NBA 2K10 News Thread (The Game Is OUt)

look at all the suggested problems they are gonna try to work on...

Community Suggested Tweaks
Defensive Assist needs toning down
Autosave Settings and Association- Coach, Camera, Online, etc.
My Player Duplication
Team-Up 5 player slot bug
My Player/Association Developmental Drills Glitch
My Player Minutes
My Player Pick-UP Games Drop Connection
AI Jump Passes
Players Stopping on Fast Break Passes
Tone down lead pass in lane / Defensive Awareness in Lane needs increase
PS3 Freeze in T-Mobile and Keys of Game Loading Screens
Too many Alley-oops
Referee inbound issues
Stepping backwards from three point line when setting up on a pass
Broadcast Camera in My Player
Fix charges - backwards and spin move charges
Increase Online Difficulty Level or Create Ranked Lobby Tiers
Fix Shot Stick - Shot Releases
Show Opponents Stats in Ranked Games
Shooting percentages too high (?)
Defensive Openings with ball movement
Stuck animations on play calls
FRAMERATE - End of Quater/Timeouts
Association online freezing
Difficult to sub people in online
Too much cherry picking
Timeouts subtract weirdly...
Headbands going with home/team colors instead of custom
Sometimes a made dunk will seem like it never happened
Option to turn off fatigue online
Freezing with 2K Share, Who's Online, Team Up
Zone Defense Spacing
DPad with On the Fly Coaching is too quick
Tone down offensive rebounding on free throws
5th game freeze during summer circuit in My Player
Camera on first free throw shot is often weird
Walk The Dog
Morale Attribute in Association is too strong
Clipping on the Dunk Contest
Lack of force field on out of bounds (?)
Contracts in Association to Large - Sit in Free Agency
Back Court is too easy to have happen
More contact in paint
NBA Today Overlays stick on screen too long sometimes
Assist window lasts too long
Color red is off in game
Increase Playoff Atmosphere
Retired Player Jerseys in My Player

I agree that some things need to be patched, but some of this is bordering on nitpicking,
or people just complaining because they haven't figured out how to do something.
dont know if this was posted but here you go

[h1]2K Sports Indicates NBA 2K10 Patch Coming in Two Weeks[/h1]
By Owen Good, 8:00 PM on Thu Oct 8 2009, 476 views (Edit, to draft, Slurp)
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Framerate and connectivity issues haveplagued NBA 2K10 since its release dateTuesday, and 2K Sports have put out wordthat they are working to put out an update fast and correct multiplayer issues even faster.

Many have complained of bad framerate issues that some say render the game almost unplayable, although I myself have not encountered it. That said, some ofthe problem may involve multiplayer games - which I and many others have found difficult if not impossible to connect to over the past two days. The problemsseem mostly to involve the Xbox 360version.

"We're diligently working on a game update for NBA 2K10. Our primary focus is on addressing the framerate issues and online concerns that are beingreported," says 2K Sports forum admin SimBaller. "In addition to this, we are planning to address a number of other issues that you have reported tous."

The patch 2K Sports plans to roll sounds like it will be available by the end of next week, as that's when SimBaller says he will "be publishing afull list of all the issues fixed in the patch. I'm confident you will be more than satisfied with the changes we are making to every aspect of thegame."

Players have complained of black screens and freezes. Some complain of a framerate degradation that renders the game almost unplayable. Others say the itdrops noticeably during cutscenes and spots in the game where a lot of players are clustered together.

I've been playing the game this week and find the framerate drops noticeably - but not to an unplayable degree - when I get into camera angles with aton of people on the screen - crowd shots after timeouts, huge traffic jams in the lane, that sort of thing.

As far as multiplayer, that is its own set of problems. Pasta Padre's sports blog has mentioned troubles on the 2K server involving very problematic lagor the inability to connect to the 2K Sports server which some haveexperienced over the past two days, myself included.

If any of this concerns you, head on over and make yourself heard. But it's definitely not the kind of forum post 2K Sports would rather read in thisgames launch week.

