NBA 2K10 News Thread (The Game Is OUt)

[h2]'NBA 2K10': Bound for Greatness?[/h2] [h3]ESPN's Jon Robinson sees evidence of greatness in the upcoming "NBA 2K10"[/h3]

Comment Email Print By Jon Robinson


When the "NBA 2K10" producers announced that they were lowering the player ratings in their game across the board to better separate the superstars you cheer from the bench players doing all the cheering, all you have to do is look at Jerome James and his embarrassing 42 overall to know they weren't messing around. Other casualties of the ratings game include Adam Morrison (crashing hard to a 55 overall) and even former 2K Sports spokesman J.J. Redick, who despite showing some flashes in the postseason, drops to a 52.

But the change in attitude over the ratings isn't the only aspect 2K Sports was looking to adjust, as in speaking to the game designers, they look back to "NBA 2K7" as still being the best in franchise history. "When fans talk about 'NBA 2K,' they always go back to '2K7,'" says producer Rob Jones. "After they see what we've done with 'NBA 2K10,' they won't need to talk about any of our older games. '2K10' is going to be the game everyone talks about from now on."


All you need to do is turn on the game to realize Jones' words aren't just bold, they're dead on.

Sure, the game has all the flash and style of pre-game rituals like LeBron tossing chalk into the air and having his crew pose for photos before the game, but I've never seen a computer opponent play a smarter style of basketball than what I've experienced with "2K10" … and the game's still not finished. I recently had the chance to play the preview build on the set of the "NBA 2K10" commercial shoot in Los Angeles. The build was dated Wednesday, August 26, and I was amazed at how everything from the player spacing to the defensive rotations and the way inside shots are contested (virtual Dwight Howard, in particular, swatted virtual Gasol back to Spain) was improved upon in the franchise. 2K Sports credits its relationship with (a leading statistics and basketball analytics site), for helping producers further push everything from player tendencies to the proper positioning on court to help give "2K10" a more realistic feel. The game is now tracking 36 additional tendencies per player, breaking down not only how these players attack the basket, but how their teammates behave.

And the results are incredible.

Playing against the computer, I saw some of the most authentic ball movement I've ever seen from a CPU-controlled opponent. They were hitting cutters slashing towards the basket, setting picks away from the ball to open up shooters, playing the inside-out game to setup the three, and the post moves have been tuned to a point that would even make The Dream jealous. We're talking shimmy shakes, pump fakes, hooks, pivots, and up and unders all controlled by various taps of the right analog stick.

In fact, the overall look of the game has really been improved thanks to, of all people, the guys who helped bring you "Grand Theft Auto." That's right, 2K Sports enlisted Image Metrics, the team that did the faces in "GTA," to help add personality to its players. So now, when LeBron throws down a vicious dunk, you'll actually see him puff his cheeks in the game like he does in real life when he's strutting back up court. I even saw Jameer Nelson miss a game-winning shot against the Lakers, and as Kobe walked off towards the locker room, he had this smirk on his face like he knows he just got away with one. It might sound small, but details like this really adds to the value of the game and individuality of the players, especially if you're a hard-core hoops fan.
When fans talk about 'NBA 2K,' they always go back to '2K7.' After they see what we've done with 'NBA 2K10,' they won't need to talk about any of our older games. '2K10' is going to be the game everyone talks about from now on.
" -- "NBA 2K10" producer Rob Jones

Another improvement made to the series is one that 2K hopes will help put an end to all of the online cheesing, as it's an adjustment to how using the turbo button works. Sure, you can hold down the button to sprint up and down the court, but now, after you've been running virtual Kobe like crazy, his first turbo meter will disappear and a new meter will appear under his feet. Keep hitting turbo and you'll burn his energy to the point where he'll be so gassed, you'll be forced to call for a substitution as he just isn't making the plays you'd expect from Mamba in his tired state. Add to that the fact that in "2K10," all passes do not connect, as in, have Shaq throw a wild running pass down court to a cherry picking LeBron, and you might just watch that pass sail right out of bounds. Again, it's little gameplay tweaks like this, along with kicked balls and the ability to roll the ball up court at the end of the game to help conserve clock, that really help add a level of depth unprecedented in the virtual hoops genre.

