NBA 2K10 News Thread (The Game Is OUt)

Originally Posted by Mister916

Wait, draft combine comes out today?
Nah, tomorrow morning from 3-4 (or 5) A.M. if you really can't wait
wow that trailer looks like 2k9.5

that better be a in progress trailer....cuz what Operation sports reporting in writing isn't matching that trailer...

is there any Multi player feature with the draft combine coming out?
I have a few questions. One, who the @#$% is "Jsmoov" ? They kept mentioning him in the article and I'm so confused as to who that is... secondlydid they say anything about fixing momentum and what not? Pissed me off so much when a dude was running down court wide open and I throw a pass to him only tohave him stop in the middle of his run and get the ball stolen.

The crew mode sounds piff though. If they do it right...
how can u play nba2k games and not know jsmoove is? jsmoove = josh smith.

and yall are right, game looks more like nba 2k9.5, the changes are very minor... and i bet that sig spin up and under J kobe has happens randomly, just likethat behind the back crossover layup jamal crawford has, u cant control it.

hopefully they release a trailer showing in the paint defense and shot blocking animations.
the slow mo in kobe's video makes the horrible animation even more obvious

they should at least hire some one that moves with grace
12 year olds in the playground would provide better kobe motion capture than whoever they hired
Is the draft combine only a dl content or can u go to gamestop and purchase it? Also 400 msp is how much in dollars?
i don't trust 2k with its release times and this 3-4 AM EST 100%?

what time does Microsoft usually update their marketplace? I heard its twice a week or something like that....i remember last year we got the run around aboutthe demo and nothing dropped, has us waiting day after day...

so someone spread some knowledge on this please.
My Player
By: SimBaller | Tuesday August 25 2009
Hey NBA 2K fans, this is Erick Boenisch, and I'm back for another exclusive developer Insight. Today I'm going to talk about our all-new My Player career mode. Before we get into the meat and potatoes of the mode, let me take a few sentences to show you the design process we went through as a development team in creating this new mode.

Early in the production cycle, we identified three key concepts that we wanted to mold My Player around:

1) Authenticity. We don't believe that starting you off at the end of the bench on an NBA team is a realistic, fun, OR rewarding experience. Where is the sense of progression if your career starts off in the NBA? You deserve more than that.

2) NBA is a Team Sport. Piggybacking off of the Authenticity point, we felt that emphasizing team play over 'me first' play was very important in our design. Players who try to overly-dominate the ball and/or otherwise play in a fashion that is detrimental to the overall success of their team will not reap the rewards this mode has to offer. On the other hand, those who respect their teammates, set picks on offense, box out for rebounds, double team when called for, will earn a much larger amount of Skill Points in addition to better grabbing the attention of the NBA scouts who are looking to fill their teams.

3) Pace/Dynamism. With all of the depth that we have added to this mode, we didn't want you languishing in any one aspect of it for an unnecessarily long period of time. A key element to this is targeting what you want to do when you play the mode, and making sure that's what you're doing. From the time you create your player, every single game you play means something; every game can make or break where your career takes you next. When you talk to your friends about their career, it likely will have taken a completely different path from yours. We love that!

Starting My Player

Many of you who plan on purchasing NBA 2K10: Draft Combine have been asking what happens when you have created your character and finished running him through the Combine. Well, when you boot up NBA 2K10, the very first thing you're going to notice is your created player bumping Kobe Bryant off the screen as the Cover Athlete for NBA 2K10. Sorry Kobe. It's a small thing, but there is something pretty satisfying about seeing yourself on the title page for NBA 2K10!

When you select 'My Player' from the menu, you will instantly notice that your created player is already there waiting for you. Selecting to 'Continue' your career will instantly jump you to Madison Square Garden for the 2009 NBA Draft. David Stern is on hand to welcome you to the NBA -- if you get drafted that is. It's here where we find out if you have what it takes to slip into the first round. Let's be honest, you're no Blake Griffin (yet), so going #1 overall might be a bit of a stretch.

Once the draft concludes, it's time to head out to the Summer Circuit…every rookie's first stop on their journey towards becoming an NBA player. If you didn't purchase NBA 2K10: Draft Combine, this is where your experience begins. As you didn't participate in the NBA Draft Combine, you aren't even on the radar of the NBA teams. Fortunately for you, the NBA 2K Insider has connections, and he's gotten you an invite to play on an NBA team's Summer Circuit squad as an undrafted free agent. Your road is going to be much tougher, and will almost certainly result in a stint in the NBA D-League (yes, of course we have it!)

