NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

You sound like someone who cant hand confrontation.

You called me out on something. Prove it or sit down.

What confrontation?

You're proving it for me just keep posting

You're literally posting the exact same retorts the NT klan does.

"well I never said I hate anyone"

You don't even realize how foolish you look and you wanna shoot the messenger :lol

One of these people is openly lying about who they are the other had an operation and has disclosed rather publicly what their thought process was.

You dudes are childish and wanna hide behind the fact you haven't used words like HATE

Sad part is I'm sure many of you are black and jump all over dudes like bloc for the same stuff just because you aren't physically saying you hate this group of people doesn't mean your message of hate isn't being conveyed.

But you guys can continue with your circle jerk it's just sad to see black men be so ignorant.
:lol :lol

Bruh... What in Basedgods name are you talking about?

I don't hate Caitlyn Jenner in the least bit. Why do you keep saying that we hate transgendered people?

I'm legit lost.
How do you know she doesn't believe she's a black woman though? It might be pretending to you, but it's real to her. Her whole life, she could have wished and pictures herself to be black. And when she got the chance, she did it. If you say she's pretending, then it's fair to say that a pre opp transgender who cross-dresses is "pretending" to be a woman.

I don't agree with this situation, but this chick isn't "going black" for some type of gain...she's feels like she was born with the wrong pigment. Just like a transgendered person feels like they were born with the wrong body.
Here's what I've gathered so far from all the various articles I've read about this woman:

- Rachel and her older brother Joshua, were both born to Caucasian parents

- In 1994, her parents adopted a 10-month old black child named Izaiah

- Her parents go on to adopt 3 more black children, the last of whom was from Haiti

- Rachel attended Howard University, where she graduated in 2002 with a Masters in Fine Art.

- Shannon Washington, a classmate of Rachel's at the time, said Rachel looked white back then, with straight, blonde hair.

- Rachel's final thesis was a series of paintings presented from the perspective of a black man - specifically, an inner journey of what goes on inside the mind of a black man.

- The late Dean Tritobia Benjamin, a formidable scholar whose specialty was black women in the arts, wanted to know at the time, how Rachel felt qualified to tell this type of story as a white woman.

- Kurt Neumaier, who has served as an alternate board member or former full member of the Kootenai Task Force on Human Relations since 2001, said he had suspicions about alleged hate   crimes that Rachel had reported to police in Coeur d’Alene and Spokane, and said he was concerned that the decision of the task force and Human Rights Education Institute to hire her was done without proper vetting and checking into claims about her background. 

- Spokane police files on Rachel’s report that she received a hate mail package and other mailing in late February and March were released. Police records say the initial package Dolezal reported receiving did not bear a date stamp or bar code, which Dolezal herself told police when she reported it. Investigators interviewed postal workers, who said it was either very unlikely or impossible that the package could have been processed through the post office, and that the only other alternative was that it had been put there by someone with a key.

- Dolezal said she received a key to the post office box when she became president of the NAACP earlier this year. Asked about the possibility that she had put the package there herself, she said, “That’s such ********. What mother would terrorize her own children?”

- Neumaier said he was suspicious of several incidents Dolezal reported in Coeur d’Alene, including her discovery of a swastika on the door of the Human Rights Education Institute when the organization’s security camera was “mysteriously turned off.”  “None of them passed the smell test,” he said.

- “In all of these incidents (she reported in Coeur d’Alene), she was the sole witness to events that, when put under scrutiny, don’t hold up,” he said.  Dolezal has made many reports of harassment and other crimes to police. None have resulted in arrests or charges.

- According to her parents, Rachel became estranged from them in 2007, when she began to adopt her African-American identity.

- She subsequently misrepresented her adopted black brother as her son during his graduation - and claimed that a black man she posted with in a photograph was her father.


Based on the foregoing, the woman sounds like an attention/fame seeker, who exploited her "identity" as a black person.  Maybe she was jealous of her adopted black siblings?  Who knows what her motives were, but her actions don't indicate to me in any way that she was a black person trapped inside a white woman's body.

Bruh you never back your arguement up, you just throw slick shade.

Talking about "grow up" :{
okay famb

You know I'm more opened minded and willing to listen than the average poster.

I'm straight up asking you to explain because I'm not trying to rusyle jimmies when I'm talking to people.

