that was clearly an allusion to the so called "War on Terrorism".
Ok, so what do you believe?

Since you were defending the conspiracy side, I guessed you had some belief in what they're saying, but if not then I apologize.

You show that your immature by your slick little remarks such as

... ok. Show me your PhD in believing whatever you're told then.

*No I'm not, you are..well you're trying puting words in my mouth
Originally Posted by thelegacyofkicks

That day was horrible, now imagine getting attacked everyday (Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq). Millions of people died in these places...but do you care? I remember 9/11 clearly, some old white guy at 7-11 said to me, "look at what your people are doing", and this was as the towers were on fire, before any word of who did it (or who they think did it). Whether it is a conspiracy or not, it doesn't matter now. Iraq has been destroyed, we lost soldiers, Iraqi civilians have died by the hundred thousands. Bush and his buddies ruined the world economically and politically. They say the Arab world hates America because America represents freedom. Arabs don't care how free Americans are, they just don't agree with their international policies. Basically, if you mess with anyone, eventually they are gonna try to get back at you. Cause and effect. Its sad that we Americans have to suffer for our idiot greedy politicians. Anywhere you go in the world, I don't think anyone likes America much. Especially since the economy went down, it ruined global markets. So, if we didn't mess up, the world economy would have been fine.
PREACH! This is why this election excited so many people. We finally had some sort of global excitement/respect for a person running forpresident. Public perception/acceptance can work wonders and force people to change even unknowingly. Change is good my man and I truly believe it will changefor the better very quickly.

As for the video's I don't see a point of 1upping everyone on who can post a more disturbing 911 video/audio clip. My boy was in the 2nd tower thatwent down when it did and I refuse to watch any of these video's. Enjoy your day fellas.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Hmm, the people on the streets cries really got to me. Imagine what it must of been like inside the building? It's just another day at work. You come in, flirt with the fine coworker on your floor, grab some coffee and start talking about the MNF game, and next thing you know......

I wonder if the people responsible truly believe that the profits they stood to make from 9/11 justified the number of lives lost.
yeah just a regular day of work for someone
. Myfriend's aunt called in sick that day and she worked on the floor right where one of the planes hit
I'm not immature, just cleverly sarcastic... must I spell out everything?

YOU said:

I'm MAKING...note the action verb... myself sound immature.

I said:

"No I'm not, you are..well you're trying puting words in mymouth".

In that context, "are" is a helping verb. It's helping "Making" and based on that, the rest of the sentence should read as ifto say:

" No I'm not, you ARE MAKING ME LOOK IMMATURE..well you're trying puting words in my mouth."


Now how immature is it that I just had to break down 2nd grade English to you? And as I said, I don't care to share my views. I never have. Nor do I oweyou an explanation considering the seriousness of the implications at hand.. I just felt like defending my right to have them.
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