Summer Circuit

Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here; first you're going to have to face the challenges of the Summer Circuit. During the Summer Circuit, your teammates are going to consist of young players from the NBA team, other drafted players, and a number of other players who are trying to make the team. The Summer Circuit consists of a 6-game schedule. Unlike the Draft Combine, you're going to have to share the court with your teammates here. This means you'll find yourself riding the pine a fair amount of the time.

What is life like on the pine? Well, when your player is on the bench, you'll be able to watch the game play out in real-time with our new 'bench-cam'. This is a great way to keep up with the flow of the game and strategize on what you are going to do when you get back on the court. If sitting around watching your teammates play isn't your cup of tea, no problem. With a single press of the button, you can jump right into our 'Courtside Sim', which will show you the action from a 'Gamecast' point of view. Possessions happen quickly in the 'Courtside Sim', which makes this the ideal way to quickly simulate to the next time you are substituted into the game.

Your coaches aren't interested in you wasting their time. If you stumble out of the gate and never recover, you have to expect that they are going to cut you before the Summer Circuit is even over. In the event that this happens, the NBA 2K Insider will be working the phones trying to get you a spot with an NBA D-League team. Nothing is for certain in this business. Hopefully you played well enough for one of those teams to give you a chance. On the other hand, if you did perform well enough in the Summer Circuit, your team (or other teams in the league) will be interested in extending you an invite to their Training Camp.

Training Camp

This is where things start to get, well, a little rough! You are no longer playing against the likes of Adam Morrison, you're now playing against guys like Kobe, Pau, and Ron-Ron. Training Camp is no joke.

Every team invites 20 players to their custom Training Camp facility with the intention of taking a 15-man roster into the NBA season. Training Camp consists of 5 games, with a player getting cut at the end of every single game. By the end of the 5th game, the team will be down to 15 players, and those are the players the team is going to move forward with. Obviously, this doesn't leave you a lot of room for error. It's not easy for a young, struggling 48-rated rookie to hold his own against a superstar like Kobe Bryant, but, welcome to the league. Nothing comes for free in the NBA.

There are three possible career outcomes for you in the Training Camp chapter of your career. 1) You can get cut at any point during the team's Training Camp. 2) You can survive the final day of Training Camp, but immediately be sent down to the team's NBA D-League affiliate. 3) You can survive the final day of Training Camp and make the NBA squad. We've made sure that the coaches are very picky about who they choose for their teams; don't expect this to be a walk in the park.

NBA D-League

As you can see by now, a lot of roads lead to a good amount of your early career being spent in the NBA D-League. When you first arrive with your NBA D-League team (unless of course you were lucky enough to bypass the NBA D-League entirely), you're going to be receiving minimal time off the bench. Your goal at this point in your career is to play to the best of your ability, get good teammate grades, accomplish your objectives (which are scaled for your reduced minute allocation), and ultimately, impress your coaches. If you can do these things, the coaching staff will start to give you more minutes and a bigger role on the team.

Once you arrive at the NBA D-League, you will have 10 drills available at your disposal. Every 10 or so days during the season, a new drill will be added to your allocation. It's important to use these drills at your earliest convenience in order to have a greater chance at getting that NBA call-up.

If you arrived in the NBA D-League by being cut in either the Summer Circuit or Training Camp, you will need to bide your time by doing everything that is asked of you. This doesn't mean dominate the ball and score all of your team's points. When NBA teams are scouring the D-League, they are looking for players who can fill a role on their team, not someone who will come in and disrupt their team chemistry. That's something to think about as you play through your NBA D-League games.

In the event that a team in the NBA is suffering through injuries or decides to waive a player that isn't working out for them, there is a chance they may start looking your way. If they decide they are interested in you, a 10-day contract will be extended your way. Now, you only have 10 days to prove to the team that you belong with them. At the end of the 10 days, the team will either release you (which sends you back to the NBA D-League) or they may offer you a second 10-day contract to evaluate you further. At the end of this second 10-day contract, they must either send you back to the NBA D-League or sign you for the rest of the season.

Don't let the NBA D-League define your career. Keep in mind, it is a means to an end.


So, you've made it to the NBA! Now what? Just because you've made it to the NBA doesn't mean you are here to stay. If you don't play well enough to hold down your spot on the team and/or aren't getting enough minutes, your team will either send you down to their NBA D-League affiliate or they will cut you outright. As always, you can avoid this by being the ultimate team player and doing everything that your coach asks of you.