A lot of these improvements can be attributed to the fact that Rob Jones and his team at 2K Sports captured 9,000 new animations for the game. That's more than double the number of animations they have ever even attempted to capture in previous years, as they brought in James White to mimic some of the best dunkers in the league, along with a variety of street ball legends to mimic the signature dribbles of every star. How will this translate into the game? Take a look at past games in the series. If you took a shot-by-shot animation comparison under the basket of a player like Shaq and a player like Kobe, you'd watch them shoot the ball the same way. With the additional motion-capture work that was performed, it helped expand the types of shots for all players to better encompass player types. It's no longer a one-shot-fits-all type scenario. Now everything from height to ability change the way players dribble, shoot, walk, run, block and dunk the basketball.
[h3]Why just run the break when you can run your entire franchise?[/h3]
For gamers looking to take control of their favorite team and make sure they don't select back-to-back point guards in the first round of the draft, there is Association mode. Here you play the role of GM, and for the ultimate control freaks out there, new this year is the ability to actually control all 30 teams at the same time. If you thought Danny Ainge was a busy man, try running the whole league.

But that's not the only addition as fans will be able to create and customize the entire draft class, giving them the ability to rename players and customize everything from the look to the player ratings. This gives gamers the ability to create their own Michael Jordan and enter him back in the league like he just left North Carolina. Or you can look ahead and build out future classes to keep your franchise up to date as you move on through the years. The choice is finally up to you.


According to Robinson, "2K10" has some of the most authentic ball movement he's seen from a CPU-controlled opponent.

Practices have also been added in Association so now you can finally take your team to Allen Iverson's favorite place … the practice court. Here, you can run plays and get the timing down with particular ballers in the lineup. This especially comes in handy after trading for a new player as you have the ability to practice his signature shots and see where he best fits in your lineup.

Player progression has also been enhanced. Now, just drafting a player with a big "upside" won't guarantee huge gains as far as player ratings are concerned. If you stick a rookie on the bench and never let him run with the big boys, you might just watch as he languishes around a 72 overall for the rest of his career (hey, it could be worse, he could be 42). So basically, you need to get your young guns playing time if you want them to progress and become the superstars you dream about. But what do you do if you're playing with an already stacked championship contender and don't have minutes to waste on a rookie? Never fear as you can finally send up to three players down to the D-League and even take control of those games in order to help your top picks get some valuable minutes, even if they're not against the likes of KG and D-Wade.

Finally, look for 10-day contracts, in-game saves, and restricted free agency to help add to the overall experience of taking your team to the title … or running it straight into the ground.
[h3]My Player[/h3]
If you don't care about running plays or running your own team as much as you care about creating yourself in the game and what color shoes you're going to wear, then 2K has the mode for you. It's called My Player, and fans who want to get a head start on this mode can actually download 2K's Draft Combine game online and jump in over a month before "2K10" even ships.

Basically, you'll create your own baller, decide what type of player he should be, create his look down to the color of his kicks (pink Jordans anyone?), then work your way up through summer league, training camp, the D-League, to your shot at earning valuable minutes in the NBA. Play through the Draft Combine game and your player will be better than any you can create through simply purchasing "2K10," but that advantage is definitely worth the five bucks it costs to download the game as that advantage in skill points will really pay off down the line.

And what's cool about this mode is, you're not just trying to score 50 points a game to impress the coaches. You are actually graded as how you play with your team, and if the coaches look at you as being a bad teammate (constantly calling for the ball, not passing, not playing D), then you will actually get negative skill points awarded to your character. Definitely not the way you want to start your career.

And the longer you play (you can take your character up to around age 40 before retiring), the harder your goals will become in each game. So while your first objectives might be to set three picks and score four points, you'll eventually be competing for the All Rookie Team, to get 25 career triple doubles, and even play in 1,000 career games (talk about sore thumbs).

These players can then be taken online as part of 2K's Team Up mode where up to 50 gamers can form their own crews and challenge to be the best online team around. Crews can design their own jerseys, add logos and even watch the leaderboards to see which of their players stand out as online superstars. As you play online, you'll even continue to earn progression points for your created character so you can constantly improve his game.
[h3]Scouting Report[/h3]
Even though the version of "NBA 2K10" I played was obviously still a work in progress (and featured a few weird bugs popping up throughout), I have to say, after getting just a small taste, the chance for greatness in this title is certainly evident.

Will it dethrone "2K7?" It's still a little early to tell, but I seriously haven't looked forward to a basketball game this much in years.

In fact, it looks so good, I'd even play as Jerome James.
1) hope you guys realize that all these reviewers and reporters reporting these games are good friends with all these companies and at times are paid to saygood thing...I am very skeptical to say this game will be 'perfect'

2) team-up mode still random (players) or are just the teams random? you can't have your own squad and party up? i dont get these guys, do they not knowwhat we want...seriously its really annoying, i thought they had some sort of team-up mode called 'crews'...i swear if that @!@$ is just for thestreetball crap they always do its pathetic.