NBA 2K10 Game Update - READ POST 1 and 2, REOPENING TOMORROW [2K Sports Forums]

from kotaku
Damn do they test the game before it comes out.
Does the draft combine have all these problems? I just downloaded it I know I'm kind of late but anybody got any tips while I'm doing the combine howdo u end up going in the first round?
thats alot of patches .. im all for it tho

should some of these problems been confronted before realease? yes !

but at the same time there arent the amount of testers than = the amount of actual people who buy the game and give it a run
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by lysolflow

Originally Posted by ng72687

Originally Posted by jretro23

the lead passing online is worse than last year

worse? as in.. unstoppable worse? or worse as in cant lead pass through players anymore.

i played some douche on 2k9 who ran the same play with the magic everytime down the floor. the play led dwight howard underneath the basket everytime, he ended up with 78 points with dwight howard, 0 points with no one else. lead passing is pretty much unstoppable

haha... i was playin the hornets earlier and Emeka Okafor and David West combined for 60 points... i thought it was just Chris paul's uncanny ability to pass thru human bodies...

but... atleast it wasnt just me... lucked up and got the dub, though... he ran outta pause-time and i took the win...

3-1 record... wooo weee... i'm suprised i got that many games complete... lol...

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by lysolflow

lemme ask yall a question...

if i already copped the game... is there any sense in me buyin the draft combine?

soooo... the draft combine is the same as the stuff on the game?... can i still get drafted and all that stuff?
basically... i want to know how to upload my player from draft combine to 2k10

^^^ no boy.. shut up... dont even know what you talkin about... smh....

that's ridiculous... i mean... the game came out tuesday, and even if you got it early, it wasnt really alot of people online to play.... 120 games... eachgame takes a MINIMUM of 30 minutes to play... 3,600 minutes...

60 hours of gameplay?... in a week?... that's a solid 2 and a half days... of playin 2k10... outta a 7 day week... lol...


by the way.... 6-0... guess they aint count one of my losses... holla back...

anyways... i look on the leaderboards and they got some cats who have played 120 games... 120 games....
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

How does a patch for 360 work? Never used one.
once you have XBLIVE and your connected .. when the game is loaded in the very beginning it will prompt you to download the latest update
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

I agree that some things need to be patched, but some of this is bordering on nitpicking,
or people just complaining because they haven't figured out how to do something.

Na Ive had a couple of those things happen
2K slacking
that list was too much

The dunk thing happened to me
Kobe slammed it, Dampier caught it underneath the basket and then sent it up court for a fast break
Needless to say I took the game off.

I tried to get online the game froze
Shot stick is non existant
U can lead pass all game
Framerate issues

I called one timeout the game went from 7 to 4

Freethrows have the Gatorade thing in front of you so you cant see your man

AI helps too much even with the on the fly and my controller options down
4 instance I was defending with Fisher and switching between him and Ron to defend a pick and roll with Jameer and Rashad, Kobe (without any input from me,mind u) takes it upon himself to turn around and try to come to my side and help and leaves VC open for a 3

If its on HOF its supposed to be genuinely hard, the AI isnt supposed to be stupid
played my first online game , used the warriors, beat the nuggets in a TIGGHHHTTT game 78-76. Monta with the game winner
maaaan... i'm playin a straight up punk...

soon as i shoot he snowbirds to the other end for the layup.... WHAT DO I DO QUICK
Originally Posted by lysolflow

maaaan... i'm playin a straight up punk...

soon as i shoot he snowbirds to the other end for the layup.... WHAT DO I DO QUICK
Take better shots... Drive or use pick and roll.
If you score it gives your men time to get back.
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by lysolflow

maaaan... i'm playin a straight up punk...

soon as i shoot he snowbirds to the other end for the layup.... WHAT DO I DO QUICK
Take better shots... Drive or use pick and roll.
If you score it gives your men time to get back.

BRO.... he is being so super g a y right now... everytime?... come on now... that makes no sense...

and i'm down by 18 in the second... everytime i get to the rack, he got three 7 footers contesting and i miss...
Originally Posted by lysolflow

BRO.... he is being so super g a y right now... everytime?... come on now... that makes no sense...

and i'm down by 18 in the second... everytime i get to the rack, he got three 7 footers contesting and i miss...
What team has 3 7 footers
I'm having a hard time playing this game. I hit turbo and they run at the same speed. I can't block shots like I used to on 2k9, Vince Carter isthrowing up 3's against me and he can't miss. I'm not saying the game is bad yet but it's kind of frustrating. On the other hand, I can'tseem to get myself to buy Live just because there are other games coming out.
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