National Title Game : Kansas Vs Memphis - 9:21 EST

Memphis has no one to blame but themselves, they put themselves in great possession to win, had multiple opportunities to close it out, just didn't happen.
on another note

Florida's 2 year dominance and title run has officially ended

In all seriousness, im trying to get a screen cap of Chalmers shot to see how close his feet were to the line when he shot that. It looked pretty close on tv.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Some of yall are going to hard at some of these kids....

I want one of you to go out there and do half of what these kids are doing THEN go talk mess about them.

Exactly, i feel for the players on memphis. This is tough and is gonna sting for awhile. keep yall head up fellas. Nobody here will never been in theposition these guys are in, so they will never know how it feels.
who is this wayne brady lookin a__ scrub for KU...WALKON *****!!!!!

cdr and rose...intestinal fortitude huh...
Most important part of shooting is confidence. rose and cdr lost confidence you could see it in there face.

good game.
So, how much did Chalmer's draft stock go up?
Besides Augustin, he's been my favorite guard the past 2 years and always thought he had first round potential. I think of him as a moresteady/stronger Chris Duhon.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

on another note

Florida's 2 year dominance and title run has officially ended


Don't worry will Tebow and Harvin will start it up once again this fall.
I gotta ask this again... Sorry NT.

Quick Question:

Is there any reason why Chalmers 3 pointer to tie it up wasn't reviewed???
I dont know about you guys but it looked like his toe was on the line.

Anyone know the exact rules to a situation like that???
I mean they did review Rose's fallaway bank shot like 3 mins. after the play was over... So I'm wondering why they didn't do the same for thatplay.
i think losing bc of freethrows gotta be THE worse way to lose a national championship. i'd rather get waxed by 30
EXACTLY... You are ahead with only 2.00 minutes left and you send yourbest FT shooter to the line to CHOKE worse than the Buffalo Bills... SMH.. Wich loss will be talked about more? PHIS choking withFT's or Tarheels gettin housed?? obvious choice will be the CHOKE of CDR and ROSE.. oh well time for the NBA
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Memphis and free throws...


Cost them the chip. There is a reason everyone was making a big deal out of it. Congrats to both teams though for making it this far. Congrats to Kansasfor finally getting another one
Originally Posted by j d0t win

Originally Posted by tupac003

Some of yall are going to hard at some of these kids....

I want one of you to go out there and do half of what these kids are doing THEN go talk mess about them.

Exactly, i feel for the players on memphis. This is tough and is gonna sting for awhile. keep yall head up fellas. Nobody here will never been in the position these guys are in, so they will never know how it feels.

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Rose didnt score at all in the OT.....

He'll fit right in with the Knicks.
So his 15 second half points just get erased from memory right?

Again, more credit to Kansas' D then criticism of Memphis O
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