3) still no lobbies? these guys are ruining the experience

the combine failed and was disappointing...i have no reason to believe this won't be as nice as all these writers who are reviewing the game aresaying...which is to boost sales...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Some of you cheese dudes will not like this. Word from a 2K Dev
A post made on 2K's forums:
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Honestly, though, this dunk would be REALLY IMPOSSIBLE and REALLY RARE to pull off. A lot of things have to be in place before this dunk can be even attempted. First off, all 360 dunks (and all flashy dunks for that matter) require no defenders to be within 15 feet of the dunker -- in front, to the left, and to the right.

Secondly, you have to input a 360 stick twirl in order to execute the move. In 2K9, we mapped some 360 dunks to the Flashy (RSTICK to the left of basket) command and it made them too frequent. Now, you really have to get your stick input mastered in order to pull these babies off.

Thirdly, these dunks have a low shot%. Yes, we have percentage on dunks now. You can pull off the move, but it's never a guaranteed 2 points. The more difficult the dunk, the harder it is to make them.

To the online question, no player will have these dunks in a ranked online game. They're really meant for the My Player mode and Edit Player (offline) if you wanted.
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Originally Posted by MetroKid26

And What does a brother gotta do to get some 2k10 PSP info??
It's more than likely it'll be a port of 2K9 for the PS2 with updated rosters.

Nobody cares about the PSP or PS2 version of 2K10, that's why there's no information on them.
My dude in NBA 2K10 Draft Combine is sorry than a mutha. And he's still almost averaging a double-double.
Originally Posted by raptors29

My dude in NBA 2K10 Draft Combine is sorry than a mutha. And he's still almost averaging a double-double.
My player averaged 20.3 points, 10.3 rebounds and 2 blocks per game. Once you get a hang of the game you get busy on them combine lames.
Originally Posted by copped

1) hope you guys realize that all these reviewers and reporters reporting these games are good friends with all these companies and at times are paid to say good thing...I am very skeptical to say this game will be 'perfect'

2) team-up mode still random (players) or are just the teams random? you can't have your own squad and party up? i dont get these guys, do they not know what we want...seriously its really annoying, i thought they had some sort of team-up mode called 'crews'...i swear if that @!@$ is just for the streetball crap they always do its pathetic.

3) still no lobbies? these guys are ruining the experience

the combine failed and was disappointing...i have no reason to believe this won't be as nice as all these writers who are reviewing the game are saying...which is to boost sales...

You know damn well you're still gonna buy this game no matter what they do..

So stop with your yapping..
I seriously think this game is going to be the best sports game of the year, even though that's not saying much since Madden is a disappointment, but 2Klooks to be pulling out all the stops for the 10th Anniversary. Can't wait for the demo to drop.
Originally Posted by copped

1) hope you guys realize that all these reviewers and reporters reporting these games are good friends with all these companies and at times are paid to say good thing...I am very skeptical to say this game will be 'perfect'

2) team-up mode still random (players) or are just the teams random? you can't have your own squad and party up? i dont get these guys, do they not know what we want...seriously its really annoying, i thought they had some sort of team-up mode called 'crews'...i swear if that @!@$ is just for the streetball crap they always do its pathetic.

3) still no lobbies? these guys are ruining the experience

the combine failed and was disappointing...i have no reason to believe this won't be as nice as all these writers who are reviewing the game are saying...which is to boost sales...
Job Robinson works for ESPN, which is featured in NBA Live.
Reading all the news and previews is getting all hyped up for this forth coming October.
A Sneeky Peeky of some 2k10 gameplay footage

My take: Player spacing is quite impressive, and the game's pacing is slowed down greatly, I going to have to get used to limited turbo I can't front

Draft Combine Starting Attribute Analysis

First off, thanks to the guy who made this spreadsheet (sorry I can't remember who you are, and the googledocs site doesn't show author!!) Feel free to stand up and take the credit if you see this though!!

What I have done is use that guy's spreadsheet and totaled up all of the different position/type combinations so everyone can see the positions/types that start off with the most attribute points.

For every position the "Athletic" type starts off with the most points allocated. The only exception is the Center which doesn't have athletic as an option, in this case the "Faceup" type starts off with the most points.

Also interesting (but pretty obvious due to 2K stating that taller players will have a harder time gaining stats due to the height advantage) is that the highest points total comes from the athletic PG.

