NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

Seems like there's two conversations going on, The "She Lied" conversation and the "If she wants to be black" conversation.

The latter, is how Caitlyn came into play. If you're gonna let Bruce be a woman becuase its not hurting anyone, you gotta let her be black...its not hurting anyone.

Now as far as her lying about it.....c'mon lets not act like shes the first and lets not act like black women dont try to do the same thing.

My only real concern about all this is that she may have planted there but other than that I dont really care about this or Caitlyn. I was just upset Caitlyn got all that media coverage like she was the first ever and people were straight up regurgatating what the media was saying

And that's where my issue with the whole Jenner situation, not that he's being who he is openly, not that he's getting a sex change, but the God Damb excessive glorification of the whole thing simply because of his ties to the Kardashian is absurd...a reality show?...for real?...a book!?....courage awards?...people all over social media claiming he's a hero and the bravest person alive.

Yet here we are, clowning and cornering this woman because she got caught living a lie, no different than Bruce has for decades....only different is she didn't live in the spotlight so if she wanted to hide her agenda she could.
You already said your issue is he will never be a woman and don't like that he wants to be labeled as a woman, stop it
This whole situation is stupid. And the majority of people online talking about it are using this as an opportunity to post up memes for attention on the Internet.

There's a very serious problem here. A white woman has been parading around dressing her body in darker tones to pretend to be black. She's a grown woman who is so insecure with herself that from childhood to now, she has not come to terms with who she really is. Sad.

I know we joke, and a couple jokes are cool. Crack a quick joke but don't lose sight of what's most important. This situation is not cool, under any circumstances.

She claimed her adopted black brother was her "son" to validate her lies. She perms her hair and wears weave dreadlocks to try to "fit in" with not only the culture, but the damn ethnicity. The RACE...

If you love black people, cool. We'll love you back. No matter your race. But be yourself. You want a black family? Cool. Find yourself a good black man and raise some beautiful white/black children. There's NOTHING wrong with being white, just like there is nothing wrong with being black. But be YOU. It's a spit in the face to her family. Her parents, siblings, etc. you're basically saying they weren't good enough and you aren't happy with who you are and where you came from.

She needs to wash that **** off her face and come to terms with herself, and pray that the people who love her will forgive her. She got legit issues.

People slander black women for wearing weaves and makeup to make themselves appear less black and more European or of Spanish decent, this broad gets no pass either.
Bruh this is too much I gotta lay down and process all this right now :rollin :rollin :rollin


:rollin I don't know why i'm not eem mad.

Fontaine I don't mind a white woman fighting for black rights but this lady lied about who she was. She profited doing paid speeches about her plights as a black woman :lol I can't ride with that **** and its offensive to black women that actual deal with ********.

If this was a white man faking being black y'all would be in an uproar. You give white people an inch and they'll take it a mile so this **** needs to get nipped now.

Sorry I missed your post famb.

If that's your issue, it makes perfect sense.

You're looking at her sodeaya because she's lying about experiences...

I can get that.

This. I don't understand how dudes are cool with this. :lol

Yes, I'm sure she's done some good work but when you go this far to be accepted by black people something ain't right. Is it cuz ya'll wanna smash? She don't even look nice till she's in custom. Sometimes as black people we a lil too accepting.

Again, I was more saying I ain't mad because where her heart in all these SEEMED to lie.

Like... If a 93 year old white dude practices white supremacy... I won't be shocked in the least bit...

But when you have dudes on NT in their mid 20s practicing that nonsense... Then it means more because they KNOW better.

I think y'all are saying SHE KNOWS better dnd still does it, right?

I've laid out exactly what it is that's happening in here and why I don't like it, I'm not gonna draw you dudes a coloring book on how you're being a hateful bigot.

If you dudes really believe that this is a valid comparison there really isn't any sense in me wasting keystrokes you're already too deep in the hate.

People have killed themselves over their gender identity and yet some how that's the same as this lady putting on black face?

Nothing was stopping this woman from embracing these same causes as a white woman yet she chose to LIE anyway.

Caitlyn Jenner if nothing else has been very open about whats going on etc.

This woman is living a lie and when confronted on it ran away how is that the same as someone exposing a very private process for the world to see?

Jenner has actually altered his/her body not just painted up her face to pretend she's a different color.

You dudes aren't worried about the actually issue here that a white women was basically playing a character of what she thinks a black women is and appears to have been making money doing so you'd rather make sarcastic remarks about how "courageous she must be" and yadda yadda

If this woman truly believed she was black or identified as a black women why when asked would you run away?

Has Jenner not been willing to answer questions? or when asked why she was doing this took off running?

