name a celebrity you'd switch lives with right now ......

any NBa player making more then the minimum.

btw I had a random convo about something like this and came up with Channing Tatum. I dont know one girl who deoesn;t like him and dude is tall and can dance. maybe Terry Crews. lol
Beyonce OR Angelina Jolie.they have their own money and are partnered with just as successful men.



and whoever Rihanna is currently sleeping with/in love with

Def male crush thread in da skies. I ain't eem ashamed
dIDDY OR BRON...I would do so much wild %!+# that when we switched back, bron would just fire his pr guy and say f it
i would switch with d.rose with that 200 mill shoe deal he got with adidas. crazy money.
I wouldn't switch my life with any celebrity.. but I would definitely switch my bank account with a celebrity..
I'd pick any actor. Imagine if you guys actually possess their bodies. Do you have the mind and skills of an elite point guard? or the flow of an recording artist?

Acting could be difficult but thats the only thing I think I can pull off :/
Derek Jeter, you already know 

Michael Jordan, just so I can dress more ridiculous and not a damb will be given
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