Walk me through your reasoning.
The big difference is this rachel chick is not a celebrity.

If a white celebrity came out and said she felt black all her life and physically altered herself to look black and was on the cover of magazines...constantly in the a television show would be bigger than the jenner thing.

Its just two stories on completely different levels...this chick will be forgotten if not in a couple of weeks...couple of months.
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This is hilarious on many levels. Bet she won't have as many defenders on the left like bruce jenner. It should be interesting. It's a very weird story. The jenner thing didn't bother me. It's his choce whatever. This somehow seems more decietful. Don't totally know why. Maybe because kids were involved. But i guess they were as well with jenner. To a point
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Dudes were just looking for an opportunity to express their hate and distrust of the transgender community, while it's a lifestyle I personally don't agree with or condone that doesn't mean I'm going to try and twist every future situation in an effort to ridicule transgender people.

Some of you dudes need to grow up.

That NT extreme :rollin

Seems to always be the scapegoat rebuttal when dudes have no better way to back up their point....yeah I hate transgenders...right :lol

I just like pointing out hipocrisy when I see it...I don't hate anyone for wanting to be whatever they feel they are, doesn't affect me in the least.
okay famb

You know I'm more opened minded and willing to listen than the average poster.

I'm straight up asking you to explain because I'm not trying to rusyle jimmies when I'm talking to people.

Walk me through your reasoning.

There is no logical reasoning to walk you through, why is it always one personal attack after the other with these folks. Ive come to the conclusion there is no sensible logic at play here, it's either personal bias or politically correct ambivalence.
Fontaine I don't mind a white woman fighting for black rights but this lady lied about who she was. She profited doing paid speeches about her plights as a black woman :lol I can't ride with that **** and its offensive to black women that actual deal with ********.

If this was a white man faking being black y'all would be in an uproar. You give white people an inch and they'll take it a mile so this **** needs to get nipped now.

This. I don't understand how dudes are cool with this. :lol

Yes, I'm sure she's done some good work but when you go this far to be accepted by black people something ain't right. Is it cuz ya'll wanna smash? She don't even look nice till she's in custom. Sometimes as black people we a lil too accepting.
I'm frankly surprised that some of the black posters here have no issues with what this woman did.  While her work as an advocate for civil rights and racial equality is admirable, don't you think her misrepresentations about her race take away from her credibility?   I've seen a lot of posts on social media from black posters who find it insulting that a white woman thinks she can fully understand and appreciate the plight of blacks in this country simply by representing herself to be a black person too.

What plight? If she chose to pass as a black woman and had everybody fooled, then wouldn't she in turn experience the same plight that you claim she doesn't understand?

I'm likening this to a person born to wealthy parents with a silver spoon in their mouth who decides, nope I wanna go out and work for everything instead of taking a handout from my people. It's admirable.
I've laid out exactly what it is that's happening in here and why I don't like it, I'm not gonna draw you dudes a coloring book on how you're being a hateful bigot.

If you dudes really believe that this is a valid comparison there really isn't any sense in me wasting keystrokes you're already too deep in the hate.

People have killed themselves over their gender identity and yet some how that's the same as this lady putting on black face?

Nothing was stopping this woman from embracing these same causes as a white woman yet she chose to LIE anyway.

Caitlyn Jenner if nothing else has been very open about whats going on etc.

This woman is living a lie and when confronted on it ran away how is that the same as someone exposing a very private process for the world to see?

Jenner has actually altered his/her body not just painted up her face to pretend she's a different color.

You dudes aren't worried about the actually issue here that a white women was basically playing a character of what she thinks a black women is and appears to have been making money doing so you'd rather make sarcastic remarks about how "courageous she must be" and yadda yadda

If this woman truly believed she was black or identified as a black women why when asked would you run away?

Has Jenner not been willing to answer questions? or when asked why she was doing this took off running?

I don't think Bruce Jenner is a hero for what he's done and agree the media has blown it up way too much

Go look at my thoughts in the Jenner thread I'm not a fan of the whole deal but I'm not hateful either.

This isn't about being PC or some caped crusader for LBGT rights it's just common sense.
How is it different?

And who on here has expressed any hate for the transgender community?


Spot on.

One of these people is openly lying about who they are the other had an operation and has disclosed rather publicly what their thought process was.

