National Title Game : Kansas Vs Memphis - 9:21 EST

For the Kansas fans.
(Memphis fans close your eyes)

No big deal. Countless NBA stars didn't even make it to the final 4 or even play college hoops. Rose needs to look at the big picture. Sacramento needs tolose the rest of their games and get lucky as hell in the lottery. He'd be sharp in purple and silver.
My only knock on Rose is his killer instinct.

He has no sense of urgency.

#*$%* you about to lose a championship game.

Take over.
uhh...we saw him takeover the 2nd half...

And he put his team in position to win, CDR knocks down one of those and they got it....I know he missed one too to seal it.

But still, he took over...but he couldn't do it twice, Kansas took all the momentum.

As far as the mentally tough has nothing to do with the conference, absolutely nothing. That's what I meant.
congratulations kansas. enjoy the celebrations!

i think losing bc of freethrows gotta be THE worse way to lose a national championship. i'd rather get waxed by 30
Memphis blew it with them FTs. Just hit at least a few more and they win. They have no one to blame but themselves.
Of all people to blow the FT's, its gotta be CDR

Oh well, it was a good game... i kinda wanted Chalmers to hit that 3 just cause it made it crazy. wish Memphis coulda played better in OT though

Dorsey Fouling out
Well I guess I can take solace in the fact that my Tarheels lost to the eventual champs.


Man, I think CDR is a good player but why did they keep force feeding him the ball? Tagert (sp) has a decent post game. Rose was heating up...and why in theworld didnt Memphis foul at the end of regulation. Memphis straight gave that championship away.
damn those boys choked under pressure... memphis already looked defeated going into OT

congrats to KU.
Anyways the Darrel Arthur campaign has started..
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... I been driving dude's campaign bus for two years. My man made himself some cash tonight.
Great game...

Kansas played REALLY well tonight. Hell of a game for the Jayhawks.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Memphis blew it with them FTs. Just hit at least a few more and they win. They have no one to blame but themselves.

not a few more, they only needed ONE! just ONE more free throw and they win.
Do yall really believe Cal didn't stress FT's...

I would say rather he put the blame on himself and diverted the attention from his kids.

I don't think it's the practicing part of it at all....of course I don't know....but I just think end of the game, that's all mental.
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