Whether this will actually affect the players rating in the long run I don't know, especially as stat increases become harder to afford as the ratings increase, the lower rated positions will close the gap to some extent. It seems though, that the PG's and SG's will always be that one step ahead in terms of skills (which does seem to be pretty realistic). Hopefully 2K have the balance right between height and skill development, otherwise we may have a ton of short PG and SG tearing it up early and a ton of 7"5 guys dominating everything later on once they start getting their stats up.
Originally Posted by knightngale

The Team-Up mode teams are still random during ranked games



Sitting in a party with friends trying to get into the same game and then having no assurance that you'll be on the same team FTL.
By: 2K Joel | Thursday September 03 2009
Hey Fans,

For NBA 2K10, my fellow audio team and I decided that our audio presentation needed to be a major point of emphasis. We really wanted to take the broadcast feel of the audio integration to the next level.

To that end, we overhauled our commentary and crowd, which we believe makes NBA 2K10 one of the most realistic audio experiences in sports games. New dialogue for the NBA Today feature reflects the dynamics of the real-NBA season, providing a level of context never experienced before.


While we always added to the commentary on a yearly basis, we needed a way to bring out more of the talent's personality while delivering natural dialogue. It was time for a reboot.

One of the main complaints about previous versions of NBA2K was that Kevin and Clark didn't have a connection and didn't sound like they were in the booth together. The problem was simple-they weren't. This year, we were able to get them in the booth at the same time, livening up the performances and providing a more natural cadence that comes through on broadcast.

To help with the side-by-side feel, we brought over a new conversational system from MLB 2K that is peppered throughout the game: Return to Topic. For example, Clark Kellogg might mention a team getting outhustled on the boards, and after a few play-by-play calls, Kevin and Clark will return to the topic, expanding upon the rebounding conversation. One of the Return to Topic segments weaved into the action is called game trend analysis: discussions of statistical trends throughout the game and making quarter-to-quarter comparisons. After an in-game conversation or breakdown, Kevin will also follow up with a play call that catches you up on the action: "So now it's Orlando on offense, following the 3 pointer by Kobe. . ."

Next, we needed to make the season come alive with our new NBA Today feature, calling out the details that help put the particular game in context of the season. NBA Today is discussed in a previous Insight. You'll hear a totally new approach to the introduction sequence, breaks in the action, and our in-game play-by-play and color analysis flow.

Our broadcast introduction has been completely overhauled, bringing a fresh vibe to the game, while debuting many of our new NBA Today elements. Kevin Harlan will set the stage, pointing out streaking or lagging teams and players, injuries, and trades, while Clark Kellogg provides the analysis of the teams and explains why they're playing well or why they're struggling.

During breaks in the action, Kevin and Clark will go Around the League and provide scoring updates from the NBA, discuss leaders for all the major stats, update you on conference standings, including playoff seeding and game implications, and deliver single game promotions of upcoming NBA games, including the All-Star game.

During the action, the play-by-play commentary is interspersed with real-life facts that touch on how the players and teams are doing during the season and how they played in their last outing. You'll hear Kevin and Clark discuss a team's previous win or loss, and what the determining factors were in that game. We also recap the last matchup between the two teams, for example mentioning Detroit won by 3 points last time they played the Knicks earlier in the year. When two teams meet up for the first time in the season, Kevin and Clark break down last year's season series, and will also recap the outcome of a playoff encounter between the two teams. Other bits of information are included recognizing a player's recent performance such as Lebron James coming off a 38 point game against Denver, or the fact that Dwight Howard had an off-night in Orlando's loss to the Celtics in the previous game.

We've also included a "Keys to the Game" segment, which is built into our NBA Today feature. Clark Kellogg will discuss a team or player's trends going into the game and point out streaks and slumps that are occurring in the real life NBA season or in your Association. Clark has a large amount of new dialogue this year, and is much more involved throughout the broadcast. I think you guys will like Clark's input much more this year.

In all, we've added over twenty-thousand new lines of dialogue this year in support of our new commentary systems. Kevin and Clark were fantastic as always, providing valuable insight and helping to bring these new systems to life. The dialogue in NBA 2K10 is a major step toward delivering natural broadcast commentary.

Crowd and Arena

This year we wanted to provide a more dynamic and varied approach to the crowd systems. We wanted big moments to stand out more from the lower energy points in a game. We rewrote the logic and the crowd behaves much more realistically, thanks to this peaks and valleys concept.

You can also expect to hear more detailed crowd behavior that appropriately follows the action. Whether it's thundering applause as the coach for the away team calls a timeout to stop a run, or deafening silence when Kobe nails a dagger into the hopes of the Orlando fans as he drains a three. Of course, if you're playing especially poorly, the crowd will let you hear that as well. Anticipation is a big part of the crowd experience. If you're lining up a three-point shot with Hedo Turkoglu, you can hear the electricity in the arena build up, and then explode into cheers if he knocks it down.