Similar to when you first arrived in the NBA D-League, your minute allocation will be very small from the outset. You'll need to perform well to earn the trust of your coach. The NBA is a different beast than what you've see thus far. Everyone's faster, bigger, and better than you in almost every way. Fortunately, you are given 10 drills upon arriving in the NBA, so use those wisely to increase your player's attributes as soon as they are available.

My Player features a 'Milestones' menu that contains a number of goals for you to accomplish over the course of your career. The majority of the goals are NBA-based, so now that you've made it to the NBA, it's time to start taking aim at these. They range from very simple ("Play in an NBA game"), to difficult ("Win the MVP"), to legendary ("Score 38388 points in your career"). Completing these Milestones will result in you earning a large number of Skill Points, which you can immediately use to improve your player's overall rating.

Once you've played through a full 82-game season (which doesn't take nearly as long as it sounds as you can use 'Courtside Sim' to get through periods of time when you're on the bench), you will get to choose what you want to do with your career next. Depending on how you played, your team may want to re-sign you. Other teams may be interested in your services as well. The better you play, the better the teams are that are interested in signing you. At this point, the question becomes, are you interested in showing loyalty to the team that gave you a chance, or are you ready to jump ship to the best team offering you a contract?

What you do with your career is completely up to you. That's the beauty of My Player.

Pick-Up Games

Let's shift gears here and talk about another exciting way to progress your player in My Player mode. It was important to us to allow our users to be able to play online games within this experience. Pick-Up Games afforded us this opportunity. Allow me to explain. Pick-Up Games are online 'Team-Up' style 5-on-5 games where you are playing with your user created player. When I say 'Team-Up' style 5-on-5, I'm of course referencing 10 human controlled players playing 5-on-5 in a single game simultaneously.

Players are rewarded at the end of these games strictly based off of their teammate grades rather than their individual stats. Scoring 50 points doesn't mean anything if you got all of those points off of bad shots. Setting picks, making smart passes, calling for the ball only when you're open, boxing out on rebounds, these are the types of things that will earn you a good Teammate Grade, and thus, a good number of Skill Points. This is all about team play folks.

Pick-Up Games are available for you to play at any point during your career regardless of whether you're in the Summer Circuit, Training Camp, the NBA D-League, or the NBA. I urge you to spend some time developing your player in this fashion; it's been a ton of fun for us doing so. Plus, you get to see all of the cool and creative created players that people have made. There are more details here, but I don't want to steal the thunder from the upcoming Insight regarding what we have done in the online department this year!

Final Notes

Now that you know that online play is a piece of the puzzle, I want to be clear on a few questions that you may be asking yourself. This won't be a mode with a bunch of 99-rated players running around. It will take players most of their career to get this plateau, if they can at all. We've designed this game in such a way that you need to strategize on how you will develop your player. Being a complete jack of all trades will result in your player simply being average in each skill (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).

Also, everyone will be playing on a level playing field. For those of you who have thoughts of increasing all of the shot sliders and lowering the CPU sliders to your benefit, sorry, that's a no go. We're very serious about delivering a fun and balanced experience to our fans with this experience. We think this is a big feature, with a lot of potential moving forward.

Well, that about wraps it up for me with My Player. As you can see, there is a lot going on here. It will definitely be exciting to see all the players you guys and gals come up with. I'll be back in a couple weeks with another Insight to talk to you about what we've done with the Association this year. Here's a hint about what's going on there; my philosophy with Association this year has been, "The Year of the Fan". We'll see what that means soon…

As for your My Player career, I have just one question for you. How will you take over?

Erick Boenisch
aka SimBaller
Originally Posted by KrazyChino

2KSportsRT @Ronnie2K: NBA 2K10 Draft Combine will be released around 2 AM PST in the morning if it's like most DLC from XBLA. Enjoy guys!

Setting my alarm for 5:30 EST.
so they are already pushing back hours...first 3AM not 5:30AM...

tired of the run arounds
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by KrazyChino

2KSportsRT @Ronnie2K: NBA 2K10 Draft Combine will be released around 2 AM PST in the morning if it's like most DLC from XBLA. Enjoy guys!

Setting my alarm for 5:30 EST.
so they are already pushing back hours...first 3AM not 5:30AM...

tired of the run arounds
Well I live on the East Coast... So the three hour difference would make it 5 a.m. here. I'd give it a half an hour because I prollywon't be awake and you beasts woud prolly crash the server or something...
Anybody else played yet? I made my all around SG, the Create a player is WAYYY better this year

controls are hard as hell though
, and the combine practicing is a littledifficult
some more 2k goodness from operation sports:

NBA 2K9 led the league in sales and critical acclaim last season while battling against inferior opponents, and has in general been leaps and bounds ahead of the competition for years now. In other words, it's tough being the king. But with the competition finally showing signs of life, NBA 2K10 is now looking to show that it has the goods to hold onto the crown.

