***NBA 2k9 Xbox 360 League 18 teams Fantasy draft*** (Replacements needed for Rockets!!)

Packer game.

How did you end up with the first pick, your the last person i wanna deal with who has kobe or lebron lol

Are we able to trade draft picks?
F' 2K9

my disc is crazy...like it lags online and now when i try to play a game online it shows my psn 3 times,, so 2 players on my team are not moving it sucks loldoes anyone know how to fix this??

its like a love hate relationship dont turn this into a ps3 360 war lol...i have a wii and a ps3 and my roomate got the xbox so its all love with the consoleshaha
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

oh, yeah you live in Green Bay? it must be freeezing

Nah Milwaukee, hell no i wouldnt live in greenbay
Damn, I'm already anxious to play.

Anyone wanna play after, add Mavs to your schedule.
Nets are going to be happy to get Yao. I feel like a cheater whenever I use him so I didn't pick him.
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