Every year we try to deepen the arena specific experience. For 2K10, we've expanded on our arena specific crowd chants and PA music selections so that every arena has a sound of its own, including stadium specifc organ sounds for common themes like the defense chants at Staples Center. Each arena has unique PA dialogue too which makes you feel like you're there. For example, at the Palace of Auburn Hills you'll hear the familiar call and response between the PA announcer and the crowd: "DEE-troit BASKETBALL!". You'll also hear the response "Mellow! Mellow!" after Carmello Anthony scores, and when the PA announcer calls out "Jose Calderon for 3!", the crowd chimes in with "Unos!, Dos!, Tres!"- adding a touch of realism of being amidst the Raptors fans in Toronto.

We've also added intelligent crowd chatter with individual voices commenting on the action and the flow of the game. They'll yell about players being open, what they thought about a shot or play, or just generally whoop it up.


2K Sports holds to the long-standing reputation of bringing an eclectic mix of breaking and established artists to its gaming audience with NBA 2K10's soundtrack. No doubt that this is the biggest soundtrack to ever grace a 2K Sports game- both in terms of the number of tracks, and the star power of the artists represented. The full list is below (* denotes tracks that are available to download for free here):

Ace Hood - Top of the World
Adam Tensta - My Cool
Akala - The Edge
Al Kapone - Rock This
Chali2na - Lock it Down (Instrumental)
Chali2na - International (feat. Beenie Man)
Donnie Bravo - Run Away *
Duo Live - Shootin
Flo Rida - ROOTS
Iglu & Hartly - In this City
Illinois - Hang On
Izza Kizza - They're Everywhere *
K'naan - Wavin' the Flag
Kanye West - Amazing
Kenan Bell - Like This
Matisyahu - One Day
Metric - Help I'm Alive
Metronomy - Radio Ladio
MGMT - Electric Feel
Mike Snow - Black & Blue
Naïve New Breeders - Can't Choose
Ratatat - Falcon Jab
Ratatat - Mirando
Saul Williams - List of Demands (Reparations)
Sportsrushaz - Iron
The Game - Champion (Exclusive and original track)
The Moog - Joyclad Armies
Vincent Van Go Go - Do You Know

As you can clearly see from the above, the soundtrack offers more hits than ever before with some of the hip-hop highlights include "Amazing" by Kanye West, "R.O.O.T.S." from Flo Rida, "One Day" by Matisyahu, and "Top of the World" by Ace Hood just to name a few. And we've also included a huge selection in the indie & rock categories, as Ratatat, MGMT, and Iglu and Hartly are also some of the emerging acts represented on the soundtrack. And of course, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention our original track by The Game. The Game, who by the way was #1 on PS3 NBA 2K9 leaderboards last time I checked and a winner of Team 2K, created an awesome track called "Champion" for 2K10. He is pretty pumped to be on the soundtrack as he stated recently, "I've been a beast at NBA 2K for years, I was #1 on the PS3 leaderboards, and challenge anybody online to go up against me," said The Game. "When 2K Sports hit me to drop a new track for NBA 2K10, I knew I had to do it."

End of the Road

I know a lot of you have been asking us for this and NBA 2K10 delivers. For the first time, you can import your personal music and have it played through the PA system on your XBOX 360. I haven't been able to touch on every new audio feature that we have in store for you. Hopefully, you're as excited about the new features as we are here at 2K. We're working hard to break some new ground in sports game audio, but I think we're just starting to scratch the surface of what's possible. Enjoy!


- Joel Simmons
Audio Lead
^ Goldmember I swear you ALWAYS beat me to the punch

Audio stepped it up BIG TIME this year, my goodness these guys are working hard for my 60$
Finished reading it from 2ksports and noticed it wasn't posted here yet so yea...

Yea man.. they're really trying hard to improve everything from last year.. can't wait..
The Game, who by the way was #1 on PS3 NBA 2K9 leaderboards last time I checked and a winner of Team 2K, created an awesome track called "Champion" for 2K10. He is pretty pumped to be on the soundtrack as he stated recently, "I've been a beast at NBA 2K for years, I was #1 on the PS3 leaderboards, and challenge anybody online to go up against me," said The Game. "When 2K Sports hit me to drop a new track for NBA 2K10, I knew I had to do it."
played this fool twice before, his PSN is L-A-X, all he does is cheese with kobe, no skill at all.
Originally Posted by Wings90

Originally Posted by knightngale

The Team-Up mode teams are still random during ranked games


Sitting in a party with friends trying to get into the same game and then having no assurance that you'll be on the same team FTL.

but they have a feature called crew mode....where you can get 4 of your friends on your team to ball against other players
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