On the Court

While playing the game, I immediately noticed a slower game pace. While I didn't have a real problem with the game speed in NBA 2K9, 2K10 does seem much more realistic at this slowed-down speed. The players also feel like they have weight and are taking proper steps instead of sliding up and down the court, which might be a byproduct of the slower speed.

In addition to the tweaked game speed, a ton of animations have also been added to the game. Special attention has been paid to blocks, under the basket moves, stripping the ball and almost anything else you can imagine. You can also roll the ball into play when you inbound it. This is useful during a tight game where every second counts. Kick balls will also be called when warranted. They don't happen often, but they're definitely in the game.

Some of the other new animations in the game are triggered during specific situations. If you find yourself in one of these unique situations, you may have a chance to catch an alley-oop off the backboard and dunk it home, or the chance to make a two-handed block. But the game isn't turning into some sort of street-ball game as both these particular events are relatively rare and should only happen during reasonable circumstances, at least according to the developers.

Many of the slower jump shots have been significantly sped up as well. This means a pass to Ray Allen in transition will result in a much quicker shot that is more like what you would expect Ray to pull off in real life.


On top of all the animations that have been added and removed this year, the passing game has also been tweaked to make cross-court passes a less viable option. There are also fewer dunks in traffic, which should make (almost) everyone happy.

At a base level, the turbo system has been reworked -- there is now a turbo meter that depletes as you use it. Since there is now a turbo meter, you can only use the speed boost for a certain amount of time before the meter runs out. But the truly interesting wrinkle is that you can continue to use turbo after the meter has run out. The downside is that fatigue will build up rapidly, which will leave you with an exhausted player. Players who abuse turbo will have to reach towards the end of the bench for fresh legs, leaving their team at a disadvantage.

The ratings system is also brand new this year. The range of attributes now goes from 25-99, so there is a much broader range for players to be rated within. Also, the game uses the statistics from to make judgments about the various player tendencies. These tendencies involve the how, when and where players get into certain positions. This means that while Al Jefferson and Elton Brand may have similar ratings, the new system is promising to differentiate them, which would allow many players who play the same position and have similar attributes to still be unique on the court.

Beyond all those on-court elements, perhaps the best touch this year is the fact that there are now in-game saves.


The biggest addition to NBA 2K presentation in years is the introduction of NBA Today. The NBA season lasts from late October to the end of June. While NBA 2K10 will be eight months old in June 2010 when the NBA Finals are taking place, NBA Today will still be keeping the game fresh.

On any given day when an NBA game is being played, you can pop in NBA 2K10 and play those matchups. But what's so great about that? Well, as you play these games, you'll see stat overlays from the real NBA season. The commentary will talk about upcoming real-life matchups, league leaders, standings and everything else related to the real NBA season. The stats will be updated daily throughout the season and playoffs, and you don't need to be an Xbox Live Gold member to reap the rewards.

There are also signature introductions for just about every NBA team in the game. There are also unique player introductions. That means LeBron tosses up the powder, KG yells on the scoreboard and Shaq does his bowling routine -- these all will happen during the pregame introductions as Kevin Harlan and Clark Kellogg talk about the looming matchup. The nice part is that these introductions happen naturally; they are not cut scenes that you will be fed up with every time you pick certain teams.

Real assistant coaches have also been added. And I would know since I personally witnessed Patrick Ewing sitting reluctantly on the Orlando Magic bench as he waited for someone to offer him a head-coaching job.


Association Mode

The franchise mode in NBA 2K10 is deeper than ever. 2K has included 10-day contracts, restricted free agency, the ability to control all 30 teams and NBDL integration. An optional practice mode is also available if you want to give your players a spin. And as far as under the hood things go, player progression is now based solely on playing time and performance.

To give the Association an extended life, 2K Share is also lending its hand this year. You can upload and download draft classes that can be used in your franchise. These are all fan-created, so you can have the 2010 college kids, a retro 1991 draft class or one with your entire high school graduating class. It's all up to you, and you can use a draft class for every single offseason you come across.

On the gameplay side, any franchise game can be played against an online opponent to give each game a different feel. The Association mode was a strong point in previous NBA 2K games, and this year it looks even better.