I don't think Bruce Jenner is a hero for what he's done and agree the media has blown it up way too much

Go look at my thoughts in the Jenner thread I'm not a fan of the whole deal but I'm not hateful either.

This isn't about being PC or some caped crusader for LBGT rights it's just common sense.

After 6 posts of me asking, you finally explain it. Jeez.

Instead of insults, try to talk to out.

I'm not hateful of LGBT on the LEAST bit way.

It's just weird how we're SO much more sensitive to transgender..

But 0-100 with this woman on she ain't ****

What of she TRULY felt she was born on the "wrong" side of color?

We all know PLENTY of people that try SO HARD to be a white person.

I talked to a chick that was the EXACT opposite of Rachel...

There are people out there that are truly feeling wrong about themselves...

Some people call it a "phase"
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Seems like there's two conversations going on, The "She Lied" conversation and the "If she wants to be black" conversation.

The latter, is how Caitlyn came into play. If you're gonna let Bruce be a woman becuase its not hurting anyone, you gotta let her be black...its not hurting anyone.

Now as far as her lying about it.....c'mon lets not act like shes the first and lets not act like black women dont try to do the same thing.

My only real concern about all this is that she may have planted there but other than that I dont really care about this or Caitlyn. I was just upset Caitlyn got all that media coverage like she was the first ever and people were straight up regurgatating what the media was saying

If this is the same situation as Caitlyn Jenner, then she never lied. She just hadn't revealed the race she thought she was. Caitlyn lies every time he says that he is a woman. He is the FATHER of his children... The world is just all mixed up now.
She won't have defenders because she never said I was born a white woman but I feel like a black woman inside

Still not understanding how hard this is to get

so that would have been the end all be all? And she would get a pass?
That would have negated her from being a liar and would have made it easier to see who is selectively choosing when and when not they want to accept the trans lifestyle.
You already said your issue is he will never be a woman and don't like that he wants to be labeled as a woman, stop it

Quote me exactly where I said that.

THATS A FACT....I didn't make that up, a woman is a woman and a man is a man, genetically and nothing can change that.

Doesn't mean AND I never said I had an issue with Bruce claiming he wants to feel however he over here putting words in my mouth :rollin

My issue has always and will always be the glorification and straight up cash cow they created out the whole situation.
So if this lady had the stance that she felt like she wouldnt be embraced and would have an automatic ceiling placed on how far she could go in the black community as a social activist.... that wouldn't be a reason?

She could do everything she did as a white woman, but what if SHE felt like she couldnt. What if SHE felt like she could do more and go further as a black woman?

I mean the altruistic element in this story cant be ignored. It isnt like she was doing this to steal the black lead actress role from more qualified sisters.

If she lived everyday as a black woman... thats amazing. Now if she washed off the black to get the white privilege every now and then, shame on her. Our sisters dont have that luxury.

I can understand how her having that option in itself is a complete turn off tho... so I get it .
So when did she claim to feel like a black woman in a white womans body?

Its like yall are trying to find a reason as to why someone would commit the actions she has. A reason that has yet to be proved....

This story came out literally less than 24 hours ago. Give it some time. On both sides.

But Her past leads me to believe that she internally, she sees herself as a black women even though she knows she's not. She tried to hit the reset button on a race she's always wanted to be and got called out on it.

She was dressing and playing the part of a black woman. Just like a man can dress and play the part of a woman without actually being a woman. Her going to an HBCU as a teenage white girl, and writing from the perspective of a black man in college leads me to believe that somewhere internally, she identifies as a black person.

If she comes out and says she's a black person trapped in a white persons body, is it ok? Because that's not uncommon. Hell, there are black people that feel they are white trapped in a black persons body.
Seems like there's two conversations going on, The "She Lied" conversation and the "If she wants to be black" conversation.

The latter, is how Caitlyn came into play. If you're gonna let Bruce be a woman becuase its not hurting anyone, you gotta let her be black...its not hurting anyone.

Now as far as her lying about it.....c'mon lets not act like shes the first and lets not act like black women dont try to do the same thing.

My only real concern about all this is that she may have planted there but other than that I dont really care about this or Caitlyn. I was just upset Caitlyn got all that media coverage like she was the first ever and people were straight up regurgatating what the media was saying

If this is the same situation as Caitlyn Jenner, then she never lied. She just hadn't revealed the race she thought she was. Caitlyn lies every time he says that he is a woman. He is the FATHER of his children... The world is just all mixed up now.
In comes the foolishness
If this is the same situation as Caitlyn Jenner, then she never lied. She just hadn't revealed the race she thought she was. Caitlyn lies every time he says that he is a woman. He is the FATHER of his children... The world is just all mixed up now.