You dudes are childish and wanna hide behind the fact you haven't used words like HATE

Sad part is I'm sure many of you are black and jump all over dudes like bloc for the same stuff just because you aren't physically saying you hate this group of people doesn't mean your message of hate isn't being conveyed.

But you guys can continue with your circle jerk it's just sad to see black men be so ignorant.
Bruce took female hormones years ago.  He believed then he was a lady.  It took him a few years to come clean.  Why can't Rachel come out when shes ready instead of be interrogated by the trans haters?
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Bruce took female hormones decades ago.  He believed then he was a lady.  He didn't come clean about til 20+ years later.  Why can't Rachel come out when shes ready instead of be interrogated by the trans haters?

But I'm supposed to engage nonsense posts like this with serious conversation?

c'mon fam

sometimes all you have to do is look around at who's agreeing with you and it should let you know how stupid you sound
Ya'll care way too much about this Bruce Jenner BS. :lol

That's why he's getting all this media attention, they know people are gonna talk non-stop about it.
This is hilarious on many levels. Bet she won't have as many defenders on the left like bruce jenner. It should be interesting. It's a very weird story. The jenner thing didn't bother me. It's his choce whatever. This somehow seems more decietful. Don't totally know why. Maybe because kids were involved. But i guess they were as well with jenner. To a point

It seems more decietful because the entire situation revolves around the deciet that Rachel has perpetuated over the years. Caitlyn Jenner didn't lie about much if you discount the initial denials about her beginning to transition.

I really don't know why people are comparing the two things. Sexuality and Gender are so inherently different from the idea of race...but eh.
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It seems more decietful because the entire situation revolves around the deciet. Caitlyn Jenner didn't lie about much if you discount the initial denials about her beginning to transition.

I really don't know why people are comparing the two things. Sexuality and Gender are so inherently different from the idea of race...but eh.

You making too much sense bruh.
What plight? If she chose to pass as a black woman and had everybody fooled, then wouldn't she in turn experience the same plight that you claim she doesn't understand?

I'm likening this to a person born to wealthy parents with a silver spoon in their mouth who decides, nope I wanna go out and work for everything instead of taking a handout from my people. It's admirable.
The thing is, she didn't assume her "black identity" until well into adulthood.  I may not be black, but even I know that the plight of racism faced by blacks in this country begin WAY before that. By all accounts, this woman had a normal WHITE childhood with WHITE parents who adopted 4 black children.  If you're a black person, can you honestly say that this woman really understands and appreciates the same experiences you may have had growing up in this country?
I've laid out exactly what it is that's happening in here and why I don't like it, I'm not gonna draw you dudes a coloring book on how you're being a hateful bigot.

If you dudes really believe that this is a valid comparison there really isn't any sense in me wasting keystrokes you're already too deep in the hate.

People have killed themselves over their gender identity and yet some how that's the same as this lady putting on black face?

Nothing was stopping this woman from embracing these same causes as a white woman yet she chose to LIE anyway.

Caitlyn Jenner if nothing else has been very open about whats going on etc.

This woman is living a lie and when confronted on it ran away how is that the same as someone exposing a very private process for the world to see?

Jenner has actually altered his/her body not just painted up her face to pretend she's a different color.

You dudes aren't worried about the actually issue here that a white women was basically playing a character of what she thinks a black women is and appears to have been making money doing so you'd rather make sarcastic remarks about how "courageous she must be" and yadda yadda

If this woman truly believed she was black or identified as a black women why when asked would you run away?

Has Jenner not been willing to answer questions? or when asked why she was doing this took off running?

I don't think Bruce Jenner is a hero for what he's done and agree the media has blown it up way too much

Go look at my thoughts in the Jenner thread I'm not a fan of the whole deal but I'm not hateful either.

This isn't about being PC or some caped crusader for LBGT rights it's just common sense.

Bro do you think Jenner had a choice about her choice going public????....this is te Kardashian family b....tabloid ROYALTY...for Jenner it was a matter of "how can we milk this in the process?" There was no choice if Jenner wanted to keep things under wraps, virtually inpossible.

If you openly accept Jenners decision but have the audacity to judge this woman you are a huge hypocrite....better to own up to itthan to try and justify it, because it literally is THE SAME THING.
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