My Player

This is where your NBA career begins. If you buy the NBA 2K10: Draft Combine for $4.99 (available now for Xbox 360 and September 3 for the PS3), you have a head start cultivating your player for the pros. Once he has competed in the combine, you can upload him to the 2K server, and then when NBA 2K10 releases, you can download your player and put him right in the game. If not, you go straight to My Player mode and do not collect $200.

Both versions of the game boast more creation options than any previous NBA 2K game. The developers have added tons of sneakers from every major brand, more hair options (like Drew Gooden's patch) and you can also morph the player's face to your liking. During the creation process you also select a specific play style for your pro (for example, defensive-minded center) and signature animations, though, you individually select each of those. What that means is just because you have Rasheed Wallace's jump shot that does not mean you have his dribble or free-throw style. You can individually choose each of those, and you unlock more options as you progress and improve your ratings.

As you go about making your player better, the 2K Insider will be there to help you out if need be. So if you're a 3-point shooting small forward, it would be silly to focus on your blocking or offensive rebounding rating -- the 2K Insider knows that and he'll tell you as much.


Beyond the scrimmages, games and drills that will occur if you choose to pick up the Draft Combine, your career will actually commence at training camp in NBA 2K10. If you were drafted, you will head to that team's training camp. Otherwise, you will need to be invited by another team, assuming you get an invite at all. Each team carries 20 players in training camp, and it's your job to make it onto the final 15-man squad. Even if you make the team, you can be optioned to the NBDL to get your game up. As the season rolls along, you may be called up to the main squad to fill out the roster for an injured teammate.

If you're not signed to a team, then you will be playing with the NBDL. You can be offered two consecutive 10-day contracts during this time -- the third offer snags you a league-minimum contract for the remainder of the season. However, that's not really a big deal because unlike in the real NBA, every offseason you become a free agent; though, you might have the option to sign with your former squad if the general manager wants you back. This design choice was made to keep the user focused on the game and not bogged down with fake currency and the desire to sign a max deal.

As your player grows and develops into a veteran, his skills will not diminish. The developers felt that it would undermine the work you put into your player if your skills decreased as your career came to a close.


There were a ton of problems that were associated with the online modes in NBA 2K9. Thankfully, the developers have focused on this portion of the experience -- they have rewritten a bunch of online code in an effort to try and make sure the online portion of the game works smoothly from day one.

On top of the online issues, like I mentioned before, you can play any franchise game online. There are also no formal ranked lobbies -- there are unranked lobbies -- but you won't need to access any additional menus to play online games. Instead, you can invite your friends or play a stranger by accessing the quick-game menu right after turning the game on.

The Team-Up mode teams are still random during ranked games, though, you should have an easier time connecting with friends. You can also bring your My Player into the fold and he can join five on five street games where everyone else is a created player.

I also have to mention one little refinement that should make some people happy. After you finish a game, you can go through the replays of pretty much every play in the game -- this is no different than previous versions of the game. The nice touch is that now, instead of saving a replay and then editing it before uploading it online, you can now upload the replay right to the 2K site. It's a nice touch simply because it removes some of the busywork involved in the previous uploading process.


Closing Comments

Last year one of my main complaints about NBA 2K9 was the fact that it was missing a unique mode -- especially because Team Up mode was a mess from day one. It's still early, but it looks like the developers have at least added that big-time new mode for 2K10.

*Full disclosure: 2K paid for my one-night hotel stay and airfare during this trip. While it did not influence what I wrote here, I always think it is important to be upfront with the visitors of this site whenever possible.*

Anybody else feel like these guys are close to perfection with this game? *raises hand*
(Minor Disclaimer, most of the info has already been verified, but I thought it would be good for someone who wanted a bit more info)
Some of you cheese dudes will not like this. Word from a 2K Dev
A post made on 2K's forums:
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Honestly, though, this dunk would be REALLY IMPOSSIBLE and REALLY RARE to pull off. A lot of things have to be in place before this dunk can be even attempted. First off, all 360 dunks (and all flashy dunks for that matter) require no defenders to be within 15 feet of the dunker -- in front, to the left, and to the right.

Secondly, you have to input a 360 stick twirl in order to execute the move. In 2K9, we mapped some 360 dunks to the Flashy (RSTICK to the left of basket) command and it made them too frequent. Now, you really have to get your stick input mastered in order to pull these babies off.

Thirdly, these dunks have a low shot%. Yes, we have percentage on dunks now. You can pull off the move, but it's never a guaranteed 2 points. The more difficult the dunk, the harder it is to make them.

To the online question, no player will have these dunks in a ranked online game. They're really meant for the My Player mode and Edit Player (offline) if you wanted.
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