That's what I don't understand! How is this woman a liar and Jenner isn't!?....Jenner has live up to his 50+ years deceiving her family, having children! MARRIAGE....dawg if you ask me that's far more of a lie than whatever this woman has pulled.
Man this thread is a damb mess. :lol

Dudes really brought Caitlyn Jenner into this :{ , I swear she is the new Jay-z v. Nas

-We had one thread for her where foolishness ensued, Meth had to check people
-A second thread gets made, and locked
-A third thread complain about the lock is made, and Meth has to come in a check people again
-The OG thread is then bumped :{ :lol
-And now dudes grasping at straws to bring her in to this too


I think there are people on multiple sides of this.

I think the people who bring up Bruce Jenner are looking at it like "hey... you hand Bruce ALL these awards and ALL this attention and she's soooo brave.."

AND NOT DISCREDITING it... just saying "well... if you took everything else the same... subbed a man w/ a woman.. and subbed sex w/ race... then you have the same issue"

but its getting ridiculed and laughed at..

i honestly aint tripping neither way. if bruce wants to be caitlyn..... if rachel wants a little soul...

as long as you are hurting anyone and/or uplifting people, I'm all for it.
If this is the same situation as Caitlyn Jenner, then she never lied. She just hadn't revealed the race she thought she was. Caitlyn lies every time he says that he is a woman. He is the FATHER of his children... The world is just all mixed up now.

That's what I don't understand! How is this woman a liar and Jenner isn't!?....Jenner has live up to his 50+ years deceiving her family, having children! MARRIAGE....dawg if you ask me that's far more of a lie than whatever this woman has pulled.
Bruce Jenner lied about being a man for 50 years ?

That's what I don't understand! How is this woman a liar and Jenner isn't!?....Jenner has live up to his 50+ years deceiving her family, having children! MARRIAGE....dawg if you ask me that's far more of a lie than whatever this woman has pulled.

I think becauase they're looking at it from a GENDER perspective, and not a SEX perspective.

Those lines need to be distinctly drawn.. is a male a man? is a female a woman? etc, etc
I think there are people on multiple sides of this.

I think the people who bring up Bruce Jenner are looking at it like "hey... you hand Bruce ALL these awards and ALL this attention and she's soooo brave.."

AND NOT DISCREDITING it... just saying "well... if you took everything else the same... subbed a man w/ a woman.. and subbed sex w/ race... then you have the same issue"

but its getting ridiculed and laughed at..

i honestly aint tripping neither way. if bruce wants to be caitlyn..... if rachel wants a little soul...

as long as you are hurting anyone and/or uplifting people, I'm all for it.

And that's the proper approach :hat

I have no issue with either, NONE.

I have an issue with those that somehow feel these two situations are that different at all, when they are not.
That's what I don't understand! How is this woman a liar and Jenner isn't!?....Jenner has live up to his 50+ years deceiving her family, having children! MARRIAGE....dawg if you ask me that's far more of a lie than whatever this woman has pulled.

I think becauase they're looking at it from a GENDER perspective, and not a SEX perspective.

Those lines need to be distinctly drawn.. is a male a man? is a female a woman? etc, etc
I mean he is transgendered .. why wouldn't they look at it from a gender perspective?
Bruce Jenner lied about being a man for 50 years ?


I mean he did marry a woman and if he didn't explain how he truly feels about how he views himself, it's a form of deceit. But it wasn't socially acceptable. It would have ruined his life.

Just like there are thousands of gay men who were/are married with kids. It's a form of deceit. But it's understandable to me.

This **** is just out of left field.
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If this is the same situation as Caitlyn Jenner, then she never lied. She just hadn't revealed the race she thought she was. Caitlyn lies every time he says that he is a woman. He is the FATHER of his children... The world is just all mixed up now.

That's what I don't understand! How is this woman a liar and Jenner isn't!?....Jenner has live up to his 50+ years deceiving her family, having children! MARRIAGE....dawg if you ask me that's far more of a lie than whatever this woman has pulled.

You seriously just pulling **** out your *** to be outraged at :lol

Caitlyn admitted from the jump that Bruce was living a lie all the time. This video has been posted multiple times.

Bruce Jenner lied about being a man for 50 years ?


Your hung up on this whole "lie" thing. What most are arguing is the feeling of being trapped in a body that you feel isn't yours. If she truly felt that she was black on the inside and took steps on the outside and etc to literally become black....then she was attempting to live something not possible but true to her.

Yes, she was dishonest/distasteful/crazy. But how can we for sure say she desperately felt like a black person...and hitting the reset button on race was her way to do it.

Bruce Jenner ducked and dodged questions of his transformation for a while. I imagine if during an interview before he came out...somebody randomly asked if he's becoming a woman...he would react in a similar way as Rachel.
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